9 Posts • 4933 Views Philosophy Forum |
The concept of atoms as the basic building blocks of composition evolved as various studies of the chemical nature of the substances. Early work had produced the idea of indivisible particules which w... |
35 Posts • 14280 Views Philosophy Forum |
:) Fate: First one should look into the concept of fate. If you take it only what happens to you alone it becomes problematic.Fate is not restricted to one alone.If you take it ina wider perspective o... |
SocietyGay Marriage?
17 Posts • 5297 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
To Chained Wings: I didn't mean the world itself, I mean my perception of the world. All my life, I'd typically only really cared about myself, my close friends and family. But lately, I... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59384 Views Philosophy Forum |
If we accept that the Bible/word of God is true, then in the original 'society of 2' right and wrong consisted of not eating the forbidden fruit. NO OTHER INATE RESTRAINTS. When society expa... |
Gender PsychologyWhy was The Pill Developed for Women and Not Men?
6 Posts • 3463 Views Psychology Forum |
A woman is only fertile for a few days of every month whereas a man is fertile every day. Given this fact, why is it that the contraceptive pill and over a dozen other invasive contraceptive methods h... |
ekimups shit.
8 Posts • 3902 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
^^^"dry, human delicacy. desperation", promotes morale.
this one doesnt.. i wrote this one before the other.
---------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11227 Views Science & Technology Forum |
can't evolves only by definition of the obstacle... once the obstacle is defined as overcome
whether defeated yet or not
the definition exists... so that which is old and young at the same... |
God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13268 Views Religion Forum |
God could see into the future, but it doesn't mean he always does. That would contradict the all seeing, all knowing GOD.
When Satan challenged God, he wasn't challenging His powers, but he... |
5 Posts • 3397 Views Philosophy Forum |
THEORY....inorganic=mental / emotional; organic = physical, atomic.... which came first? The chicken or the egg? answer: The chicken originated as a thought-form. Through repeated cycllic sequencing o... |
Alternate Universe Theory
22 Posts • 14757 Views Philosophy Forum |
In quantum physics, scientists discuss 'alternate universes', especially when discussing time travel. Later on, scientists say that 'you're able to control everyone else in your dreams, not just yours... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views Psychology Forum |
I believe that what you are seeking out is out there, but its not with your man right now. Im not saying to leave him or anything like that but you can't change him (im sure you know that and Im... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45439 Views Psychology Forum |
I believe they are rare occasions where a woman may be intimidated by some guy and feels she has to give the guy some phone number so she gives a fake one but this covers may-be 2% of the situations s... |
Movie ReviewCloverfield
10 Posts • 3533 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I watched this movie for a second time. For some reason it usually takes me a couple of times seeing a movie to really get a solid understanding of it. I'd say it's not great, and watching i... |
Enherit Goodness Of Mankind
6 Posts • 3782 Views Philosophy Forum |
In my english class we spent a some time on this question. The conclusion that i drew was that we do things out of desire and want. That are entire lifes we walk around looking for something one momen... |
258 Posts • 67439 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
the prettiest song ever created.
Drink up baby doll
Are you in or are you out?
Leave your things behind
'Cause it's all going off without you
Excuse me too busy you're writing yo... |
Alternative BeliefsThe Angelic War
2 Posts • 3220 Views Religion Forum |
you guys ever read and Milton. in the greatest epic of all time, Paradice Lost, the devil fights god. and in the middle of the battle they realize that they cant die.
my problem with this is the ti... |
Business Ideas
6 Posts • 3316 Views Talk Talk |
In the trades it is not unusual to find side work but generally in the field you are working in so the boss tends not to like the competition or fear they will steal material , etc. for their work.... |
PoetryOnce gone Two return
13 Posts • 6938 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Let me breathe for just a second
I just read who I was, so I reckon
Well the truth is, my soda is still full
and I have brain, transformed to a shit hole
I have been studying late all semest... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
God, I suppose, can take many forms. Some people refer to him strictly as fate, others as karma. Some people project him into nature, into tangible forms. And some, recognizing that we are made in the... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views Psychology Forum |
i'm happy in my memories. i've lived and covered every significant milestone i cud have ever wanted to. with this man i found my detsination too. there was fulfilment and contentment in that... |
24 Posts • 6601 Views Talk Talk |
*hypothetical situation follows*
you've been given a radio tuner. you know nothing about its function other than it receives radio signals from a radio tower *which was pointed out to you* wh... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57913 Views Religion Forum |
I have read through the first few pages of this thread and after getting tired of reading, I just decided I was going to post.
First of all, everyone realizes that we all have responsibility for ea... |
Relationships & LoveLove for 1, 2 or none? - Sincere, FRANK advice needed - Pls reply - TY
4 Posts • 2487 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm in desperate need of sincere, frank and constructive criticism. I find myself lost and going in circles. I have a friend I met online at 16, we have kept in touch for 10+ years now, and are v... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64076 Views Religion Forum |
Not to disagree - because we really don't know - all is theory. The earth has died and been reborn many times. Each time, a new a set of animals have appeared. That could account for the fossils.... |
Having An Affair
2 Posts • 2570 Views Philosophy Forum |
firstly - you're not a dumb kid...
adult behavior gets an adult response... not an excuse...
my thoughts... keep doing it...
it'll end no matter what -
A woman in America tends... |