Tagged > What makes women superficial |
PedophiliaChild Predators
46 Posts • 18714 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Today I am reading our local paper and this is the front page news:
Local Man is facing charges of Child Abuse with a Minor: A 29 year old man is charged with having sexual intercourse with a 13 ye... |
War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12132 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If you go to Iraq.net, you will find many will agree with you, and there will be an equal amount that will disagree with you. For the most part, most of us at Iraq.net have stopped arguing.
The med... |
Human Nature & EmotionIs love real?
10 Posts • 3623 Views Philosophy Forum |
ok i've been thinking and i've come to realize that love is when you can put yourself in someone else's perspective "their shoes" and you can unselfishly sympathize for them..... |
War & TerrorismHaunting Pictures of Auschwitz Concentration Camps
3 Posts • 10771 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Arbeit Macht Frei" - this German slogan was used on the entrance gates of a number of Nazi concentration camps. It translates to 'labour makes (you) free / work sets you free'.... |
'Absolute perfection'…
13 Posts • 9800 Views Philosophy Forum |
By perfection we intend... what do we intend? Oh.. yah, we intend... the absolute of a cause, like perfect beauty, like perfect love, like perfect intelligent, like perfect real, perfect mind, perfect... |
BooksThe Witch of Portobello
1 Posts • 4157 Views Talk Talk |
I recently read this book called "The Witch of Portobello". I personally thought it was rather fascinating and I didn't see the ending coming at all. In a sense, it's a simple read... |
SocietyGay Marriage?
17 Posts • 5297 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Good luck finding it. Anything anyone will say will be cut down and destroyed.. religion doesnt like it.. and religion is embedded within politics, however secular they claim to be. Once you accept ho... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46377 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
The problem we face is that homosexuality is a gateway to other more disturbing sexual relations.
Who are you to judge? Just becasue someone is gay doesn't make them any less of a person, and... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9979 Views Religion Forum |
Well said Dawg. To add to that... I don't refer to god as a he because to me that just doesn't make sense. If it can be classified as masculine or feminine (energetically only, not human mal... |
ChristianityWas Jesus Black
31 Posts • 14540 Views Religion Forum |
And that would copy for his eye color too? Being blue or green or even hazel? Israel's temperature ranges from 41 °F to 54 °F in winter, to 64 °F to 100 °F in summer. This is considered to be... |
PoetryAnd All This Is Metaphore
40 Posts • 10681 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I remember when I was a small thing,
I used to leave it lying amongst
the blocks, dollies and weeds.
I used to bounce it off the walls
and slip it into my father's pocket,
and he'd walk... |
Saving Pvt. Lynch: The made-for-TV movie
15 Posts • 6004 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
All that bitch did was run supply lines and get here ass captured she didn't do anything famous i mean damn I bet i could do it too ive been beatin ive been cut for 3 days and beatin by people in... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11368 Views Talk Talk |
umm you are a genius.. not patronizing at all. i play rpg's, talk online about philosphy, and watch anime.I'm a dork at heart but i'm very outgoing and make friends with everyone i talk... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31960 Views Psychology Forum |
grr a little hard that I can't post my picture. But I honestly know I have found my dream girl. She's a little shorter than me about 5'4", short and straightened light brown hair,... |
Anarchy... don't you need a rule for that?
48 Posts • 11465 Views Philosophy Forum |
it seems everyone believes that anarchy does not work because our ugly human nature will always win out. we humans are greedy and selfish and violent and if there were no laws to hold us back then we... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132030 Views Philosophy Forum |
From reading all these posts, I feel very hurt by the number of people who support this "movement". I understand where you all are coming from, but to just stop "breeding", that... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167906 Views Psychology Forum |
*sleepy* Also, mother's can make you miserable. You love them and they play their games to get you back into their life. You fall for it and feel stupid again. It only tears you down emotionally... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60676 Views Philosophy Forum |
In thinking of a theory off life .. I find my self stuck at the first place to start the theory ... BLUE_GREEN..... and the thought that BLUE_GREEN had a by-product of oxygen.. so geting past the poin... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107407 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Ive been reading the posts. I am not a supporter of abusing any drug-be it alcohol or pot. I guess when the use of either causes you to have difficulty w/ your family or faith then there is something... |
SocietyPopculture glamourizing the Army
0 Posts • 1330 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Police officers have less training towards killing than someone in the military but obviously more than the average person. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't most swat members police office... |
SocietyGeoriga Guide Stones
2 Posts • 3092 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.radioliberty.com/st ones.htm
There are essentially a new 10 commandants on it written in 8 different languages.
It also was built in a way similar to stone hedge and has holes that lin... |
PedophiliaChild Predators
46 Posts • 18714 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Looking at those sites at such a young age?? Thats what I thought.... you need help. Young kids with older adults??? The shit you talk about makes me SICK.
I rule because I do. Period. End.
And... |
Rehab & AddictionMarijuana,weed,pot,mary-jane...etc
35 Posts • 20590 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I'm a functional pot head. I always have a couple of 'cookies' after work. I don't smoke the stuff any more, hacked up most of my lungs already. :D
I enjoy being stoned, especia... |
Life & DeathIf your a clone do you have a soul?
41 Posts • 19349 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yeah, ofcourse we are made up of different organisms.Thats how life evovled in the first place. Simple organisms like these joined to gather to form more complicated organisms and so on. But they are... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62349 Views Jokes & Games |
A blonde woman, a black woman and a hispanic woman were traveling across the country by jet. Half way through the trip, the pilot comes on the intercom and announces, "I have some bad news. We ar... |