Thank you
Ironwood and
KG-nonvirgin for engaging in a debate... I truly believe differences are the building blocks of peace, understanding ect. Differences often identify areas where dialogue needs to exist and often isn't there to be had...
So we are already the Meritorious-unforgotten ones, because we practice this ancient art of dialogue, or debate.
Zyphon, thank you for the comment: Also for the oppurtunity
not to interrupt the other two
because I can respond to you until they reach a logical conclusion... and then we can advance our 'building blocks' in the direction of their bridge(s)...
Discrimination - it is a practice present in every field of endeavor... the scientist will use "Akham's Razor" - a mental exercise which parallels the Scientific Method...
This device helps limit the tendency to err as an solitary-thinker by tempering leaps of logic with a standard for such logical leaps... (outside of hope and faith it's a safety net)
Using it is
humbling, which helps define the strength of one'self, one's thoughts ect. ect. ect.
Humble taken as a strength because, you can only see the stength of something once it is placed
under a weight... (en' garde)
Solomon said: "Wisdom and Folly... between wisdom and folly, wisdom is
better than folly, but when you weigh them on the 'scales' they weigh the same."
This from one of the premier if not the best Judge ever to sit over the people of that storyline...
Proverbs - his book of wisdom - is applicable in everyday life... and the proof is in the pudding.
The main problem I have found with certain 'brands' of wisdom is the reference point of the
reader in relation to the reference point of the "
author".. (nothing new under the flaming ball of gas)
So if Donald Trump's school of thought is foriegn to most, it isn't a surprise, because his reality is a foriegn experience to most as well...
Just because of the inability of a mass to "get it", we don't empty the man/woman's bank account or call it criminal...
But MANY of us are judgemental - extremly so when we encounter the new, original, unheard of... even more so when the revelation is one that is fantastic.
You may have heard someone say of a very wealthy person;
"How did he get
all that, he
must have done something
The shelter for a Farmer who witnesses a UFO is twofold...
One - I don't know everything, all I am admitting is
I can't identify what I saw... who could hold that against me?
Two - You can't call me crazy for not knowing what I saw
In many variations the list goes on and on of course, but in a circle.. the pattern is obviously
avoidence possibly rising from a lack of desire for technical knowledge, or "book learning" - because most know, that, all any of us needs to learn a subject, is the
interest and the oppurtunity.
because if he had any brains in the rural area where he's been raised.. the real genius is expressed by one's ability to deal with the soi, land and the animals... and run a profitable or balanced business of it too.
To do so any of us would have to integrate several disciplines at once, and that's no "dumb" hick...
So by relating to productivity, I cannot condone escapism... so a lazy body on the farm, may be able to split atoms with his ideas...
Maybe the farm isn't the place for that one to see their potential affect the community positively - to see a fish as itself you have to come to terms with the fact that you "cant free a fish from water"
In the act of judging the judgemental ones, you have to become what you distaste...
conclusive "Equal" success can be derrived from a number of experiences in any type of country... and you're right Race is not intergral to mental exercises... but being a relative, and having relationships and relativity.... you must be able to communicate
Or there can only be an
incidental relationship... with very little depth or character to it , you know, limited
.. and the influence upon one another will become more and more physical, or if you will, ...
material Everyone has our basic needs due to the nature that man is developed into, that is in most every country (with no exception I can concieve of that is).
My father says that Knowledge can be had at any age.. it is simply the "know how" to do a thing
But Wisdom is knowing how
not to do it...
A safe harbor for some is to negate the
value of that which is
not in their possesion...
I am glad you did not do that... for if such a thing as wisdom did exist, then who in their right frame of mind would say they don't want
Because it is not EASY to attain towards, most forgoe the
journey whenever another option/opinion exists that will free them from the labor.
That is limit.
A person "blazin" a trail in the jungle or forest or across the tundra, doesn't get more than a direction...
no map - others will follow him/her and make a map for
themselves... but a trailblazer doesn't need one in order to set out on the journey of life.
Life is a journey not a destination... We're all headed the same place for sure... graves
That's enough destination for me - determined by outside authority
Individuality exists among us... many do conform and sacrifice individuality (their possesion) in order to conform.
It's even necessary at times to subdue the effect of one's own individuality upon his/her own thoughts and behavior so that communities can thrive... we're not alone
Equality exists in scientific theory and mental exercises and should hardly ever be used addressing humans... bank accounts yeah - and that's math/science - humans?...not even with clones... the "SAME" is equal which is to say
- 1 - If it's the same then there is no difference
Unbelieveable - A quarter mile track at any school proves this readily, there's a first and a last place, and not just because we say so
Off topic? No because as
Ironwood, I know there are infinite variations of "genius" - including Physical Genius.
It's not sufficient to strip people of their differences in verbage while it remains in reality... What if the very difference someone "strips" from you is the fulcrum upon which your entire line of logic is balanced?
So Race matters and it doesn't...
Racism is an accusation that defends itself once it is out of the accusor's mouth. It is the hidden hand of cowardly and lazy intellects holding back the flood of the
Shakespear wrote more about power struggles than Love.
Ironwood intimates in his response - (I paraphrase) - Culture can negate much of the effectiveness of Psychology and Psychotherapy and I.Q. tests, if not
factored in when we deliberate.
Any person who refuses to come to a conclusion and occupy a defined position, is most likely afraid of being located for a reply or retaliation... Judgement is judged... that's why a judge can be fired.
Notice - I addressed you as if to imply that I believe: you would understand the depth of my thoughts on the issue, because age means very little... that is
Respect... a subject for a later "string"