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THREAD Ladder Theory
5 Posts • 4336 Views
Philosophy Forum
The ladder theory. On paper i'd have to say in most cases it's true especially with the best looking girls(of course with the rare exception). I'd have to say that he speaks the harsh t...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views
Talk Talk
Hi, I am new to this site. I am a stay at home Mom of three, ages 13 years, 6 years, and 2 years. I have been married to the same wonderful man for 15 years, and together for 18 years. I enjoy spendin...
THREAD DepressionFed Up
13 Posts • 10486 Views
Psychology Forum
I feel like that quite a bit. Usually when I am alone and have to much time to think, which lately has been alot. I really don't have any way in particular that makes me feel better, I just sort...
THREAD SocietyWhats Happened To Us?
19 Posts • 7055 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I think it is difficult to put your finger on good news because it does not happen with the suddeness of bad news. Bad news ie involving deaths or destruction happens at a given time and place there a...
THREAD University Students
3 Posts • 2275 Views
Talk Talk
I think you're right that the problem is education (and education of yourself) but not for the same reasons. I see plenty of idiots at my college who attend just to get by, not for the knowledge...
THREAD JokesNotes to a mom with the flu
3 Posts • 3580 Views
Jokes & Games
A Mom with the flu . And this was for only 5 days! Notes pinned to the pillow of a mother who has the flu by her well meaning husband. Pay attention to what he calls her each time he leaves a not...
THREAD Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8918 Views
Science & Technology Forum
"In his book "In the Wilderness of Thinking: Kant's 'Sign of History'" Peter Gilgen explains that according to Kant, our perceptual blockade is deeper than what science c...
THREAD PhotographyPhotoArt Appreciation
48 Posts • 13507 Views
Art Forum
Actually there were 2 separate exposures 1) with a 300mm lens & the 2) with a 500mm lens. These were exposures with a (time) duration of 1/4 of a second. Now, I include these sections of the scene...
THREAD Regrets
30 Posts • 10013 Views
Philosophy Forum
Regret and the idea of doing things over- one thing that bugs me is when someone is blabbering about how successful they are and how difficult it was to get there and that if they could go back they...
THREAD Life & Deathpreventing death
9 Posts • 3047 Views
Philosophy Forum
what is there to be happy about if you are dead? i beg to disagree. if you can live longer, you can choose to contribute more to the society, improve the civilisation, solve problems of the world,...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91153 Views
Philosophy Forum
A lucid dream researcher, Stephen Laberge, once used a snowflake analogy do describe his views on death. Basically we are all individual snowflakes floating towards an ocean. Each flake is unique and...
THREAD Random QuestionsWhat job Do You have
27 Posts • 7013 Views
Talk Talk
Yes I do think about it and I would be lying if I said I don't feel nervous about it but again the same thing with me dying its an accepted outcome of my job its hard to put into words the feelin...
51 Posts • 72641 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Sorry ......but some have gone several years. When I was dealing with the pain of divorce and an infant with recurrent respiratory problems, sex was the least thing on my mind, by myself or with a par...
THREAD GovernmentPro-Bush thread
33 Posts • 9783 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
OK fellas...I can't let this go any further. My humor is lost on liberals much of the time. Mainly because they don't see CNN as a liberal, or anti-Bush, bastian in the media. But that was m...
THREAD SocietyThe Next Generation
4 Posts • 3101 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
the PS3 looks sexy. the Revolution is even more dull looking than the Gamecube and the Xbox 360 looks as bulky and retarded as ever. the early release of the Xbox 360 might give them an advantage, but...
THREAD JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62364 Views
Jokes & Games
Two families move from India to America. When they arrive, the fathers make each other a bet -- in a year's time, whichever family has become more American will win. A year later when they me...
THREAD Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15666 Views
Philosophy Forum
ekiump I disagree. Right and wrong are as God. You can not know for certain of any right or wrong. And that 's not takeing into account how compicated right and worng can get. That is were "...
THREAD Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22276 Views
Psychology Forum
i would have to say that american idiot probably does appeal to more people than dookie did....well, at least a broader audience....i know people in their 40s and 50s who baught american idiot and lov...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36266 Views
Religion Forum
i feel like there is more evidence in the world to prove that a god doesnt exist, then actually does. If there really was one, how come he doesnt make himself present to us. whos to say that this god...
THREAD A very good night
6 Posts • 3000 Views
Talk Talk
have you ever tried DMT? this happens to pretty much every person who tokes it. Last time i did it, i made sure to hold in my mind Black Gold's theory of omniscience http://www.captaincynic.com/t...
THREAD God in ReligionOkay...Why should I Fear God?
53 Posts • 11510 Views
Religion Forum
If you believe in the traditional God of judeo-christian tradition, then you should not fear him. If you should fear anything, it is simply judgement. God has no reason to condemn you, in fact the opp...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64095 Views
Religion Forum
GreenWeed- Wow, did you come off as being ignorant. Your hate blinds you. Perhaps, though, it enlightened you. Maybe you can tell me how everything came to be? Just don't use the evolution the...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 34002 Views
Religion Forum
I think the idea of maths being the universal language of God is the right idea. Patterns in nature are mathematical so that would be how you could see God being revealed through creation. DNA is the...
THREAD Whats the deal with 'Freeware'?
1 Posts • 1783 Views
Talk Talk
Can anyone explain exactly how 'Freeware' works on the Internet? There is some pretty cool stuff out there which must have cost someone time, effort, and expertise...and so I am wondering w...
THREAD Will Soulmate Return
2 Posts • 3103 Views
Talk Talk
Thanks for your reply... I agree with you as we both are very much at peace in our lifetime with each other and have been since meeting almost one year ago We are very much good friends at this...
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