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Tagged > What makes women superficial
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views
Psychology Forum
As explained in the article, the hunter, by definition, seeks to provide for only one mother. The mother plays a unique part in the hunter's life... men have a unique place for their mothers, and...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsEmotional correspondance
8 Posts • 2520 Views
Psychology Forum
Is the actual feeling felt or is a feeling that is perceived to be the same felt in this situation? I like Wyotes post, because he beings up a very good point. There are definitely two different ty...
THREAD IslamDo YOU hate muslims?
11 Posts • 3833 Views
Religion Forum
...hate to argue on a peaceful forum but.. tazzlyn, by calling me generalizing and ignorant you are in turn calling yourself the same thing. only from my perspective. you declared those things from th...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyInfinity of the finity
4 Posts • 2487 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I've tried to describe this, but am finding it very difficult. I watched a runner, running and I paused and thought, if all of what is around him is finite, then what makes him actually move? Som...
THREAD Mental IllnessThe Deliberate Dumbing down of the USA (and the world)
2 Posts • 2781 Views
Psychology Forum
I feel there's no middle ground you can truly take on this subject, no self-formulated comfort zone to rest in. If you understand this video, lying to yourself is only going to bring you down...
THREAD SocietyWhats Happened To Us?
19 Posts • 7055 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Congrats I R Me I'm glad that your Valentines went well as so did mine.:D I too am much happier these days as Ive just started studyin again after about 5 yrs of mindless fulltime work to hel...
THREAD Society & Sociologycool people VS nerds
24 Posts • 10077 Views
Psychology Forum
Cool VS Nerd Nerd is synonymous with uncool. What is an arrogant way of saying that nerds are automaticly uncool. Is it becuse they care (about school, pc whatever), then that means the ''...
THREAD Christianitywhat's the logic in x dying for our sins?
128 Posts • 26736 Views
Religion Forum
Well what I was always taught was that God hates sin and will not be in its presence. Humans sin naturally. God loves us so he wanted to find a way for us to be able to be with him. So he must enable...
THREAD ChristianityChristianity is dead, now what ?
23 Posts • 7416 Views
Religion Forum
Hello Decius, I hope this answers more questions than it creates. Herein lies the problem. You see humanity, God, reality, even yourself, through the eyes of your own understanding and reasoning. A...
THREAD God in ReligionDefining God
61 Posts • 14841 Views
Religion Forum
"YOU cannot make a case without all inputs... " Well then maybe I'll try to get as many as reasonable. "Show me also how the guy is alive today without repurcussions to being d...
THREAD An orange and a turkey
2 Posts • 1650 Views
Talk Talk
the title is completly irrelivant so here we go :) I only have ONE POST A DAY because someone doesn't like me lol So here we go.... DUDE....seriously what is your point now??? Everyday y...
THREAD God in Religionexcessive much?
19 Posts • 5659 Views
Religion Forum
That law only accounts for transfers of energy. "Evil" and "good" are issues of morality and have no evidence of any physical property. but maybe even God needs a balance. i...
THREAD Religion & HumanityImpossible you say? It's someone's psych
8 Posts • 3811 Views
Religion Forum
Iinteresting. I had a friend once who didn't believe in God. I mentioned in an earlier post. He kept up on science. One day it was announced that the ice on Mars was melting. The planet is warmin...
THREAD ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24736 Views
Religion Forum
The poor little urchin can't recognize the gnostics if he won't recognize himself... It's masochistic to continue to browbeat this meandering stream.... eventually he'll estuary...
THREAD Gender PsychologyTeen girls dressing like Hookers
0 Posts • 5234 Views
Psychology Forum
as a teenage girl i must comment on this as well...... I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!!!! i hate seeing my friends dress like hookers...its a little strange to me and makes me feel weird. i must admit...
THREAD Drugson drinking
8 Posts • 3223 Views
Psychology Forum
When I was a teenager I had one plan with alcohol. Drink as much as you can as fast as you can. Ah... good times and some sick times. I would say that happened from ages 13-17 Now I have learned to...
THREAD All Things Hockey
39 Posts • 10102 Views
Talk Talk
*grumble grumble* not Detroit... Vancouver i could live with tho *lol* altho, there seems to be about as much bad blood with vancouver as there is with detroit right now... hmm... hockey is the sport...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43989 Views
Religion Forum
I am sure if it were one of your relatives who were killed in Iraq, you would sing a different tune. None of mine have been killed, but I know families who have lost loved ones. What an absurd stateme...
THREAD Is attachment weakness?
0 Posts • 6864 Views
Philosophy Forum
Decius.......i agree with your last statement, not that it's true strength, but that we shouldn't let our fear of pain stand in the way of our freedom to love, i'll be the first in line...
THREAD Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59384 Views
Philosophy Forum
The individual is like a house in a street or neighbourhood. Some houses are bigger, some more grand, some more pretty. But what makes a house homely is the 'people' that occupy the house-ev...
THREAD 3 year relationship broken and I am in need of advice towards coping.
3 Posts • 2522 Views
Talk Talk
I'm sorry bro, sounds like a rough time. My advise would to be stop worrying about winning her back. You sound like a good guy and if she wants that again in her life, she'll find you....
THREAD Relationships & LoveIn love with two Men
10 Posts • 28018 Views
Psychology Forum
Have you ever considered that maybe because you see your husband on a daily basis, hence it makes him less attentive? I've dated 3 guys so far (i.e. each for at least 3 years), all of them being...
THREAD GovernmentI don't really like the judicial system
6 Posts • 4002 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm not saying there are people who deserve and people who don't, I'm saying that if people are going to suggest that certain people deserve to go to jail, they can't suggest that...
THREAD Martha X: The Radicalization of Martha Stewart
1 Posts • 3300 Views
Talk Talk
Is it possible for an oppressed person to get a fair trial in America? An examination of justice, race and sex. Martha X: The Radicalization of Martha Stewart by Max Gordon Today is January 9,...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsRE: Zachfrenzel
2 Posts • 1882 Views
Talk Talk
"People like you are the reason I have to get up in the morning and try so hard to convince myself that humans are truly good and not a race of monkeys bent on desire. Today I was doing good, unt...
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