20 Posts • 6325 Views Talk Talk |
there are ways fairy boy. i was never once spanked, slapped or otherwise abused in a physical manner. i was put in time out and had previledges taken away from me. and trust me, i wasnt an easy kid to... |
The rubix cube
7 Posts • 5589 Views Jokes & Games |
I can solve it. It is very easy to learn, as long as you have a good teacher and time to spare. It is hard to self teach, however.
My record is 1 min 16 sec.
The guy that taught me can do it in 5... |
Child & Family Psychologyholidays..
4 Posts • 3804 Views Psychology Forum |
speaking of holidays... i hate having time off work due to being sick. i get bored so easily from sitting around the house doing nothing but drinking tea and taking vitamins. arrrgh!
*sniffle* |
There will never be a timemachine.
32 Posts • 9007 Views Philosophy Forum |
time is a concept developed by humans, true. however, light is real and moves at 3.0 x 10^8 m/s . this is why when we see the stars, we see them as they appeared thousands, millions, or billions of ye... |
ChristianityConspiracry Theory
6 Posts • 3494 Views Religion Forum |
Nope, not the (or jsut the?) Government this time. What I speak of is a small group within the Christain Church hierarcy, who have a purely political agenda, to achieve as much power as they can. |
Art AppreciationStarving artist
1 Posts • 3209 Views Art Forum |
hey. ive been drawing for a long time and have gotten into potraitry. i am really good at it and if anyone is interested in sending me a picture to draw for them, or buying one of my already done piec... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122607 Views Religion Forum |
no theres no written proof,no book about it or any document, yea i did and its not very surprising at all, but it doesn't validate your religion or prove that god exists, its just shows how intel... |
The Internet Going Slow
3 Posts • 2513 Views Talk Talk |
nope internets been running fine.:D what do you use for a ISP becouse some companys do limit bandwidth even if they say they do, also what times of the day are you on since there might just bealot of... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 76926 Views Psychology Forum |
i was on my way to see my sister for the first time since she moved to south carolina and i picked up this little flyer on the way there and it has so many funny little stuff in it but this one suites... |
Why things are cheasy?
10 Posts • 2947 Views Talk Talk |
I don't think that people giving to charities questions intelligence, I think it's time to question those that make the commercials. Every other sector of marketing is brilliant but for some... |
Life & DeathLife, Death, Choice
19 Posts • 7081 Views Philosophy Forum |
well ev1 has amoral and moral thorugh time (out of common sense) just different scales n stuff... and yea everyone is simlar i dont idolize anybody, but actully part of being human is idoliazing so i... |
so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12657 Views Talk Talk |
I agree with allot of what's being said.
I think that CWs mentality reflects the change in allot of men's attitudes in recent years that show we are also realising that men and women nee... |
School uniforms
47 Posts • 26564 Views Talk Talk |
Having had to wear a uniform throughout my school time, I can honestly say it never bothered me. I would say that it does give kids one less thing to pick on each other about, because there is no diff... |
Life & DeathDealing with death
9 Posts • 3380 Views Philosophy Forum |
Since my own grandfather died less than a year ago, I can understand what you are feeling Attolia. I guess it depends on the individual, and wether or not they were close to their grandparent.
I ha... |
Religion & HumanityMarriage
11 Posts • 3804 Views Religion Forum |
= zachfrenzel
thanks booky that helped some, i'm not sure if your confused bro i'm not gay .
*roll* Sorry if I implied that. I just kept refering to "Gay" because it was par... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15535 Views Religion Forum |
Ok, I was just wondering. My religion has to do with this. According to what I believe in, when Jesus died, his practice continued by the apostles, by because they did not know everything, many chruch... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainKnowledge…
2 Posts • 1974 Views Psychology Forum |
Due to the need for memory (which includes knowledge) to be readily accessible at any time, knowledge (i.e. the sum of all knowledge) must exist at every point in time…
It (i.e. the sum of al... |
Gender Psychologywhy do guys lie???
21 Posts • 10630 Views Psychology Forum |
O WTF IS CRACKIN! alrite, lieing. first wtf is a lie? it is a bunch of words that when said makes someone in a way not express as much emotion as they need to at that certain time. and we lie b/c we d... |
God in Religiongods name
46 Posts • 12550 Views Religion Forum |
Yes, IF your God exists. You have consistantly retorted along the lines that your religion is the one true religion, that everyone else is just making it all up. This is prideful at best.
As a chri... |
Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59210 Views Philosophy Forum |
This is quite a compelling post it has gotten a bit off topic however....
"Why live if you're just going to die?
What's the point of life anyway? Simply so we can work our way towa... |
Random QuestionsYoung love
25 Posts • 6639 Views Talk Talk |
pt. 2.
Like you said Code, there is allot of stuff that adults talk about that needs to be implemented into a relationship. But do you believe these things are just a waste of time? Or that adults... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17280 Views Religion Forum |
Well, works, are another word for charity. If you look at the ultimate law given by Jesus, to Love thy neighbor as thyself, it all comes round back to 'doing' unto others as you would have d... |
Frou Frou- Let Go
2 Posts • 3202 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Couldn't find a video, but this is the prettiest song ever ade, and the first time I heard I cried from the extreme emotion it MAKES you feel.
Drink up baby doll
Are you in or are you out?... |
Relationships & LoveIs there solace in being alone?
8 Posts • 3344 Views Psychology Forum |
I can relate to this since I was in a five year relationship (but its a little little more complicated than that.) and when it ended I too found myself very alone and lost. Since the events are recent... |
81 Posts • 21536 Views Religion Forum |
All-in-all cturtle, when I read John 10, I find that Jesus not only implies that he is God's Son, but also flat out tells the Jews that he is (v. 36), and uses verifiable evidence (miracles he ha... |