 53yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
can't evolves only by definition of the obstacle... once the obstacle is defined as overcome whether defeated yet or not the definition exists... so that which is old and young at the same time makes senses... beyond the five perhaps the thought is the sixth... sense the juxtaposition of the force that is independent makes sense to the force that is not because the is an opposite equal equally if the person or what they view as the personality or igo or ego... believes they are idependent or dependent on the independent ones... the "can't" dissolves the act of not being able the inability... no I no I no cant the thing that cannot "can't".... is not the I when one is two there is less understanding if one becomes five like the races makes more sense if there is an ultimate black and a brown... combines into a reality that produces an albino.... then from the creation or original you haave them all and inbetweens... the race inbetweeen... to leave that guidence that leaves you at the realization and expand to the understanding and then the wisdom to appy that knowledge even without the ability to accomplish it ha' why do gypsy laugh when others cry... irony isn't extended far enough.. to see the connnection between peoples...
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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
 37yrs • M • 
DarkKnightRasil is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
Well ill share an experience of mine from last year I had a dream the night before I had to go to work and the dream was about me riding a bicycle to some bar/club that was really far away with a messed up front/bent wheel. After i got to the bar i was sitting down with people i somehow knew and eventually a gun was pointed at me and i tried to run away. While running away i was shot in the back than i woke up. Later that night I was about to get ready for work and go early so i could finish a few things before i started so i could have less to do later but, than i decided not to thinking about the dream i had. When i got to work i had found out that right before i got their they were robbed at gun point. The dream i had was a glimps of the future telling me: DO NOT go to work early to work harder so you could enjoy not doing any work later or something bad would happen.