Hey everyone, I'v just come up with a wako theory!
You know the commandment 'Thou shalt not eat pig', well heres what REALLY happened.
Well, apes didn't evolve, infact Pigs were the ones who evolved! Then they grew in wisdom until they discovered almost all the secrets of the universe. But they wanted to see how everything would have gone if Apes would have evolved!, so they went back to time and planted a sample of themselves in a few mating apes, and then went back to the present. However, if any pig was killed in the past, then that would mean that in whatever form they had evlolved into in the future, one of them would be killed!So to protect themselves they passed on the commandment 'Thou shalt not eat pig'!
What do thou people think?
By the way, what do you guyz make of this?: This sentence is a lie.
Hmmmm, if it's a lie, then it must be true, but if it is true, then it must be a lie, but if it is a lie then.......
An infinite loop I would think.