Tagged > What makes women superficial |
Accidental Effect Vs Intended Effect
3 Posts • 3730 Views Psychology Forum |
In the middle of my sit and think time, the time I was just enjoying only moments before I bagen battling with this intense feeling of, "watch what you say" I stumbled across an anomoly is c... |
Atheism & AgnosticismScared to be atheist
22 Posts • 6259 Views Religion Forum |
her :)
i think its easy to fall into the trap of chosing 'the right religion' as opposed to seeking god from the little we know about him.. remember religion in itself is man made... as i... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32683 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Uh, I wasn't there, thankfully you were, I've heard of the missiles just as I've heard of us purposefully illegally invading airspace to provoke enemies, don't be a puppet. Y... |
Child & Family PsychologyHow To Get Over My Mother
3 Posts • 2891 Views Psychology Forum |
Up until about 7 years ago I thought my mother was an angel, that she was like my dearest friend, that she more than anyone else in the world cared about me and that we shared a special bond.
Sinc... |
GovernmentThe Federal Patriot--22 October 2004
15 Posts • 4045 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
God, where do you find such ignorant and bias dribble. Hiding any parts of a persons past that can be seen as disagreable by the public is a must for any politician hoping to take office, you say they... |
30 Posts • 9501 Views Talk Talk |
It's been quite a while since I was last here, thought I'd pop by to see how these threads are doing. I have to pass comment, I can see that I still have a very tall mountain to climb.
To... |
SocietyExcerpt: From a wife and a mother and AN ANGRY MARINE
6 Posts • 3067 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I will say one thing. Rebuilding Iraq Is not the United States Job. That's precisely why I didn't Join the Army 3 years ago. I scored like a 92 on the asvab...Not sure how hard that is or an... |
Relativity:The miracle of movement
24 Posts • 6156 Views Philosophy Forum |
If an object is moving one-thing must be unmoving to make movement possible. That is space! If our perception is a reflection of the world, then what we perceive as movement is an illusion. Are we not... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 41964 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Whether these truths stem from your personal experiences, something you have read, or simple mathematical odds, it's important to weight all your conclusions and premises with the statistic... |
SocietyFreedom of Speech + The Free Enterprise System = Brain Washed America
3 Posts • 2896 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Have you heard the rumor about the Democratic party not doing enough to educate the people about Alito. Well let me fill you in on a fact - the public media is owned by right wing conservatives who ma... |
Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15520 Views Philosophy Forum |
"truth is relative to the standard you use,"
your opinion of truth..is relative to the standard you use.
..which is why you must rid yourself of opinion.
"Majority does not... |
Art AppreciationSo called "art"
13 Posts • 6092 Views Art Forum |
This sort of thing makes me sick. I cant believe how these pompous fucks can stand around pretending to be interested in art -which is supossed to be about exploring emotions- while showing one of the... |
57 Posts • 10323 Views Talk Talk |
Xloobyloox, you already have the right idea about the diet thing by choosing healthy over radical.
But there's another aspect that's far more insidious than eating chocolate cake, and it... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24836 Views Religion Forum |
To avoid the lacking clarity on the definition of atheist in the header statement, I feel, anyone who makes claims of factual reality one way or the other when they actually do not know, is illogical.... |
Sexual PsychologyMasturbation, Inhibition, Desires and Sex
0 Posts • 3405 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I think I still masturbate for self exploration. But, only if its at a time when I can't explore myself in a more deep level with my lover.
For all of my study of feeling shameful or guilty af... |
War & TerrorismA War Against Iran Would Be For Israel
3 Posts • 2398 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
After years of denial, I've concluded that I'm hopelessly anti-Semitic. Why? It's my terrible attitude. Not only do I disdain U.S. militarism in the Middle East, but I've identifie... |
4 Posts • 3634 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Communism has stamped its mark on the 20th century-a mark of aggression and cruelty, bloodshed and tears. Historians have estimated that its ideology has caused the death of 120 million people since t... |
Please read
15 Posts • 3569 Views Philosophy Forum |
IM going to try and simplify and elaborate.
Its because we are confined to our minds and bodies-(one influencing the other and so on infinitaly.)
that we will never escape "choice".... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122552 Views Religion Forum |
Hello awakeningmystic! As per your question, every time you log onto Captain Cynic to read, write, rant or whatever, you will see the Edit/Delete link at the bottom of all your posts. I'm guessin... |
Emotions & FeelingsGags with every breath / This world brings me down / I'm looking forward to death
8 Posts • 3374 Views Psychology Forum |
In my brief thread on my depression here on CC (http://www.captaincynic.com/t hread/89022/depression.htm) I mentioned that "when I get upset about something... I get upset about everything".... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63633 Views Religion Forum |
For your own research for answers, let's look at the bang theory.
Here you have a huge bang, without a catalyst, because even a catalyst has to have an origin, so let's assume, logically, t... |
124 Posts • 33468 Views Talk Talk |
This is a terrible week. It has always been a terrible week in my life. Normally (in typical male fashion) I pay no attention to dates or times at all, but for as long as I can remember there has been... |
28 Posts • 7102 Views Philosophy Forum |
Jesus didnt alleviate the world of pain, he didnt free us from sin let alone ALL sin. He died for our sins so that we may be forgiven for them. Pain still exists. He died so we could make mistakes and... |
10 Posts • 4302 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Ok trying to curb bias, being a bit of an artist of various forms I happen to be a big Brad fan, no he's not the all around best actor, but as one person put it the most soulful, there is extreme... |
A Real 30 Year Old Virgin
19 Posts • 7775 Views Talk Talk |
I don't see that its so strange. Yes certainly some one to lazy to support him self might be considered pathetic but there are other reasons one might live with ones parents. For starters what ab... |