RelationshipsHow can someone make you so depressed?
3 Posts • 8212 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Hello everyone. This is my first post on here so here goes.
Over the past six months my ex girlfriend and I have essentially been broken up. She was my first love and the break up was incredibly u... |
Rehab & AddictionDual diagnosis treatment centers
9 Posts • 5965 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
My sympathies to you, Loheny.
I also struggle with severe depression and problems with addiction, though my addictions have involved food and relationships, as opposed to "substances". I... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13848 Views Talk Talk |
Sorry I've been busy and haven't been able to visit this thread as often as I'd like, but it's really been brewing with some juicy stuff!
I' ve read through all... |
Dreamy Days
2 Posts • 3570 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Dreamy Days
Can't pay attention to my world
The only world I want to live in is yours
I long for the possible past, living in fantasy
Dreamy days go on, I dream in reality
Can't go on without t... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13584 Views Religion Forum |
Well....it is impossible to have peace on earth, because as man....and women. ;)
we still have sin on earth...and in our mortal states.
Not to mention, if we always had peace...and things were good.... |
Is it so bad?
12 Posts • 3592 Views Talk Talk |
I'm at a crossroads on this issue, not for a freakin second would I ever desire everyone and or everything to be the same, but that is not the opposite of our "shit-hole" world, which o... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25420 Views Psychology Forum |
What you guys do not understand... is a lot...
the world can be a dark and scary place, and most people who are suicidal feels alone.. cold and ugly.
Suicide is a choice for those who needs to make... |
Are you aware?
1 Posts • 2441 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Are you aware from the moment we first met, I always knew there was something special between us. You managed to take away the pain I felt from my ex, and you gave me a whole new meaning to life. From... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41006 Views Religion Forum |
My experiences with euporia far underweigh my experiences with pain and suffering, so it isn't the best to judge my perspective, I'll just say that in general I am fairly tortured internally... |
Society & SociologyE-Mail Scams
1 Posts • 2852 Views Psychology Forum |
One thing i hate is when peopel forward you those e-mails that say tings like
Bill Gates Is Giving Away His Fortune!!!
I'm The Prince Of Nigeria Give Me Your Bank Account Number So I... |
ChristianityA Little Quiz
34 Posts • 10495 Views Religion Forum |
"Who am I talking about here?
He was born on December 25th to a virgin mother; he was called a savior, the only begotten son, and died to save humanity; he was crucified on a Friday - "Bl... |
32 Posts • 12020 Views Philosophy Forum |
The words comfort and security spring to mind when I think of money. I lived with very little of it as a young child, and having a little more of it now is a definite improvement I can tell you.
Popl... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24432 Views Religion Forum |
i am not sure if you want answers to the questions you posed because chose to use the phrase 'reason(ed) my questions'. you have your own beliefs, and obviously Jesus Christ and Christianity is not am... |
ElectionsJust watched another John Kerry master plan
27 Posts • 6582 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
ya right, like any of those sources, including the government are trustworthy.
The buisness that are cutting the cost of health care because they cannot afford it is the same problem us citizens h... |
Present soundtracks of your life?
10 Posts • 3857 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
"I'm a fake"
Small, simple, safe price
Rise the wake and carry me with all of my regrets
This is not a small cut that scabs, and dries, and flakes, and heals
And I am not afraid t... |
27 Posts • 17668 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Firstly Zack, thank you.
How in the name of Allah? didnt know you became so religious Decius.
And what gives you the right to assume you know what my grandmother or any other woman experienced,... |
28 Posts • 7710 Views Jokes & Games |
Esparto, dodo's lair to name it, not to cage bees, elasticated, is nice. Esteem, as up in space, cite bad local lions, eye can emit now. G.I. boots in ugly rebel or rat's potato gin (eh?) were hot. Pu... |
ChristianityA Dedication To pat robertson
9 Posts • 3934 Views Religion Forum |
Hey, God person
What you create today?
And where the hell were you yesterday
Telling me I would be more successful
and happier being your way
But I'm not complaining
What are you... |
Lasting Impressions
3 Posts • 3038 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Life gone by and,
Ever lasting.
The sun is changing,
Shadows casting.
Now we know that,
Time is priceless.
Forever going,
Limits, sky less.
We lost so many,
Treasured chances,... |
How far will you go for love?
22 Posts • 5696 Views Talk Talk |
I really agree with decius on this one.
This whole love thing, in order for it to 'function properly', requires both sides to reciprocate that feeling you get deep inside. If one does not... |
Hey This is Me
1 Posts • 3121 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Hey This is Me
Hey this is me, I've got a few things to tell you
I want you to know, I don't want to lose
Watching you for a while, I can see why you want to run
All I can do is just stare into... |
What value do you navigate by?
6 Posts • 2709 Views Philosophy Forum |
Beauty and morality are species of values.
George Santayana says that 'all values must be ultimately intrinsic'. He adds that the good, i.e. that which is desired, is good because of its consequen... |
ChristianityWhat is heaven like?
7 Posts • 3883 Views Religion Forum |
I would have to say when it comes to religion, Im agnostic. I feel I can almost sense some type of higher power and really would like to believe there is a reason for my being here. But unless there i... |
30 Posts • 10011 Views Philosophy Forum |
I understand that we are on the topic or regrets, and I would wish to lend my point of view on the topic. One reason I am typing this is that in the past month I have been doing a lot of things that I... |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19642 Views Religion Forum |
I'm dodging your question because the circumstances surrounding the event in question are quite painful to me and I do not wish to open a wound in front of the world just to have you mock me some... |