A number on numbers
1 Posts • 2377 Views Philosophy Forum |
A crank is someone who sees the truth through a fool's eyes. It is a barb I hope the following will not earn, although that is, I dare say, preferable to the mute indifference I expect it to elicit. W... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12244 Views Psychology Forum |
Get inside your parents heads one on one with focus not being on anything personal, just find out who they are as people first. What is there philosophy on different specific aspects on life. If you c... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90791 Views Psychology Forum |
30. Monitor and be monitored
In 1998, I read a book 'Study abroad in US'.( Chinese edition ) Author Qian Ning was a Chinese student studying 'News media ' in US. He visited many... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainBlocking Out Incomplete Thoughts...
2 Posts • 5030 Views Psychology Forum |
You should read Ouspenky's The Fourth Way...Very interesting theory of the human mind...According to Ouspensky, the human mind is composed of thousands upon thousands of little "I"s, ea... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25422 Views Psychology Forum |
Suicide is a polemic topic, such as everything that involves death, I've read some of the posts and my position about suicide is this:
Suicide is a decision that you can take, maybe it's the easy w... |
How did they accomplish the rarest of military feats?
6 Posts • 3442 Views Philosophy Forum |
How did they accomplish the rarest of military feats?
The people, who made up Israel and considered for centuries to be non fighters, were surrounded on three sides and facing a far superior enemy... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12652 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It looks like you did some research into this - I'm glad :)
I don't know if it was sold, buried, destroyed or moved out of country. The problem was that Saddam was not transparent in his... |
Just For FunStories of true badasses
9 Posts • 3178 Views Talk Talk |
This isn't something I did I was told about this
I only caught the last part and I saw 4 guys driving away.
This is a story of a friend of mine.
"So, Earlier today I was on the side... |
Emotions & FeelingsMixed Emotions/Open Your Mind
16 Posts • 7787 Views Psychology Forum |
Okay, normally, I would ignore this, but it's too good to let go.
1. You say that everywhere you look is pretence. Have you ever thought that these people might actually be like that? That it is... |
ChristianityThe number 42
4 Posts • 3533 Views Religion Forum |
The following Biblical sighting is from 2 Kings 2:23-24 (23) And he [Elisha] went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and m... |
Locked Out
1 Posts • 2773 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
After a long hiatus, I'm back! Here's my latest work!
Locked Out
(The scene takes place in a deserted parking lot. BRYCE, 23, is standing outside his car. He is angrily talking on his... |
Gender PsychologySome insights into men and women
9 Posts • 5867 Views Psychology Forum |
I will preface this by saying I'm a very good looking man... tall, blonde hair, strong jaw, bodybuilder physique, great symmetry to boot... I've had women on many occasions ask if I was a mo... |
ConspiracyJFK Assassination
8 Posts • 6659 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
(Full speech transcript)
John F. Kennedy on freedom of press and secrecy
[audio download here]
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen:
I appreciate very much your generous invitation to be h... |
Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59356 Views Philosophy Forum |
Let me tell you a story:
A great wizard walks across a vast desert. He wears a long purple cloak and a high pointed hat. His white beard touches the ground. He carries a large bucket. He stops and... |
27 Posts • 9967 Views Religion Forum |
This has suddenly evolved into a huge discussion and will probably take weeks probably before anyone come's too anything close to agreeing. I've got little time to answer much now, but I... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58972 Views Religion Forum |
DANG!! My post was freakishly long!
DumbTeen--"I was going to agree with OkCityKid but I think you've got a very good argument there. Although we don't need to accept bizarre beliefs... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32946 Views Philosophy Forum |
"If you believe that our government and our allies have never been rightfully convicted in scandals and conspiracies than I could understand your point of view. Though it would be wrong of course... |
so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12770 Views Talk Talk |
(no guy is really going to be particularly interested in make-up and what you do with your hair etc., so female friends are better there because they are interested in it and its more fun to talk to s... |
SocietyIs The UK Playing With Fire?
8 Posts • 3553 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: Biggest bomb plot in British history - doesn't make news
The Truth Will Set You Free | October 11 2006
Because the suspects are NEITHER ARAB, NOR MUSLIM.
A RETIRED Gra... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64074 Views Religion Forum |
Unfortunately our discussion has deteriorated to the point you have adopted ad hominems and mockery as your argument.
What I said about perspective went right over your head.
Quo... |
124 Posts • 33727 Views Talk Talk |
So it's been sunny outside for a week now, and I'm starting to get used to the idea of half-naked women with spray-on tans parading outside my windows chatting on their four-hundred dollar c... |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19112 Views Religion Forum |
What Hitler stated as reasons for doing what he did is by no means in accordance with Christs teachings!
Petesmith: And that is one reason, why Christianity, can and has been fraudulent. I think,... |
Tragedy and Comedy
1 Posts • 3088 Views Philosophy Forum |
I was at a comedy club last night, having consecutive pints of Guinness and watching an adequately amusing comedian. He was actually pretty good until he started into impressions *puke*. Anyway, he ha... |
ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5583 Views Religion Forum |
Of free will, fear and God.
I was reading into Spinoza(first timer) today and he has an outlook on this that in some places coincides with Decius's thoughts.
What I basically understood of him is... |
SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
First, no I hadn't done any math.
Second, they were trying to take 126,000 according to wiki
Third, the lost revenue due to tax laws isn't calculated.
Fourth, the lost revenue and taxes u... |