Worst hours.
11 Posts • 2321 Views Talk Talk |
my shift right now kind of sucks too and the job does, but it's the only job that has flexible enough hours for me to juggle school, a one year old, and work. i work at mcdonald's so i start... |
12 Posts • 4967 Views Talk Talk |
alice in chains has to be 1 of my fav bands of all time .a great loss to music when layne Staley died:( kurt cobain too:( :( my favorite songs by Alice in Chains was "would" and "lithiu... |
Random QuestionsGirls with Tattoos
36 Posts • 65877 Views Talk Talk |
I have quite a bit of tattoos, so generally I find women with tattoos to be quite sexy, within reason.
The females getting their lower backs, lower ab areas tattoo'd seemed to be a phase. I h... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
Galatians 5:13-26
# For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
# For all the law is fulfilled in one... |
EconomyWill Iran's oil kill the U.S. dollar?
0 Posts • 3238 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Will Iran's oil kill the U.S. dollar?
If it does the american greed has done it to themselves. Its about time somebody fights back against the american dollar.
Decius, what do you think the a... |
Relationships & LoveI'm 14 and in love, so what?
26 Posts • 9245 Views Psychology Forum |
Yep, and with that intensification of good feelings, so does the bad intensify.
It is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all
This is true for all of m... |
ElectionsWestern World, Here We Are!
2 Posts • 2353 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hmm . . . the US election is becoming downright weird Weird ?*confused*
We're running out of time to solve our problems.
Anyone know what the answer is?Mind repeating the question again?
I a... |
PoetrySecurity in lies
33 Posts • 9137 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Calm the nerve and puncture the vein
Just take a hit of this and you'll be out in no time
Why did you think you could take this away from me?
I'm not listening to you, anymore
Cus I'... |
Relationships & LoveHurt...
9 Posts • 4188 Views Psychology Forum |
You can change the way you react. For example, if a friend ditched you, what would you usually say? Maybe you'd contemplate on what went wrong, how you can avoid it next time, and look for ways t... |
GamesWord Association 2
266 Posts • 60822 Views Jokes & Games |
* confusing ---- life
* drug ----------- love
life is confusing, ain't it?
love can be too addictive most of the time, no one gets enough of it. plus it can make you do foolish things just t... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85924 Views Science & Technology Forum |
2 November 2012
The Black Hole in the Milky Way
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, NuSTAR project
At the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, a mere 27,000 light-years away, lies a black hole with 4 mi... |
Science vs ReligionReligion AND Science/ Relgion OR Science
6 Posts • 3358 Views Religion Forum |
In the end no matter what happens in science religion just has to say god made it. Case closed. For them if that's their belief. We can't see the whole picture ourselves yet to "know&qu... |
Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6756 Views Talk Talk |
Maybe this kid is hurting so much inside because he isn't loved and he isn't noticed and he isn't in control of his life and his feelings, killing an innocent animal manifests how blood... |
God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14686 Views Religion Forum |
I believe it makes more sense that all matter is made up of conciousness/energy that has always existed, the big bang was only the begining of one thought process inside the mind of the power/concious... |
Riddles & PuzzlesSolve this paradox
35 Posts • 14696 Views Philosophy Forum |
this is elementary logic. "If it rains, there are clouds. It rained, there are clouds." sound logic ..."there are clouds, it rained." bad logic. If there is a surpise test, it will... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36662 Views Philosophy Forum |
We are but a part of a huge world, created by a Force, whom we are here to be tested. When the test is done, we move on to the other realm, where we permanently exist without pain, or war, or hunger i... |
Rehab & AddictionMarijuana,weed,pot,mary-jane...etc
35 Posts • 20595 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
i smoke occasionally, im due for a good hit some time soon. I find that pot heads or if not occasional smokers look younger. I believe and am creating a study that the more pot u smoke the younger loo... |
Atheism & AgnosticismA case for atheism
34 Posts • 10688 Views Religion Forum |
any attempt to try and argue the existence of god is laughable. no offense to you, i never read your essay. in writing an essay, however, you have to use logic. and, say there is a god--well, he creat... |
God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13269 Views Religion Forum |
I'm not too sure about this, but I think that during jesus' time, sacrafice was a means of forgiveness on their part--to make atonement for sin, and the reason why we don't need to sacr... |
Emotions & FeelingsConfess Something "Wrong" that you have done
17 Posts • 18358 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree with awakendwraith. I do not like my family, I don't seem to love them. In fact I am pretty sure that I despise them. ALL of them. I don't have a reason for despising everyone in my... |
When is it OK to say "I Love You"?
20 Posts • 25963 Views Talk Talk |
you should say when you mean dont rush it make sure you are actually in love and its not just a moment of passion that will not last. here is how i said it to my girlfriend for the first time was i wo... |
Worst hours.
11 Posts • 2321 Views Talk Talk |
When I was Just married I got a job as a daily Nanny and the hours were 7.30am - 6pm with an hour to cycle there and back - so I was getting up at 6am to leave for 6.30, cycling for an hour (which in... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77274 Views Psychology Forum |
*edited by firebird
Please stay on topic cturtle.
Sorry but in a way I felt it was pertinent to the topic. For being ignorant I can accept as I am ignorant about many things but deception I am not s... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Welcome wound...
68 Firebird:
This wasn't addressed to me but, I like the question.
It would definitly depend on the set up of the engines, but I would say the 'muscle car' would... |
InventionElectric Bikes
5 Posts • 2959 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Hey, this is a bit of an odd post. Normally I would be talking about something I've come up with. But this time, something I thought of has been around a while... Electric bikes!
Apparently, for... |