ChristianityClear Definition #1
0 Posts • 2363 Views Religion Forum |
You are unable to fathom a God that escapes the social, emotional, and intellectual vices and insecurities that humans succumb to.
I already brought up the point that God does not necessarily act... |
War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12125 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Inclusive is the liberal mindset. "
Fuck this. Stop lumping us into groups like that. I refuse to be lumped together with the socialists. I stand for social justice and personal liberties... |
1 Posts • 2611 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is man's inhumanity to man avoidable?
Is moral sensitivity of people sufficient to protect world societies from mass murderers? Probably not. What else is essential? Elimination of extreme pov... |
War & TerrorismWhat Are We Doing In Iraq?
14 Posts • 4283 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
DumbTeen, not that I am in disagrement with you but to point out distinctions. We were aided by the French in our revolt with the English monarchy. But . . . 1) Before our revolution, they fought agai... |
Human Nature & EmotionCan you choose to be happy?
12 Posts • 16592 Views Philosophy Forum |
Vigil is right about it being due to your perception. If you break people's perceptions down into the fundamentals, there is pessimism on one side and optimism on the other, with realism someplac... |
The "F" Word???
21 Posts • 6712 Views Philosophy Forum |
the use of the word should determine how it is treated, fuck has come to be used as a swearword
First of all, what the fuck is a swearword? Hmmm? Any fucking clue? Hehe, don't mind me, I'... |
God in ReligionGod Is Greater Than My Understanding
18 Posts • 4522 Views Religion Forum |
Its not about threat. It is simply that the starting post of this thread was kinda vague and misconstrued. Perhaps you should have made it clearer that a shark and dolphin analogy was a metaphor for g... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25401 Views Psychology Forum |
Have you ever felt like, you know, that you know, what you know? This statement has allowed me to see people and t... |
GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17358 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You need to read up my friend :
"all goverments have there gd points and there bad points, communism: bad= takes away privatly owned bussnises good= abolishes alienation between social classes&q... |
Society & SociologyOver population and the effects it has on the human psyche.
8 Posts • 12798 Views Psychology Forum |
I think there is a drastic change in many respects regarding overpopulation, of the human race I take it.
Do over populated areas trully have more suicides, more bisexual behavior, etc?
Sure, b... |
Do we get a kick out of intrigue?
4 Posts • 2545 Views Philosophy Forum |
Do we get a kick out of intrigue?
Shakespeare's insight, as he proclaimed that life is a stage and we are the actors on that stage of life, leaves us pitiful, in nude exposure, of our self to our s... |
I like girls!
24 Posts • 8083 Views Talk Talk |
"no problem. i admit i've a fear of queers... "
"reason being is they are 'wrong' for one and i think it's a 'mental defect''
" i feel a ne... |
RelationshipsI have nothing but contempt for the western woman
35 Posts • 19207 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Basically I was condemning you for your generalization and showing up the fact that there are different social cultural currents that affect the western european women and the eastern european women.... |
23 Posts • 26625 Views Philosophy Forum |
Like many or even most things, appears to be a matter of definition to me.
"Altruism" is what it may appear to be to others. But, in my view, everything we do is a product of self-interes... |
Child & Family PsychologyFamily
3 Posts • 2827 Views Psychology Forum |
My family is a fucked up shattered mess. The "split" was and is as big a chasm as the Grand Canyon - and we're neighbors. It seems like I'm the only one who cares at all and is tak... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132003 Views Philosophy Forum |
World Population
Have YOU told your innocent child the Truth about forcing (birth) them into an existence of
slavery (working class)?
And that YOU don't have sufficient mo... |
Gender PsychologyIncursions in to girl space
22 Posts • 6579 Views Psychology Forum |
women relate to women better in matters concerning the body
Well. I imagine disabled people feel the same way. That other disabled people can understand them in terms of bodily matters in ways the... |
EconomyWhy not tax the Rich?
52 Posts • 23556 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Did a make a mathmatical claim of some sort, all I said was tax write offs and other things alter % rules, and that I don't know all the rules so I asked because of how many times I've heard... |
GovernmentThe Role of State
10 Posts • 4222 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hmm . . . question?
Who owns the airwaves?
Some businesses, like cell phone companies, pay the government to use their airwaves (also "spectrum" ).
Radio and TV broadcasters, though, use... |
LawRacism and reverse discrimination
18 Posts • 21904 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The human species will lose its humanity, and all that entails, if it's not given a chance to sort out its problems through understanding at the individual level. In my view, the legislation of t... |
189 Posts • 73074 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
An interesting subject. I would argue that all sexual preferences (including heterosexuality) are a result of nurture and learning. Many paedophiles do not lust after children per se, but have persona... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27249 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
but again, how do homosexuals "reproduce"?
and if "they" do-can it be contributed to homosexuality?
heterosexuality--given that the reproduction is done through a heterosexua... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34201 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
How about this possibility? Democracy is an ideology with a set of principles, and unless the masses are educated in the principles, they can not manifest democracy.
I say this with deep concern,... |
EconomyPetro dollar and Iran war
24 Posts • 10016 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
13. Harassment from Feds (12/28/08)
I said oil price started to drop after my article of July 4th. When the planed Iran war went soured in August, the Inside group planed a financial crisis to stab... |
PerceptionMake Believe........?
5 Posts • 2799 Views Psychology Forum |
This is a very large debate in the study of philosophy. It deals with what we believe vs. what is actually true, and how we can prove that it is true.
I believe it was Rene Descates who thought th... |