Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34669 Views Psychology Forum |
1. I think he clearly stated in his first post that he was in a cycle, he said it has been happenning all his life, I don't see how or why you are missunderstanding this.
2. From his initial pos... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30273 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Socialism? Ugh.. No, I live in france and I can say that worker's rights really are a pain in the ass. People are practically immune to being fired, can go on strike for weeks and companies have... |
Worst executed critical lines in a movie
0 Posts • 1570 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
That moment is realized, along with the pain in the stomachs of thousands of fans as they hear the weak, stuttering and unresolved childish voice of Hayden Christensen utter:
"I will do whate... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34669 Views Psychology Forum |
More useless platitude.
Point is, the world is complicated. Women and men are abused at a core level in so many ways that these bullshit statements like "just be happy" or "start an... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34669 Views Psychology Forum |
We are all each other's gaoler, I get it. What's not to get?
But this is a concept. Something of the mind. It doesn't help.
It helps you explain your perceptions. But solves not... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16827 Views Religion Forum |
a person who is nihilist could kill themselves or they could simply live, it doesn't matter to us.
But why voluntarily submit yourself to pain that has no meaning?
I don't need to be... |
Emotions & FeelingsSimple Human Emotions
4 Posts • 2769 Views Psychology Forum |
So i was watching a discovery channel special on sex and it said that people like people who are fit because that shows that they are fertile so that got me thinking, if attraction is simply a functio... |
we only have what we will
30 Posts • 5821 Views Philosophy Forum |
Attolia made a good point...it does start with the self...but if you don't know how to start being good, how can you affect good anywhere else?.... the standards we know of good have been impress... |
Greatest Gift Of All My Darling Daughters - Michelle & Holly & Melissa
1 Posts • 2514 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
As The world We share, There is no other place to be, With the ones you Love on till eturnity. as god gave a gift, to love those who share your heart,with the angels of heaven, an never depart.
As... |
ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12249 Views Religion Forum |
I am a Christian thanks to God's grace. And I think yinluan summed it up better than I could have!
"This is something I've been asking, did Lucifer have free will, free thought and e... |
Society & SociologyDeath Penalty?
16 Posts • 7901 Views Psychology Forum |
I think that when one persons denies another person their rights, then once convicted of this, they should be stripped of their rights of citizenship and should not be protected by the same laws that... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46377 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
why is a condition of the mind a problem; just because it does not fit into the norm?
a tumour cuses the person pain. if gays are happy being gay so be it.
I see the sense behind having too many... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42014 Views Religion Forum |
Another person giving man power over God, and again letting God off the hook for tragedy, suffering, and indeed Evil, the Devil etc. etc.
If God is the entity described by the Bible and most peopl... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49766 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
And their tears will run for a thousand miles with out escape.
The world won't flinch or squirm.
As theirs screams bleed through the cracks,
All one hears is silence.
Their ignorance brings sil... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62757 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
See, I wouldn't even be worried if I knew that things were gonna end up like the matrix or something, thats a far better fate than the things I tend to see in our history.
I'm not too wor... |
Don't Pollute Nature.
1 Posts • 3192 Views Jokes & Games |
Two hunters were in the woods when one needed to move his bowels. The one went to a log and sat down over it to relieve himself when from behind him a big snake jumped upright and bit him straight on... |
About You / IntroductionsPeople!! baaah!
11 Posts • 3509 Views Talk Talk |
Hello. I am a first time poster. I'm a 20 year old medical student if that's relevant in any way.
Well, honestly I'm not sure what will come of this post, if anyone will respond. But... |
SocietyThoughts on the School Shooting in CT
11 Posts • 4846 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
When I was a kid, I asked the same thing of my mother when we were at my granthmother's viewiing and I saw my uncle laughing while talking with other adults. My aunt on the other hand was totally... |
Life & Deathwhy is death so scary for ppl
48 Posts • 23789 Views Philosophy Forum |
I found many of these replies... Amusing, some distressing and some scary. Though I did not read them all...
I share with you now my answer to the question, though first I will share some proverbs.... |
PoetryWindsor Knot (Poem)
3 Posts • 2954 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Windsor Knot
by dapharoah69
I'm dying slowly.
But you stand there fixing your neck tie,
trying to find that Windsor knot.
Incognito's never been a part of my mental.
Nonchalant... |
School uniforms
47 Posts • 26650 Views Talk Talk |
LOL Firebird... I can feel the pain.
I've thought a bit about the idea of wearing uniforms and I personally have never had to wear one but I can see pros and cons. It definitely hinders expres... |
Emotions & FeelingsWhere's My Light?
2 Posts • 2596 Views Psychology Forum |
Its been quite some time. I seem to be stuck in this bottomless pit of relentless loneliness. I'm beginning to see things as Descartes theorized, but not just one of his thoughts, a compilation o... |
PoetryUntitled poem.
1 Posts • 2644 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Metal clashes on metal
The car slows to a halt
But it's too late to stop
Us from falling off the edge
And as we sink below
The surface of the water
I wave farewell to life
That soon shall be si... |
Unchained Melodies
24 Posts • 6378 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Ive wanted to do this thread ever since the Music for your Authentic Self thread was started.
I felt that to me there are just so many songs I relate to and love. I cannot just limit it to one son... |
My Life SUCKS.......
15 Posts • 8723 Views Talk Talk |
Thank you so much for your response Decius. :)
I'm pregnant. :(
I'm keeping the baby. :(
It's Joey's of course. (in case you all are wondering.... I haven't been... |