The problem with the designated driver program - it's not a desirable job. But if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house - Ana Rpo
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Tagged > Selfish people
THREAD Society & SociologyLife and Decisions
9 Posts • 3112 Views
Psychology Forum
Someone once said that Life is the sum of all our choices, which i agree. For we are the product of the choices we made, right? But what can you say about the people around us... the significant pe...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122891 Views
Religion Forum
Good answer capt If I may, let me elaborate a little on your point. People's concept of God, is the creator of religions. Religion has nothing to do with God. Religion has everything to do wit...
THREAD Italian Hanger
21 Posts • 73042 Views
Talk Talk
That's because people or most people are embarrassed to ask in person about sex positions. Another good point would be that young people would be most interested about such things. Young people a...
THREAD GovernmentI don't really like the judicial system
6 Posts • 3991 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm not saying there are people who deserve and people who don't, I'm saying that if people are going to suggest that certain people deserve to go to jail, they can't suggest that...
THREAD Aesthetics & BeautyOn Art
11 Posts • 5822 Views
Philosophy Forum
"being artistic, i think, is the ability to have a kind of intuition about what is going to get across to people." i have to disagree with you on this artists don't just get things...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42113 Views
Religion Forum
You can believe what ever you choose. You have choosen not to believe in god, that is your choice. You are right about what most people believe. But so what. Most people have been wrong for centuries....
THREAD The light bulb is on finally
5 Posts • 2562 Views
Talk Talk
Booky, we don't need war that's a social issue. People don't know how to solve their problems without it and people think its good due to the way that are society is structured. That...
THREAD GodWhere do the ideas in religion come from?
42 Posts • 12268 Views
Philosophy Forum
There is a mental desease - I can't remember the name of it. There are people who have no feelings, this unforfutately is becoming more common, I have an opinion about that, but that's anoth...
THREAD Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13790 Views
Philosophy Forum
People, help me:( . I really want to meet someone like me. It's great to be able to talk to you all, but I want something a little more real. How do I find people like you? Go and ask everyone...
THREAD Relationships & LoveMen and Women don't want the same things, so why bother?
14 Posts • 6103 Views
Psychology Forum
There's a saying you may be familiar with: Men marry women thinking that they (the women) won't change; women marry men thinking that they (the men) will change. A bit of a generalization...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorEvaluate me
5 Posts • 2792 Views
Psychology Forum
This is a journal entry of mine from a couple of days ago. March 27, I feel shitty and lost and confused right now. What the hell am I going to do? I'm a little drunk right now. I felt my f...
THREAD Society & SociologyOver population and the effects it has on the human psyche.
8 Posts • 12794 Views
Psychology Forum
characteristically Happy people come from overcrowded environments. Sad people come from environments of poverty. Indifferent people come from environments of virtual immobilization (Japan, for exampl...
THREAD War & TerrorismSo...
9 Posts • 4351 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
You know what really sucks about wars in general? Whatever the feelings of the people of a natioon, the leader will do what they see fit for the country. Even at the expense of their own people. Ev...
THREAD Random QuestionsLittle annoying things
42 Posts • 16979 Views
Talk Talk
Skinny people beaching about how fat they are. people who get rilly upset like saying "im gona kill my self" over stupid shit like if some one dumps them when they have only bin going out f...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57835 Views
Religion Forum
Man (the generic term) struggles to define god (or God) within the limits of our knowledge and experience. Centuries ago man feared God as a supreme power and judge, who meted out rewards (good) and p...
THREAD SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13113 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I don't think you should be so quick to dissmiss the ability of ordinary people to organise themselves. I do agree though, that people keep turning to organised relegion and because of it, they a...
THREAD RelationshipsSoul Mate?
30 Posts • 9795 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Why don't people find what their looking for? There's a reason why people search their whole lives. That is because their perceptions cloud their judgment towards what is real and true. Peop...
THREAD Religion & Humanityreligon
10 Posts • 3651 Views
Religion Forum
Many people are drawn to religion because it is needed. It gives people hope when they have nothing left. You can be all alone in the world and have your faith and be safe. Yann Martel can explain thi...
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19170 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think Attolia is trying to ask, why are there certain social constraints, in particular for older people who may act/dress differently or like younger generations. Many people are ageist, who discri...
THREAD A Beautiful Mind
7 Posts • 4219 Views
Psychology Forum
coming from the other end of the spectrum, you may be tired of the way you are treated, but you should feel lucky that you are more approachable than most. i dont think your actual issue is specfic to...
THREAD Children Ruin Lives
25 Posts • 8471 Views
Talk Talk
You are completely right Restless. I'm not trying to be imposing on other people's decisions here, but it angers me that people think something is wrong with you if you don't want child...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30276 Views
Religion Forum
I started this thread to see what people thought about the tsunami issue. In times like these, a lot of people I know turn to religion for comfort. I wanted to learn how other people felt about this i...
THREAD Emotions & Feelingsanger
10 Posts • 3326 Views
Psychology Forum
This seems to be the most mysterious emotion to me. For people who prefer to yell and say hurtful things out of rage... I mean people who would rather hurt someone's feelings rather than clear th...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28598 Views
Philosophy Forum
"As I said earlier, if more people are saved than the amount of people who die - then its a good war" wow okkid, that was a real ass-hole thing to say. your saying that everyone is the sa...
THREAD War & TerrorismFrom Iraq
9 Posts • 3385 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I really don't like the goverment, or the military. However that aside stop loss has to stop. The way I look at it, if we are in a war on terror, which has no definable end then how can they use...
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