Sometimes I simply feel that the whole world is a cigarette and I'm the only ashtray. - PhoebeKnowsAll
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Tagged > Real or hoax
16 Posts • 15604 Views
Religion Forum
Lets think for a moment about understanding... I would have to make an analogy. We breathe air, but we dont see it, down to the atom which is not proven to exsit. Things are made up of things we made...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyDimensions
14 Posts • 4617 Views
Science & Technology Forum
the 4th dimension is basically the same thing as time and is known as hyperspace, the same thing they used in star trek for faster than light travel. wormholes in space are basically sections of hyper...
THREAD 8/11: Amnesty Intellectual
1 Posts • 2682 Views
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In pictures President Bush looks very relaxed at his Crawford ranch, while the people of the United States and the rest of the World are frightened and confused: what's going to happen next? How...
THREAD God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7422 Views
Religion Forum
"someday, human beings may look at another universe, one without life. then, a universe without life is observable." By definition, universes cannot interact. If they do, then they aren&#...
THREAD Relationships & LoveI met my boyfriend on the what!
63 Posts • 44083 Views
Psychology Forum
thetruth wrote: Poser exposer, you mean to tell me that meeting someone on the internet implies you have low self esteem? That's almost as ridiculous as me assuming that meeting people in real l...
THREAD What is It, that I need to do....
4 Posts • 3510 Views
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Hey man. Well first let me preface everything I might say with this: Love is extremely complicated. It might be hard for anyone to give you advice about this who doesn't know both you and her ver...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57894 Views
Religion Forum
"I wonder if we are all thinking about this way too much. What do you guys think? Is this that important that we spend so much time on it? Just curious." Well I'm really bored ATM so I...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9455 Views
Religion Forum
So... You will accept logic. Alright, good. When I said they were wrong, that didn't mean in all aspects. Summit set it up as saying that if there is truth, everyone would accept it and it wo...
8 Posts • 2305 Views
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Everyone feels lost at some point. I think there are different degrees of lost though. I think for most people, they are happy little drones, who are born, live and die without even realizing it. And...
THREAD SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29204 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Just what is the need & what is wanted or desired? " I'm just saying, people starve, that's a fact. And the Lord doesn't give a hoot. 'Bit confusing, relating...
THREAD GovernmentKatrina and Bush
0 Posts • 3964 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
FEMA wouldn't let the Red Cross in, they told Walmart that they didn't need the water they brought in, They told Amtrac that they didn't need their trains and the Coast Guard brought a...
THREAD ElectionsA very good read.
8 Posts • 3586 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
You say I'm a broken record, its true, I wish I had more answers to solve problems, it doesn't mean I'm willing to forget they exist (not on purpose). You prove my theory of a bulls...
THREAD Relationships & LoveI met my boyfriend on the what!
63 Posts • 44083 Views
Psychology Forum
meeting on the internet... =low self esteem and patheticness extreme. if you can't find someone in your daily life or area etc. you got big problems... Poser exposer, you mean to tell me that...
THREAD IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27641 Views
Religion Forum
And This too may help http://okcitykid.brave Aljazeera Muslim scholars move to curb fatwas Thursday 07 July 2005, 10:19 Makka Time, 7:19 GMT The Muslim world's top schola...
3 Posts • 3168 Views
Philosophy Forum
To be free of my of genetic memory. To be free of my programmed enemies. To let be my so called tragedies. To be me in spite of anything. When I think of my mother being hit by my father, I know it...
THREAD SocietyExcerp: 13 Year old boyfriend gets nude pics of teacher
2 Posts • 7926 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
In Tennessee a school teacher is given an additional 7 years in prison for sending her 13 year old boy friend nude pictures of herself. She's pretty good looking, the 13 year old I'm sure is...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42425 Views
Religion Forum
Thank you rschulz for bringing my error to light. I admit that a few of the points I made were wrong and I will retract them. Simply saying that God exists outside of time and space does not give a...
THREAD GovernmentIt Will Be Hard Work, But He Will Be You Impeached
24 Posts • 7607 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
B) i dont know what media you ay attention to but the only media i ever see is bashing bush and GOD That's easy, try Fox News, the most popular news station today, meaning either a majority...
THREAD A bit of common sense
13 Posts • 3620 Views
Talk Talk
Give them some credit over generalists. Generalists like you? Do you realize that your entire post is a nondescript generalization? There are valid scientists out there, professionals, hard-w...
THREAD Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9971 Views
Psychology Forum
As usual I fell to communicate well in my post so I am trying to restate a past post in this post. There's people who tell you that they see flying gaint insects or gaint caterpillers telling t...
THREAD Life & DeathLife
15 Posts • 4284 Views
Philosophy Forum
I appreciate the thoughtfullness of your statements, it is quite true that I currently (as well as the majority of my life) live the life of the tortured soul if you will, but I assure it isn't a...
THREAD SocietyPay Attention
14 Posts • 4230 Views
Philosophy Forum
My real frustration is where the drive of the invention is coming from and thats about making a profit instead of bettering life. The technology you have listed, all make it convenient for us to fo...
43 Posts • 9083 Views
Talk Talk
Haha ok let me explain what i said since you dont understand once again...Your problem is you only read what u want to hear u dont read it carefully. (((You said :but what ever way you put it, they...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42010 Views
Religion Forum
Humans attempt to chain free will, thus making it not free by social context, which can have real and "evil" consequences of retribution and judgement, which are enacted by other dictations...
THREAD EconomyWhy are American people angry?
8 Posts • 4154 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Seriously, though as you say he has no neck, I think he does have after all. And a tongue which is mightiest of all the weapons. And courage which is the fundamental human quality. Mr. Obama is a weak...
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