Tagged > What makes women superficial |
Do you ever get tired of being the nice guy?
15 Posts • 5566 Views Talk Talk |
Jac, at 14 you dont have a clue to what being "the nice guy" is all about. You prolly get flustered still when you get a hard on.
now whats gotten in to you? snappen at each other. and i... |
Relationships & LoveForgiveness
8 Posts • 3262 Views Psychology Forum |
Forgiveness and the ability to forgive is a blessing. It is a blessing in that it makes you feel better and yes also the people around you better and happier. HOWEVER!! It can be seen also as a curse.... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132030 Views Philosophy Forum |
And it violates the 'human rights' of free choice. The unborn child is 'forced' into this
existence – the 'choice' is made by the parents without consent of the unborn child.
There is no way of... |
Relationships & LoveMen and Women don't want the same things, so why bother?
14 Posts • 6108 Views Psychology Forum |
Full of expectations, and intoxicated by the alchemy of attraction, we approach the opposite sex in a dream world. And, all discernment buried beneath painful yearnings, neither sex gets their wishes... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42159 Views Religion Forum |
Not to interrupt the discussion as to point out something that I saw for the first time and it struck me as a little odd.
In the Lakota traditions, the supreme power resides in the form of Wakan Tank... |
Scapegoating Human Nature
7 Posts • 4023 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well I lean toward the view that humans are naturally selfish - but that we go about it the wrong way, for the wrong things. Capitalism would be the cause for agression and negativity, it nutures that... |
20 Posts • 7219 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Don't know what your reading, but I saw about the same amount of coverage on both beheadings and the same amount of rage. I must of missed the persident bush's comments condemning the (US) I... |
Alternative BeliefsPagan Religion??? or devilry
34 Posts • 11718 Views Religion Forum |
followers of the bible that first labled them pagans and evil
That is true - but don't you think the pagans labeled the followers of the bible as evil?
What one thinks or says niether makes... |
SocietyBeing Politically Correct.
18 Posts • 9242 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I hate the fact we have to be excessively worried and even change terms.
look folks, I am not at all prejudiced.
BUT changing black to African American is so...DUH!
Number one, no one in Amer... |
Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59356 Views Philosophy Forum |
ok truth sitting and thinking is fun.. but too much of anything is bad.. you couldn't live if all you did was sit and think.. you have to eat, sleep, etc...
plz for your own sake stop and rea... |
Booksbret easton ellis
3 Posts • 3176 Views Talk Talk |
I read Less Than Zero back in high school a couple of years ago. My boyfriend is reading American Psycho and he loves it so far.
Something about the author bothers me. I read about Ellis and it see... |
Relationships & LoveWhat is Love?
9 Posts • 8667 Views Psychology Forum |
Love is real, it knows sacrifice and service, and has to do with humility and putting the other person as well as your Creator before yourself. Love is indeed real and has a much higher meaning than o... |
GovernmentObama/Bush are World's Biggest Terrorists!
16 Posts • 6415 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You're missing the point. He is saying things that are not true. He's only saying it because it paints a negative picture.
You think "minorities" are under attack here. That sim... |
ChristianityRecitation of the Bible
2 Posts • 2981 Views Religion Forum |
Matthew wrote the original Gospel in Aramaic.
He later wrote it in Greek.
The Apostles wrote in Greek.
The OT was written in Hebrew, except the later writings of the OT which were in Greek.... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49767 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
By Definition:
A selfish word that tends to protect the individual. We're naive to think such things. It's late, and the summer air has grown thick this evening. It is no time for such t... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46377 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
well this is my first post, and well... this is what i have to say about the issue...
From what ive learned in school, it is still debateable whethor or not you are born or experience makes yo... |
Religion & Humanitywhy are we so special?
22 Posts • 5948 Views Religion Forum |
Gold, precious metals (and we sure as shit don't manufcture that, alchemy is still falling short my friend), the Wealth that makes our paper in our walets not be just paper. Thats not just goods.... |
20 Posts • 7219 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I must have missed the comment whinning about Bush being elected?
May be it is in another thread?
Let see, refresh the memory, seems in the mist of several motions coming together? 9-11, war in Afa... |
Quantum questions
2 Posts • 3513 Views Philosophy Forum |
Have just finished a great book called quantum questions - not as high brow as it sounds, just a series of essays on the convergence of science, philosophy and religion - In it Schroedinger makes the... |
12 Posts • 4748 Views Psychology Forum |
Maybe we are supposed to spend our while lives trying to figure the answers out, and that is probably what Im going to end up doing.
Escape, be it in action or fantasy, is escape. But your awaren... |
Movie ReviewAvatar
0 Posts • 662 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I met a guy who was capable of that Vigil, and I was envious. It didn't matter how bad the acting, story or whatever he enjoyed them to a degree far beyond my own. I was envious.
But as for t... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17048 Views Religion Forum |
All religions can do that to people, hell even Buddhism and Baha'i can become violent and nonsensical for all I've seen.
If you want to study Islam without the influence of culture and e... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51800 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
some just want to get a nut off without using their hand or having to commit to anything
In that case, why not work to make yourself a better person with a higher self-esteem. In time, sex will inevi... |
just a question..
8 Posts • 2552 Views Talk Talk |
You seem like an ok guy Joel B and what I say is not against you. Just how I see it. I dont think you are going to like my opinion, but, you did ask for it.
First of all you say you have no problem... |
My life as I know it... or do I know it??
14 Posts • 4219 Views Talk Talk |
hey look i just read your little story with that guy and i think that you need to do what your heart tells you. maybe this new guy, was it joey?, isnt teh person for you either. maybe you are just set... |