There is nothing but surety... humanity desires insecurity...
Consider... one's mind is more consistent in sleep than any other mode of operation... the inner language of the resting (REM) brain.. most reliable and soon to be experienced again IS sleep...
Any one day cannot be easily duplicated, but in sleep there is that sameness... familiarity... world
is it any wonder that we describe our waking world in the language of metaphor...? The mind is secure there in metaphor...
So everything must have a "meaning"....
ha'.....! like in dreams...
How many times have you heard... "why did I dream about that...?"
Perhaps there was an overabundance of synaptic electrical reisidual energy flowing through your brain from a day of energetic food and activity that needed to dissapate as your body began to operate on far less needs... sleep... rest...
synapse in the eye, firing its residuals... into that brain..
Do both... you already knew that answer... so I'll agree with you cause I do...
Make tea out of it.. no smell, great body high... it's good for unwinding and better than 151 proof liquor...!
I speak, direct, manage etc. etc. for a living... George Washington led the new America just fine... complete pot head... grew acres of it... also... it was very common...
But in a world where stress is profit... you won't get much common sense from the fear mongers... or those who are stuck ---- on fear now after decades of training....
they seek insecurity... they are stuck on metaphor to be purposely unsure... can't be directly questioned or answer you... you know the type...
Insecurity tells most of the sheeple that the world is Just Right.. bunch of back-ass-wards jack-a-lopes if you ask me to hire one...
ha' !....
And we know better don't we... the world is a very sure place.. quite obvious actually... Peace to you alll....
Cherish a friend, one of mine has gone now never to return... wrecked me today... this was therapy
Now we all know what I should have done while my friend was alive... cherished appreciated defended evolved and contributed to every part of his life.. and all in power to do so...
See life is obvious through regrets... examine some of your regrets... you'lll see what you should have done clearly to be happy... just reverse it to forward thinking future actions...