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Tagged > Water thrusters
THREAD God in ReligionLoving, Kind, Forgiving, Blessing God?
35 Posts • 9762 Views
Religion Forum
One might say that there is a double standard because God is perfect and man is not. If that is true, then God should be held to a higher standard of moral perfection, not a lower standard. Let m...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107378 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Ok, I hate how all you weed lovers say that weed has never been a factor with car accidents and deaths. Of course it has! Obviously not as much as alcohol but jesus, don't exagerate. And actually...
THREAD FuturologyWhat do you think will happen in 30 years when experts say the earth's oil is tapped out?
6 Posts • 3589 Views
Science & Technology Forum
This may seem to be out of context but . . . Impeach him, are you a bunch of pussies? http://www.captaincy nic.com/thread/18479/25/the-an tibush-thread.htm#71852 This guy, I have heard before & I...
THREAD GovernmentBush and Earth Day
8 Posts • 3903 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I suggest you link up with websites such as the Sierra Club, League of Conservation Voters, the Audubon Society, or other conservation groups if you're not aware of Bush's record on the envi...
THREAD SocietyProphecy
30 Posts • 16451 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05) When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42207 Views
Philosophy Forum
Here is something,,,,,we take in air, we take in food, it processes, we take in thought, we take in light, we take in pleasure, we take in water, we take in sights sounds and all other tangible and in...
THREAD AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85774 Views
Science & Technology Forum
26 February 2013 Coronal Rain on the Sun Video Credit: Solar Dynamics Observatory, SVS, GSFC, NASA; Music: Thunderbolt by Lars Leonhard Does it rain on the Sun? Yes, although what falls is not w...
THREAD Poetrymewithoutyou
1 Posts • 3276 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
i said 'water' expecting the word would satisfy my thirst she always weighted me down but afraid i might need her i dragged her around its best to keep close a sack of fallen ash in a whi...
THREAD SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29176 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
little confusing? "Is the main land of China truly capitalist?" It has opened its markets, yes. it is capitalist. Capitalist, with lots of leftover socialist bureaucracy. well pure capita...
THREAD PerceptionOut of Body
4 Posts • 3019 Views
Psychology Forum
I have had both an inner and outer body experience, it happened in the North Atlantic when I was in the Navy - I believe stress was the major energy involved. I was the master helmsman, we 21 days...
THREAD How do we know?
60 Posts • 16490 Views
Philosophy Forum
Im kinda new here =O Im more of a logical person rather than Faithful, the little beleif in god was made even smaller by reading a book about the subconscous mind. Is says that everything that happen...
THREAD What does God have to say about it?
10 Posts • 3803 Views
Talk Talk
I recently purchased a bottle of crystal skull vodka. It comes in a really cool clear glass skull bottle. I,d like to make a water bong out of it. On the box that it comes in, they tell the story of t...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhere you live
31 Posts • 7739 Views
Psychology Forum
I live in Colorado! Huzzah. It pretty much rocks. Except everyone from everywhere else keeps invading =P One of my big pet peeves is when people from big cities come to my town and say it's borin...
THREAD Napoleon Dynamite !!!!!! POW!
8 Posts • 6886 Views
Talk Talk
The best part was when Napoleon was walking down the street in his sweet suit for the dance. --------------------------- Napoleon Dynamite: You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8922 Views
Religion Forum
Religion evolves much more solwly than religion, and as thus, the religious set of rules do not always apply in today's world. Maybe you meant science. I believe that science has not evolve...
THREAD Random QuestionsStupid things we've done as kids
49 Posts • 15130 Views
Talk Talk
The list is too long, but I went on a summer camp in Massachussetts, where for a week I rock climbed and white-water rafted, caved, and hiked until my feet were sore. Seven days went by and the worst...
THREAD God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7413 Views
Religion Forum
;) IF science had all knowledge, they err in being unable to disproove God. Altho proof is in all surroundings...in tears, in sweat, in so many things. In mountains and trees, water and air and gra...
THREAD Vegetarianism
30 Posts • 9555 Views
Talk Talk
I was actually fruit-and-nutarian for a few months and thoroughly enjoyed it... There's a lot you can do food-wise without killing anything... And fruit is so full of sugar... yumm!!! I'...
THREAD Society & SociologyOver population and the effects it has on the human psyche.
8 Posts • 12794 Views
Psychology Forum
I think there is a drastic change in many respects regarding overpopulation, of the human race I take it. Do over populated areas trully have more suicides, more bisexual behavior, etc? Sure, b...
THREAD JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62283 Views
Jokes & Games
11 Types Of Women In The Powder Room Indifferent Rushes in, raises dress with a "whoop," pulls crotch of panties aside and squats with great force, rattling windows and causing breast...
THREAD ChristianityXX XY XYZ?
7 Posts • 3726 Views
Religion Forum
let us not ommit or exclude, marginalize and or supress anything in our dialectic "...and in the image of god made He them both, male and female and called THEIR name adam" emphasis ad...
THREAD Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35913 Views
Psychology Forum
how silly and ironic that your name would be called crusador. you act as though the muslim world was responsible for the natural and justifyible mistrust towards western civilization. before the cru...
THREAD PoetrySecurity in lies
33 Posts • 9120 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
This thing called breathing is getting alot harder Truth be told you are the cause of our downfall Its like a jigsaw but our pieces don't seem to fit In a different time or a different tense t...
THREAD ChristianityThe Exodus - decoded
12 Posts • 2990 Views
Religion Forum
I absolutely do not believe that Moses knew these things were going to happen because he had seen it in a dream or been literally told it by God. What I mean when I say he knew the events were going t...
THREAD Colours of the RainBow
20 Posts • 7245 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Funny thing about it is the authors of Merrill Physics must have had some experiences with laser technology as they tend to make use of as examples & explanations. Such as Section 28.2 "the P...
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