A small Situation
6 Posts • 2281 Views Talk Talk |
As they say, this female may be trying to use you to promote (reinerest) her bf. Yes , you seem to be on the rebound still, try being friend's before you start into a relationship? Take it one st... |
Music VideosThe Worst Songs I have ever Heard
0 Posts • 402 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Was waiting for you to add some like it hot. Any such list would be incomplete without that one.
But yeah, Everywhere that i'm not - so deserving of first placement. I'd never seen the vi... |
God in ReligionKeeping God in the Pledge
30 Posts • 8393 Views Religion Forum |
Get a grip. There was a time when God-loving inquisitor roaming Europe was backward on the middle east was the home of the world's great thinkers. |
Is Recycling a joke?
10 Posts • 9624 Views Philosophy Forum |
Its not a waste of time, of course recycling does have benefits. However, the pollution and destruction caused by vehicles, factories, etc. is insane. That is where the environment is being harmed. Th... |
Am Playin
1 Posts • 3020 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Was dinkin round with flash in stead of working on stuff I ought to be......
will take a few to load.......first time opening the program so sorry for no beautious loading screen
:D |
What the Bleep
7 Posts • 4075 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Actually here it's playing at the Paramount. Probably the Indy circuit as well but it seems to have gone mainstream... just watch for it I guess. I heard about it for the first time a couple of m... |
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
35 Posts • 11249 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
You are a lucky dog wyote - Did you also see the Star wars celebration? Wow that looked fun!
Your review sounds so promising... now I'm loking forward to it big time.... I may have to go out and... |
Sexual PsychologyFemale Sexuality
0 Posts • 1077 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
A dick is an inside out vagina. The head = cervix with the clitoris stretch over it on its way out. Testicle = ovaries. Dudes have nipples. Same flesh positioned accordingly about %50 of the time. |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24432 Views Religion Forum |
*clown* Oops . . . Mr. Spook? then Star Trek, the original is ancient history, please forgive my laspe of memory besides a referrence to something you may not be aware as that was before your time? |
Habits & BehaviorParanoia
13 Posts • 3827 Views Psychology Forum |
Does anyone ever get so paranoid to the point that you question everything around you?
Thus making you very uncomfortable and uneasy. Like you just want to hide but you can't. *roll*
most o... |
Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers
41 Posts • 13607 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
shes confident and girlie. dont really know enough about her to call her slutty, she was married to that dude from Dark Angel for a short time, that was pretty dumb *lol* |
i dont know just read it!
3 Posts • 2090 Views Talk Talk |
Okay here it goes im 25 turning 26 and yes im a nice guy, I know some of you are rolling your eyes and thinking here we go again but seriously wtf when I say nice I don't mean boring far from it im ju... |
The Mind
49 Posts • 13338 Views Philosophy Forum |
hahaha i like this kid.. you are wise beyond your years..
I do know that i was contradicting myself when i said that emotions are bad cause they make u kill urself.. cause 1st i said that nothing... |
33 Posts • 10061 Views Philosophy Forum |
Who is the dreamer?
Good question and probably the only one of relevance in the big picture. A problem being that the dreamer cannot be defined in language and can only be alluded to.
This is b... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9213 Views Psychology Forum |
To hope that your kindness and small steps will be received in an ultimately positive way.
"Addictions, fixes, short term gain > idealism, work, long-term gain"
You seem to ignore t... |
A Weird Concept on One Mathematic Savant Skill and Time
1 Posts • 2084 Views Philosophy Forum |
You've heard of those guys, often kids, who can multiply many digit numbers, or recite 'Pi' to thousands of places...
I've thought of something interesting they could try their hand at...... |
Is the Brain Really Big Enough?
15 Posts • 3451 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think in response to this question, one has to consider the fact that we don't actually remember the events of every day; in fact, I posit that no human has ever remembered the full events that... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51575 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have posted this on another thread but I feel it may fit in better here. I have also expanded on this concept.
Below are a few ideas I have on life, infinite life and the Universe and beyond.... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
The pros of such a 'choice' are... wait, there aren't any. There is no one standing around saying, 'It's fun to be gay.' There isn't anyone saying, 'Everyone's doing it,' to young people. There aren't... |
ChristianityBook of Judas
12 Posts • 5081 Views Religion Forum |
The gospels in the bible are only what was chosen to be included, there were many other gospels, letters etc. that did not make it into the new testament. Of course I do believe that the bible should... |
Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7986 Views Philosophy Forum |
As I understand what you said earlier, like this: a roommate left you in a very bad situation. He proved to be untrustworthy. You like the woman you are with because you believe you can trust her. You... |
Dog Mind Tricks
2 Posts • 4332 Views Jokes & Games |
1. After your humans give you a bath, DON'T LET THEM TOWEL DRY YOU ! Instead, run to their bed, jump up and dry yourself off on the sheets.
This is especially good if it's right before yo... |
Relationships & LoveIs it really rude and bad behavior to assume in American custom?
4 Posts • 3526 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm Asian and my boyfriend is American. He often gets really mad at me because of my 'assuming' as he calls it. But I don't understand him fully. Like for example when I said, &quo... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
Figure out how to take gravities hold off of yourself so you can fly around like super man. then figure out how to shut time up and live forever. Do these things then tell me im wrong.
Nobody can t... |
O.k. who works at home?
5 Posts • 3010 Views Talk Talk |
Can't you somehow contract yourself out....and work at home as a consultant???
One of the strangest things I see....is many very educated people in who have the knowledge to head out on their... |