Random QuestionsYoung love
25 Posts • 6685 Views Talk Talk |
pt. 2.
Like you said Code, there is allot of stuff that adults talk about that needs to be implemented into a relationship. But do you believe these things are just a waste of time? Or that adults... |
ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18263 Views Religion Forum |
An historian told me while I was taking a tour of the Roman Catacombs that Caesar (I don't know which one) converted to Christianity and became the first pope to the new Roman Catholic Church. Th... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58962 Views Religion Forum |
Hi Decius....There have been scholars studying the Reformation since the 1500s and they still don't agree why things happened. I am a novice at this so my opinions will be more general than exper... |
BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15222 Views Science & Technology Forum |
How could you say humans are much more social than other animals? So many species of animal form themselves into tightknit herd, schools, packs, flocks, etc. I'd say we're about equal in soc... |
Ethics & MoralityWhat is Moral Folk Theory?
2 Posts • 2937 Views Philosophy Forum |
What is Moral Folk Theory?
The attempt to seek knowledge presupposes that the world unfolds in a systematic pattern and that we can gain knowledge of that unfolding. Cognitive science identifies se... |
Legacy of Kain series.
10 Posts • 2674 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Regarding my favorite game ever, I would have to say the Legacy of Kain series is by far my first choice.
This series of games began in about 1996 over a decade ago, back on the fist playstation. (... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views Psychology Forum |
Hi everyone! my name is tweak. I'm the gnome that sits on Mugen's shoulder and thought I would reply to this thread again, I'm a little more informed of what I should be saying about hi... |
GovernmentThe silly occupy crowd
1 Posts • 2613 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Most of the occupy people are tourists number one.
The rest is broken up into two crowds. People who are angry because they failed to achieve in life<achieve on the same level as the 1%>.
A... |
EconomyEver wonder...
12 Posts • 2772 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Inflation directly affects all income by sheer devaluation of the dollar itself. And wages don't tend to keep up with inflation either. Especially not this borderline hyper inflation.
Compensa... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51791 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Prostitution is unnecessary so why should the single man need it?
Who says he does, it doesn't matter if he needs it or not, he wants it and since consentual sex is legal prostitution should... |
Science vs ReligionScience: The One True Religion
27 Posts • 7260 Views Religion Forum |
Good points: just think a little deeper. Theres a big but, we have to be careful what we consider religion, what we consider science, what we consider art, what we consider philosophy. I think psychol... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Eric Haney, a retired command sergeant major of the U.S. Army, was a founding member of Delta Force, the military's elite covert counter-terrorist unit has fighting words for Bush.
http://www.... |
Are we all 'dittoheads' to some ideology?
3 Posts • 2729 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are we all 'dittoheads' to some ideology?
Wikipedia informs me that 'dittoheads' are 'faithful listeners to The Rush Limbaugh Show. Limbaugh explains that these adoring fans are not necessarily tho... |
28 Posts • 7158 Views Philosophy Forum |
hahahahhahaa......lmao...this is the funniest reply you've ever gave on this site.....lmao.........damn you got mad so quick...lmao hahaha....aight sorry hold up...
I never said that I was a &... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27192 Views Science & Technology Forum |
E=mc^2 is not really about space. The theory of relativity has several more or less disjoint consequences on space, time, and matter. It all stems from the seemingly rediculous fact that the speed of... |
Children Ruin Lives
25 Posts • 8481 Views Talk Talk |
The biggest problem I see with this planet is that it is FAR too overpopulated. We are slowly consuming its resources like a tide of locusts.
We complain about greenhouse gases, we complain about... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16819 Views Religion Forum |
responses to ethereals comments:
Again, I mess up on semantics! grr! Sorry, I guess I should have put "fornication" instead of "sex". I was typing quickly.
I don't look d... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13843 Views Talk Talk |
Gentlemen, please!
Decius, I like the way that Cynic-Al questions everything put before him. Obviously I side with you with regard to the points you made (they were all new to me!), but his perspec... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainEmotions vs Logic
30 Posts • 15116 Views Psychology Forum |
It is hard to imagine a creature without emotions. Even bugs, I think, have the capacity to sense danger and fear it. Emotions seem necessary for survival, they teach us things. Our desire to live, I... |
ChristianityClear Definition #1
0 Posts • 2363 Views Religion Forum |
1. A person's behaviour is not seperate from who they are if they are judged based on their behaviour
They are judged based on behaviour but they are loved based on being human.
2. It is p... |
BooksHave you achieved a sense of fulfillment?
21 Posts • 12156 Views Talk Talk |
i am never fullfilled with what i do, thats what keeps me going on, till i find that peak orgasm. finding fullfilment in a glimpse of an eye or a snap of a finger seems to me too fantastical...art nee... |
War & TerrorismAnonVsScientology
13 Posts • 3548 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Jump on the bandwagon and fuck shit up on Feb. 10
In case you aren't aware, a war of sorts has been declared against Scientology. I support this as long as it remains physically non-violent... |
PhotographyPhotography Discussion
1 Posts • 2227 Views Art Forum |
Welp, I just want to talk about anything to do with photography here, where anyone interested in photography can talk about it here also.
I'm currently trying to start up my own fre... |
Religion & HumanityWhy can we do wrong
23 Posts • 6522 Views Religion Forum |
What is "wrong"? What is "right"? What religion is right and which is wrong? According to most religions every other religion is wrong. So, which is right if there is b... |
GovernmentMy Democrat amigos MUST READ!
30 Posts • 7042 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
- President Clinton, Fe... |