Relationships & Loveboyfriends that lie
17 Posts • 5967 Views Psychology Forum |
Alright, I wont assume I know anything about your circumstances. IF you cheated entirely out of curiosity's sake and nothing else, then hate is not the appropriate word here. Still, cheating is a... |
Is the Brain Really Big Enough?
15 Posts • 3451 Views Philosophy Forum |
hehe I'm sure there's more. Those are just a few ideas, as you requested :P
A very good way I learned how to hone the skill of lucid dreaming is keeping a standard notebook and a pen ne... |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91151 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Do they exist? We have never observed them nor have they ever affected us?"
But they have affeced us, with their gravitational pull if nothing else.
"So if all lifeforms die would... |
uplifting adventures
10 Posts • 5128 Views Talk Talk |
I hope one day to trip outside on a summer night around a campfire. It really sounds great.
I've had good trips and bad trips. I tripped this past weekend with a friend on mushrooms and it was... |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19643 Views Religion Forum |
I am going to deny you that much access into my own life. You would not believe me if I told you, and I would not expect you to. This faith is not based on people but rather on God Himself.
Hope... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58972 Views Religion Forum |
Oh my brother, by no means did I think you came off like an asshole. I truly enjoy discussing topics such as this, but I may have confused you with some things I have said. Most churches came off the... |
SocietyA Liberal against immigration
12 Posts • 6849 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
[I hope that immigration/emmigration becomes a thing of the past as borders disolve and we are free to move/live/work anywhere.]
We do this now. There are people coming to CA from all over the coun... |
Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9200 Views Philosophy Forum |
Oblivionbram, I don't quite understand what you are saying.
Are you saying that emotions are what make us human, but emotions are meaningless because they are simply reactions?
One thing th... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12652 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ok - you simply don't understand the specifics about what you are talking about. After the Gulf War the UN documented numerous stockpiles of WMDs. The UN documented some of their destruction. BUT... |
BiologyWhat About Eugenics?
23 Posts • 10893 Views Science & Technology Forum |
so when u talk about eugenics and the thought of erasing different races just try changing the soul first and then alter the body.
As I have "already" mentioned, this is not the purpos... |
Relationships & LoveI met my boyfriend on the internet..so what!
63 Posts • 44086 Views Psychology Forum |
Im posting this because I am frankly FRUSTRATED at the responses I get when I tell people I met my boyfriend online.
Here is the story -->
When I was sixteen, a guy IMed me and we talked. As time... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25222 Views Talk Talk |
My favoite game experiences.....
As with many of you there are a lot of games I really love. Being perhaps a bit older than most of you i have seen videogames from there there basic developments. W... |
GovernmentOccupy Wall Street
33 Posts • 8574 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Are you seriously asking what country has ever benefited from the right to own produce and sell property?
That's all capitalism means. It's the right to own produce and sell property.... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64074 Views Religion Forum |
Your "reorganization" per se, is appreciated.
Let me clarify something for you real quick. When I posted my original post on this thread it was just a passing thought on the... |
42 Posts • 10551 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
So much anguish
So much pain
Hearts are broken
But love remains
How destructive man can be
To molest so callously.
And to a soul whose spirit's crushed
And adulthood has been so rushed
Do no... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45439 Views Psychology Forum |
Okay, so you want to know why you get fake phone numbers? I'm going to end the myths. Guys, are you ready? Here it is: I'm a 21 year old, blonde haired, blue eyed, female from Orlando. Needl... |
Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers
41 Posts • 13606 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
One i am looking forward to -
A Scanner Darkly
http://movies.yahoo.co m/shop?d=hv&cf=trailer& ;id=1808626786
and a bunch of oldies everyone should see -
Brotherhood of the Wolf
http://... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36763 Views Philosophy Forum |
What if you were told that the Matrix is real? What if you were told that Zion exists?
What if you were told that Neo is alive, here in this world, in your world?
What if you were told that... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57912 Views Religion Forum |
Yurishima - Is God a good one if he demands complete and utter obedience? Is he a good God if he creates us knowing we will break his rules and sin (and send us into hell for eternal damnation)?... |
God in ReligionOny one God created this entire World
12 Posts • 4801 Views Religion Forum |
yes, religion maybe different because of difference in cultures and time.
But it is so....non-personal. I dont see how he can sit around and let us suffer here.
It becomes non personel if yo... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29271 Views Religion Forum |
I'm quoting Jonathan Kirsch "....the dark side of monotheism is not it's only side. The blessings of Judaism, Christianity and Islam far outweigh, and we hope will outlast, the curse of... |
43 Posts • 9085 Views Talk Talk |
My psychological impression of emo is something akin to "wearing your feelings on your sleeve". These feelings generally seem expressive of (or at least desire to express) negative self-awar... |
GodMy theory(s)
8 Posts • 4611 Views Philosophy Forum |
Allow me to start off by saying this is a lot to explain so, please, if you will excuse my jumping around. First and foremost, I do not believe there is a set 'God' or creator or everything. It's impo... |
StoriesChronicles from the Gutter.
22 Posts • 8623 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
ah dammit, i'm twenty seven again. You know, i'm sick and tired of beginning all over again. i'm always in this attitude...every day is a new day where i can become anything i want caus... |
Alternative BeliefsPieism
30 Posts • 11578 Views Religion Forum |
JoJo Pieism!
Heres some ihfo about JoJo Pieism, a recent verison of pieism!
JoJo Pieism believes the pie has come to earth in the form of a man, JoJo. They follow the sacred scrolls of wisdom. T... |