 47yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Black Gold is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Knowledge… |
Due to the need for memory (which includes knowledge) to be readily accessible at any time, knowledge (i.e. the sum of all knowledge) must exist at every point in time… It (i.e. the sum of all knowledge) is also used in a way in every use of ‘partial knowledge'… Also, it is quite possible, that the power which enacts knowledge, moves so fast that it takes a while for the mind/body to catch up. Which may explain ‘partial knowledge'… Knowledge is viewed and expressed through ‘mental contortions'. A mental contortion works by setting a position, which, when activated, causes the triggering of particular sensations to be viewed and/or expressed… A side note about ‘Numbers Constantly Increasing'… As we live on , the number of thoughts and experiences continually increase, which would have it's effects on memory (and therefore knowledge). We may be able to reference a memory simply by using the numbers (or the feeling of the numbers) involved… Another side note on ‘Numbers of Thoughts and Memory'… The amount of items that occupy our work space of the mind reflect on memory. If you consider that without memory we can only really look at one thing at a time. Also the short-term memory is limited to being able to remember a certain amount of things at one time. Anything more than this amount we may well attribute to long-term memory… Consider trying to remember twenty items of clothing you have. How easy is it to do? Easy, but try and look at twenty new items of clothing without committing to memory (i.e. long-term memory) try to remember each of them. Chances are you either can't do it, or you're relying somehow on long-term memory… Consider remembering three things or even as many as six. Chances are your attention span can handle that without relying on long-term memory… Thoughts on this topic are greatly welcome to be added to this thread…
 52yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that Sorceress is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Have you studied any formal cognitive or biological psychology? I only ask because if you have you should research some papers on memory which may help you to understand more clearly the areas you are interested in such as short-term, long-term and working-memory etc. Maybe you will come up with some incredible new insights on the nature of memory and consciousness!
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""Each child holds the world in an open hand to mould it into any shape they choose.""