Is it just me or are people becoming increasingly simple, stupid and ignorant? Has the whole concept... |
24 Posts 5640 Views |
Most people I have found believe that the number 23 and the so called "conspiracies" that... |
5 Posts 2990 Views |
I've been stumbling on some very interesting videos tonight and something clicked in my head. w... |
11 Posts 2885 Views |
Today I have subconsciously, but not unwillingly, enveloped myself in a series of questions that I d... |
6 Posts 2366 Views |
Can anyone tell me in detail about this or refer me to a good source about this? I'm doing a re... |
3 Posts 2789 Views |
Im quite new to the whole "forum thing" so someone tell me if I'm out of line or too... |
59 Posts 15366 Views |
Center of the Universe theory
-by Anirudh Bhatnagar
Here, I wish to propose a theory which will... |
2 Posts 2303 Views |
I just want to see some opinions on this subject or some evidence on why or why not. My personal opi... |
9 Posts 3191 Views |
I've been thinking lately.. [something I do too much of.] and I was wondering, what do you guys... |
6 Posts 2511 Views |
Hey and whatsup... im new to these forums and i just wanted to ask you guys a question.
Do you... |
9 Posts 2949 Views |
What about stewardship?
Stewardship-- the conducting, supervising, or managing of something... th... |
4 Posts 3324 Views |
Surely we are very far from moving to a new habitable planet, but the thought crossed my mind. Would... |
2 Posts 1843 Views |
I've noticed that everyone at our intellectual level seems to think they're an elitist. Wh... |
37 Posts 9525 Views |
i was with some friends a while back and we got into an argument about how time got started-- here i... |
8 Posts 9025 Views |
ive heard of tons of different consciouses. From the Occultist "superconscious" to the col... |
5 Posts 3095 Views |
A letter for HOPE
(Helping other peoples experience)
In the past year, I have undertook variou... |
1 Posts 3983 Views |
How much time do you spend watching TV? It seems to me that with the advent of I Pods and laptops we... |
11 Posts 2819 Views |
okay okay, thought of the day and my first post. What would you defin evil as and what is the distin... |
19 Posts 6455 Views |
Seems to be the new thing to say fear is an evil; or even evil itself. Now, I can see that this make... |
16 Posts 7264 Views |
There is a beginnig and an end to everything? there is a beginning to our lives as is an end but wha... |
28 Posts 7249 Views |
My daughter looked down in her lap where the shiny object (toy) was - and then back up at myself and... |
13 Posts 3403 Views |
hey everyone. ive been through a lot of things and most of you probably have as well. but there is o... |
30 Posts 8332 Views |
Furie's theory on... everything
This is just something I thought of and have come to belive that... |
39 Posts 10652 Views |
How do you deal with a dead person's absence? They are not there anymore. You won't see th... |
9 Posts 3403 Views |
I was talking to Chiron recently and we somehow go onto the subject of Christopher Reeve and the iro... |
4 Posts 2196 Views |