GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
o and another thing can u beleive him right after he got elected he was talking abought re-instating the draft!! wth this is bs i mean i already feel bad enough for the hundres of ppl that died in thi... |
Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11312 Views Psychology Forum |
there could be a whole new thread about the "drama queen phenomena."
what i am talking about is a more deep rooted hatred that women have for the fact that they have to look and/or act sp... |
Do chicks like guys with huge muscles?
41 Posts • 37882 Views Talk Talk |
Well, you can have the body, but it doesn't mean you have the face, if you know what I mean--oh, and I'm not talking about you in particulay JimmyK, just so you know, I mean, like in general... |
Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10596 Views Religion Forum |
Your completely neglecting sin.
If a human can't sin then why would you ever even care about what Jesus supposedly did in the first place!?
If there was no sin then we would all still be in Ede... |
Ethics & MoralityThe moral hand, a complete and coherent ethical theory
4 Posts • 3540 Views Philosophy Forum |
That is a very good and logical argument but I doubt it would make anybody vegan because a human urge to eat lamb chops usually trumps a non-existent human urge to be logical and moral. As usual with... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 16966 Views Religion Forum |
What happened to this forum? Uh? It started about Islam then snowballed into how the three main religions are killing each other and oppressing woman*eek* . Boy this is funny*lol* .
I'm ending this... |
Why do we put words in quotes?
12 Posts • 12526 Views Talk Talk |
that was a typo.. it was susposse to say think... but im talking about when we use qutatuion marks on words for different reaon like yea every word we can quote but we dont only certain words.. ex: th... |
Life & DeathHuman Life Force
7 Posts • 5571 Views Philosophy Forum |
well that depends on what you mean by human life force. Are you talking about the energy that our bodys put out naturally or the cosmic energy that is life or the energy that we can draw upon to do am... |
Why do we put words in quotes?
12 Posts • 12526 Views Talk Talk |
those are what quotes are "formally" used for. (i just quoted but dont qnat to analyze why i did that yet) but im talking about when we use them on jus one word.. as if we dont agree with it... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainWeird things you do when you stay up too late
11 Posts • 7700 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm talking about really weird things, like hallucinate, and the regular, out of time things, like walk in freezing rain.
My mind feels different after midnight...I think and feel differently.... |
Relationships & LoveThe best way to apologise to a girl
19 Posts • 67799 Views Psychology Forum |
Oh, and, by the way, I went back to college about five years ago. I'm talking about something that happened about three years ago so it's not like an antiquated idea. I kinda' look a li... |
Emotions & FeelingsExpressing And Experiencing Spirituality
7 Posts • 3765 Views Psychology Forum |
Thats a good question, and one I don't have a clear answer for, which is probably why I'm having trouble with this. If you think I'm talking about a dogma based faith, I'm not. I g... |
HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16698 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Do we have the right to say no? Where is the basis for this argument, religion? Then why is it allowed to be such a political and legal issue?
And a commonly asked question associated with this to... |
Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25022 Views Religion Forum |
DT, I am NOT talking about 911 either.
Or didn't you know Saddam's regime insisted small children wear bombs in this conflict?
Yes, before we took over the city, I watched day and nigt... |
Alternative BeliefsPeers and religion
3 Posts • 3383 Views Religion Forum |
i have studied the bible closely and that is why i am an atheist, the woman you are talking about has a severe misinterpretation of the bible when jesus told his people that to get to heaven they woul... |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19012 Views Religion Forum |
i disagree unless im one of the minorities on here in that respect.. but i guess I definetly believe in gosgifsglgblibdhffdhjk (words cant describe it) im sick of the word 'god' its played o... |
83 Posts • 20440 Views Philosophy Forum |
there are several records of speciation. whoever has been telling you that there is no record of it is simply wrong. it is witnessed regularly in bacteria. it has been documented in plants.
altho i... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDark City/Matrix theory
22 Posts • 9578 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thats true and ill try the mirror thing . there is truth in your fiction and fiction in your truth as i noe hoo im suposed to b but wot r we here 4 and why this set oh rules?? do all people seek answe... |
Sixth Toe?
6 Posts • 4005 Views Talk Talk |
A funny conversation I once had and just thought what people thought about this on Captain Cynic.
Alright well it all starts out when we start talking about this girl who happens to be pretty good... |
9 Posts • 4915 Views Philosophy Forum |
Finally i find someone thats like me. I personally think that the base four elements created the universe then everything else evolved from that and since the elemental magicks i work wiht invole usin... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Hi there White_Bishop and welcome. I haven't been here very long myself, but I have spent hours reading stuff on here, and it seems to me that nobody judges anyone else in here, whether it be bas... |
10 Posts • 4140 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think fantasies can be good or bad. Your right of the fact that they can set you up for a fall. Growing up, my fantasy was to meet prince charming, become a princess and live happily ever after. (I... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46103 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Sounds like someone's coming out of the closest
Your question is very far from being relevant to what we are talking about.
But to answer it, your basically saying that the source of all ga... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62104 Views Jokes & Games |
Two cowboys are out on the range talking about their favorite sex positions.
One says, "I think I enjoy the rodeo position the best."
"I don't think I have ever heard of that... |
Answering Machine Humor
3 Posts • 6516 Views Jokes & Games |
*lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol*
All of them were very funny, but these ones were special:... |