Physics & CosmologyQuantum Physics Double Slit Experiment
50 Posts • 17005 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Big bang? Or just a stretch of His imagination?
Don't climb into your mind and run away. Just give me a chance to introduce the God of science into the equation.
Forgive me for quoting The... |
Big Bang or A Stretch of His Imagination
4 Posts • 2446 Views Talk Talk |
Big bang? Or just a stretch of His imagination?
Don't climb into your mind and run away. Just give me a chance to introduce the God of science into the equation.
Forgive me for quoting The... |
Relationships & LoveLove or Ownership
1 Posts • 2250 Views Psychology Forum |
Love or Ownership
Found in a newsletter called 'Inner Whispers': JEALOUSY - 'A process which occurs when one is actually dissatisfied with his or her own creations...'
I'm guessing this means th... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42416 Views Religion Forum |
DT said something earlier that I feel is a basis of a great point, is belief a choice?
Think about it.
Belief is often described as believing something in the face of lacking evidence, I don... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43983 Views Religion Forum |
Religion is necessary. I feel this is one of the reasons our country is so strong. Because no one(usually) is forced to believe in anything. We can choose, which gives us freedom.
Regardless of wh... |
Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8914 Views Science & Technology Forum |
You guys should be writers...Your thinking is almost poetic...I like reading your thoughts...
And, heyjme1, I agree with you that a mystic without reason is entirely lost. Most of my thinking, I be... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34662 Views Psychology Forum |
Acknowledging that women are more aggressive than men from a visual point of view in society is not biased in the least - women themselves will tell you this.
I don't even know what you mean... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40997 Views Religion Forum |
"from what i got from that, i wouldnt say i disagree with u dumbteen. but i must question the moral code we use today. what is it? we are legally allowed to kill people(capital punishment, aborti... |
ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12246 Views Religion Forum |
"Truth is relative like everything else,"
Is that a statement of truth? Is that an absolute or a relative statement? Is truth absolutely relative? If it is an absolutely true stat... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29264 Views Religion Forum |
Ah, the spirit of knnowledge gives voice to wisdom!
Patr, one thing they did teach is that Jesus nailed the old Law to the Cross.
Do they teach the Truth?
So when I hear those putting forth just... |
42 Posts • 10546 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
to Josh, I love you and I hope you can see this from way Up there
We made another, Mom killed it,
You hurt too much
I told you how and why she did,
You hurt too much
We broke our connection,
Y... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23901 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I don't remember agreeing with the governments reasons for going to war. I said I agreed with going to war. Just because my government wants oil doesn't mean I wanted war to get oil too. I a... |
Habits & BehaviorPerfectionism
17 Posts • 14068 Views Psychology Forum |
It sounds like a terrible way to be Attolia, from what you have said.
When I was younger I suffered obsessive compulsive disorder, or whatever it is called now.
To me, it stems from fearing the... |
Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19198 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, fashion clones who wear whatever's in whether it suits them or not do that. Some people dress to express themselves. "Wearing the clothes of the souls that they choose."
I don&... |
A bit of common sense
13 Posts • 3620 Views Talk Talk |
A document on the Cuban Missiles strike in the 60s against Fidel Castro was released that stated categorically the USA staged Cubas attack. The USA instigated it. But, we stil do not know why.
Are... |
The light bulb is on finally
5 Posts • 2568 Views Talk Talk |
How will American react to the current depression and total collapse of the middle class. 9 trillion dollar debt, bankrupt, and tried of following the same outdated model, America is finally changing... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43983 Views Religion Forum |
"What the denominations of our Founders followed is moot,"
----------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------
this is an interesting comment. Is it only moot becau... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17255 Views Religion Forum |
Absurd indeed.
And to move on, leaving behind the attempt to readjust witts demeanor, I will again readjust my own.
I still think the bulk of the absurdity came from a basic need to clarify the... |
Religion & HumanityIs it wrong to be multi-religious?
40 Posts • 9268 Views Religion Forum |
First off - Truth is always exclusive! It excludes other possibilities! If I have a red car it excludes the possibility that it can be blue.
Muhammad and Buddha amongst others were also extremely... |
Physics & CosmologyQuantum Physics Double Slit Experiment
50 Posts • 17005 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Big bang? Or just a stretch of His imagination?
Don't climb into your mind and run away. Just give me a chance to introduce the God of science into the equation.
Forgive me for quoting The... |
Life & Deathwhat defines life
63 Posts • 18440 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't claim truth. Your perceptive powers of what I'm saying may be true. I'm not perfect. I don't claim laws of knowledge.
I'm not here to pursue the mighty aim of find... |
The "What probably is = what is" fallacy
31 Posts • 9388 Views Psychology Forum |
How can one assert that what most likely existed, exists or will exist IS what actually existed, exists or will exist?
How can someone formulate a definite probability on things unknown to us?
I... |
Life & DeathIs Life Worth the Strife?
23 Posts • 7575 Views Philosophy Forum |
Perhaps you are right - perhaps the mind is capable of answering the questions it poses, and my chagrin is just a result of my (implicit) knowledge that each answer indefinitely poses a new question.... |
Free Will
33 Posts • 9499 Views Philosophy Forum |
lol. These questions seem never-ending. The idea that a tree doesnt make a sound if it falls over was put to rest by the fact that we can have devices that can measure sound (microphone) and store it... |
ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12246 Views Religion Forum |
"It would be ludicrous if he was, like you wrongly state, innocent and ignorant. According to all accounts, Adam and Eve had full knowledge of what they could not eat. In fact they were told: ... |