30 Posts • 9565 Views Talk Talk |
No, she loves dairy products. She won't touch anything that even remotely looks like meat. Has a hell of an attitude toward meat at 5...lol.
I also am an incredibly fussy eater and eat very li... |
GovernmentGovernment Child Sex Trade
25 Posts • 10436 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm betting that unless this becomes well known, we won't be hearing about it on Fox News or anything.
For perspective, in case anyone this makes sense to you...
In the Texas Youth Com... |
Bad Thoughts in My Head
3 Posts • 3670 Views Philosophy Forum |
All states of mind bend and twist how things are viewed to console the ego. Only no-mind is a pure reflection of what is.Whats inside you is in us all. We are all ordinary humans and unique individual... |
42 Posts • 10547 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
hey wake up, hey get up, please open your eyes.
while you've been away i have replaced your world, set it on fire.
but i am so happy because, you've come back, it couldn't last much l... |
258 Posts • 67436 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Causes silence
Causes violence
"Its not, its not true."
I've come to
That I can feel it
In my blood
And in my youth
Prick, ow
My life.... |
I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7732 Views Talk Talk |
If only it could be proven so. Unfortunately, the question as to whether Terry is cognizant of the world around her, including the sensation pain, can never be proven either way. This question is very... |
2 Posts • 3126 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
War But Why?
Death everywhere no end
No stopping not pretend
Not good not bad
Just endless killing
Not for anyone
Yet everyone fights
Try to pretend that it's gone
Yet we all know no end all s... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30346 Views Religion Forum |
Are wars not by Man? are hatred not by Man?
Yea.. you may say that we are created in God-likeness..
but we SIN..
What's sin? Anger, Envy, Jealously... u name it.
Things we know it is wrong... |
BooksThe Perks Of Being A Wallflower
22 Posts • 105930 Views Talk Talk |
sex, drugs, and music seem to be the frantic themes of this book, along with a loss of innocence. While Charlie's loss of innocence begins with his aunts death, it amplifies after his best friend... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31809 Views Talk Talk |
Ok, so we're off and rolling again? great stuff.
& quot;why not deal with every case seperatly and treat evrybody as if they are different--".
Exactly my point, good... |
Society & SociologyThe Internets Rape Of Innocence
17 Posts • 6029 Views Psychology Forum |
i guess i just feel that regret of missing the change. and not even wanting to have been there....
what change.
why am i like this?
Well, if you relate to the insecurity aspect then I wou... |
42 Posts • 10547 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
So much anguish
So much pain
Hearts are broken
But love remains
How destructive man can be
To molest so callously.
And to a soul whose spirit's crushed
And adulthood has been so rushed
Do no... |
Does time really heal?
21 Posts • 8051 Views Philosophy Forum |
what you all say is true; but 'truth' changes.
scenario 1
something happens
perceived as bad
blame goes on that something
causes helplessness
seek to understand
call it... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42275 Views Philosophy Forum |
Here is something,,,,,we take in air, we take in food, it processes, we take in thought, we take in light, we take in pleasure, we take in water, we take in sights sounds and all other tangible and in... |
September 11
16 Posts • 5852 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This is just what I meant by my original post.
"Even if it's only one day a year I'm tired of this follow the leader stand in line because people died and I don't want... |
Life & DeathSoul: Born or Grown
0 Posts • 2018 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well that's why I say genetics play a role, Although you must admit that rebelling against something is a direct result of being introduced to something by their environment, and in the end wheth... |
DreamsI had a weird dream last night
1 Posts • 2508 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't feel comfortable discussing this publicly, even if it's anonymous, so I'm going to keep it vague. Hopefully someone who is good at interpreting dreams, such as an actual therapi... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24432 Views Religion Forum |
I have heard it said that Jesus physical body died but His spiritual body was raised. If this is so, then does the spiritual body consist of flesh and bones as well as the physical one?
Jesus maint... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49766 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
What truly is Time?
What power be the clock?
What walls are constructed
twixt the Tick and the Tock?
What blinders are fastened
to my quick darting eye
to hide the fatal speed
one attains or mu... |
258 Posts • 67436 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Happy Birthday
Its been a year now and its starting to show.
This is house was a new thing, but its getting old.
Its been a long ride and its starting to show.
I am tired and cramping and my fac... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25011 Views Psychology Forum |
I have a dream and I talked about with a couple of people so I have the interpritation already. But I am open to fresh thaughts.
I was in my grandmas house alone with my girls friend (sounds wierd a... |
Relationships & LoveEstablishment within another
6 Posts • 2920 Views Psychology Forum |
For about two years I intentionally deprived myself of significant company of another, because I reasoned it would better allow myself to understand the workings of my mind. I have recently found some... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17392 Views Religion Forum |
Man dies a mortal death here on earth. He is taken in the form of a transposed SPIRIT to unite in heaven with other spirits of his loved ones.....his spirit has a SPIRITUAL body,,,,that w... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17260 Views Religion Forum |
I used the peter pan complex in the threads context ( I took ur advice ;) )
It's by assuming our responsibilities that we grow up. Theism and atheism have their responsibilities but I can't put my fi... |
27 Posts • 9964 Views Religion Forum |
Slavery is a form of payment, or employment to the 'owner' whom is owed a debt, or a slave may enslave themselves in order to have adaquate food and a place to reside.
To become enslaved... |