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Tagged > Relationship
THREAD BrokeBack Mountain
7 Posts • 3774 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Let me start off by saying.. if any of you, straight or gay havnt seen this movie.. plz do so now... [spoilers follow]: I loved this movie and almost everything about it but the tagline ("L...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsEmotions Journal
7 Posts • 2982 Views
Psychology Forum
Day 2 28/1/2010 Felt listless, felt like I didn't have much to do. Normally would hang out with H. Spoke briefly to R on MSN. After a bit of prodding she revealed she was pleased with how T...
THREAD Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15779 Views
Religion Forum
God's Plan is based on a personal relationship with Him -- He didnt particularly like organized religion -- For those that go and benefit -- Church can be a means of recharging your batteries for...
THREAD interesting viewpoint about dating
3 Posts • 3132 Views
Talk Talk
The plus side of dating someone much older is that statistically they will die first giving you more chances later. The 'til death do us part' thing is kinda the safety feature in one such r...
THREAD Gender PsychologyLadies what do women want in a man?
25 Posts • 11656 Views
Psychology Forum
a lot of the time it indeed is because of someones looks... but then you later in a realationship find out that their personality matches their good looks or they are only eye candy...I've had th...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167826 Views
Psychology Forum
*lol* Sometimes. I knocked her glasses right off her face once. We had a bad relationship and I'm sad it ended, but now I'm free. Downside: Loneliness and depression. So I take my pills and...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20370 Views
Religion Forum
Should someone have an abortion because they have been in an abusive relationship, will suffer financial hardship and live as a single mother? Thankfully the woman in this video chose not to.:)
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20608 Views
Psychology Forum
why is it that men, no matter how deeply they love their woman, can never stop lusting after a playboy bunny ? why is it explained away as a genetic hardwiring - that is condoned and well accpeted...
THREAD SocietyUS disappointed with canada?
3 Posts • 3526 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Washington delivered a stern message to Canada on Tuesday, saying Americans feel disappointed and betrayed by the Canadian decision to stay out of the war in Iraq. Although the relationship between...
THREAD RelationshipsPysical Attraction
20 Posts • 10007 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
The reason why I asked-'what physical attribute attracts you' is because with most women, the initial attraction isn't usually what keeps her attention. I suppose that holds true for ma...
THREAD casual, non sexual touching?
14 Posts • 25106 Views
Talk Talk
That was totally not even meant to be a date, but it just sort of happened. :) Im not complaining...but still the situation is a bit awkward because she just got over a huge relationship this summer,...
THREAD Perfect Mate
17 Posts • 9130 Views
Talk Talk
Attractive attributes Female Sweet H onest Sensitive Debatable U nderstanding And above all a person that doesn't change into a f**king ass when you get deeper in the relationship!!!!!!
THREAD Gender PsychologySome insights into men and women
9 Posts • 5862 Views
Psychology Forum
i wonder how these guys fail to notice the countless men who have partners and are quite content with them. this also includes young couples. obviously there are some women out there worth having a r...
THREAD A small Situation
6 Posts • 2273 Views
Talk Talk
As they say, this female may be trying to use you to promote (reinerest) her bf. Yes , you seem to be on the rebound still, try being friend's before you start into a relationship? Take it one st...
THREAD Friends or Not?
5 Posts • 3197 Views
Talk Talk
I have a guy friend, and we tried being something more, but it didn't work considering we both have a fear of commitment. We are still very much attracted to each other, and are contomplating sex...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73023 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
quote: ____________________________ _________________________ An adult can have a relationship with a child and not be a Pedophilia. _________________ ______________________________ ______ the...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7967 Views
Philosophy Forum
As I understand what you said earlier, like this: a roommate left you in a very bad situation. He proved to be untrustworthy. You like the woman you are with because you believe you can trust her. You...
THREAD who should i be with?
3 Posts • 1976 Views
Talk Talk
Well I'm all for monogamy. I should probably declare that from the out. But I have to wonder what's going on here. You fell 'out of love' with your husband and sought romance else...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8608 Views
Psychology Forum
It sounds like this has a lot to do with creating romance, which a lot of women don't understand properly and a lot of guys suck at until they are 35 lol. If you are always available and always n...
THREAD Life & DeathDescribe Your Death
16 Posts • 5745 Views
Philosophy Forum
i broke up with him and starting dating someone else. he was always abusive to me and i finally found the courage to leave him. he wasn't always like that though. he started acting very strange t...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8608 Views
Psychology Forum
ah, I LOVE that excuse. It's so ass backwards. I'd question your ex's mental stability if I were you. But then, I do that with most people. This kind of thing can really shake up a p...
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21640 Views
Religion Forum
:) Okay. I will answer your question in hopes that you will anwer mine. I will agree that it mentions nowhere in the New Testament that Jesus simply said that he was God (there are no passages that...
THREAD Relationships & LoveIs there solace in being alone?
8 Posts • 3356 Views
Psychology Forum
I can relate to this since I was in a five year relationship (but its a little little more complicated than that.) and when it ended I too found myself very alone and lost. Since the events are recent...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51754 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Prostitution is unnecessary so why should the single man need it? Who says he does, it doesn't matter if he needs it or not, he wants it and since consentual sex is legal prostitution should...
51 Posts • 72620 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Can I live without Sex? Did for 3 years when my 8 year marriage broke up and I survived! That was the longest stretch. With age I have learned that it is much better in a loving relationship. When...
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