Blocking out incomplete thoughts…
Some thoughts make us uncomfortable, some things we like to push away, as they don't fit in with who we are…
The reason to do so is to make us feel more comfortable. The risk is sometimes we may be pushing away something before we have really known what it is.
How to recognise these incomplete thoughts? Thoughts can be incomplete when we have not worked with them before. Thoughts can be incomplete when don't fully remember what the thought was about.
Why undesirable thoughts are incomplete? If we wanted something, it usually fits in with our memory, for example, our constant updating of our lines of approach, where we always try our best.
Why desirable thoughts are complete? Due to having them in our regular line-up, and having them been well recognised as our line of approach. They are complete in the nature that they have been used before successfully, in the nature that our bodies have already accepted them, and in the nature that they are dependable.
What the technique is in blocking out these thoughts? (pushing and dissolving) Basically there are two main functions of blocking out incomplete thoughts. Pushing is where we push the noted physical body of the thought away from the centre of our mind, which when doing, pushes the thought away from what was feeding it. Dissolving is where we attempt to pull apart the physical body, in a dissolving nature… There may be other ways to block out thoughts though…
Why focus on incomplete thoughts? You specify the types of thoughts you are working on. Although this may be potentially done in other ways, focussing on the incomplete nature may be of some use.
What to do to make sure I use this tool wisely? Stay mindful of what you are dealing with. Try to not get too caught up in blocking out a thought if it feels like it should perhaps be there. Avoid relying on this tool to the point where it is your only line of approach, as you need to remember that variety is important to promote interest. Be careful of things you know you will not want to block out, as this tool should be used carefully!
Note that when you learn to apply something to the mind as an exercise, you often subconsciously apply it at times when it's not your direct line of approach… It will stay with you…
I would love to hear your thoughts on this tool, this post (in general) and related topics…