Gender PsychologySexyness and Sluttyness
0 Posts • 14704 Views Psychology Forum |
equally agressive at times, and equally passive at times. that is the way a healthy relationship should operate. plus, things are a lot more passionate when both partners are equal.
particularly af... |
Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15801 Views Religion Forum |
I agree that he was a very smart man. But also very stupid. He caused people to hate him that was his real mistake, the man could have talked his way to world domination but he was irrational and impa... |
BooksThoughts on Fifty Shades of Grey?
5 Posts • 9760 Views Talk Talk |
I haven't read the book, but I've read a thorough synopsis of the plot. What interests me and is pretty much the only reason I would read this book is because of all the 'I have it'... |
Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9958 Views Psychology Forum |
That being the case open minded people are unable to empathize with other people and are therefore closed minded to the concept of empathy.
ya know, that sounds real good, but , being empathetic... |
Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 15044 Views Philosophy Forum |
Mountain Girl: It's funny that the way you described your life coalesces with the behavior of the real "Mountain Girl." The unnamed giantess who hung out with the Ken Kesey crew and was... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23031 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sure, but my world is my own...I know nothing of anyone else's perception of the world...and if what I percieve in a tree is different than your perception, then our trees are different...that... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I applaud you for posting such a well worded excerp. I think it is extremely accurate I agree with u, it is a good strait forward writing for the most part, especially the part of not voti... |
Mental IllnessDrunk, but not on alcohol...
3 Posts • 2421 Views Psychology Forum |
It occurred to me today, that some mental disorder may be more comprehensible when you look at it in the right light.
Most people usually see people who are drunk in an altered state of mind. Their... |
Random QuestionsWhat is your current occupation versus....
16 Posts • 6851 Views Talk Talk |
It's the rat race I'm telling ya.
We all need to survive. So we join this race to survive. We have to be marketable in today's economy and seek higher education to remain marketable... |
InventionElectric/hybrid cars
26 Posts • 10578 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I tried to create a web page about oil independence. I got no support from no one. And what was more disheartening was that the U.S. auto industry doesn't appear to care. I mean, they've pos... |
GovernmentThank you Republicans
21 Posts • 6185 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well, I can say that you have adequetly put your thoughts and feeling down in pixilated form, but I can not congratulate you on your debating skills.
I'm not saying that Bush the man was for t... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousSubconscious
43 Posts • 10962 Views Psychology Forum |
Romach - You don't have to defend your philosophies or attempt to shoot others down by quoting historic philosphers. Because in the end, they were all just a bunch of guys sitting around thinking... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62347 Views Jokes & Games |
It was the first day of kindgergarten and the teacher asked each child to stand up and say their name. When she got to one little girl she stood up and said Happy Hiney. The teacher said I know thats... |
SocietyAdvice for the youth...
20 Posts • 6283 Views Philosophy Forum |
I didnt say that you can never return. There is no lightside or darkside of the force in real life. No "once youve crossed over you can never return."
I said there are certain things you... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousConsciousness is just the tip of the iceberg
24 Posts • 12882 Views Psychology Forum |
I totally agree about your conscious mind programming your unconscious mind. That's an excellent point!
Not to contradict your point at all but let me add something which maybe you didn't think of: W... |
7 Posts • 3659 Views Religion Forum |
Wisdom I think is a means of being able to discern something; to be able to judge correctly between two or more things. Intuitive wisdom is higher than learned wisdom.
I don't disagree with y... |
Movie ReviewTotal Eclipse
8 Posts • 6980 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Btw, do you have problems with viruses while downloading through torrent? i'm having big trouble with it even though i have a security wall. Any advices?
No, I don't really have too much... |
258 Posts • 67437 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Must be your skin that I'm sinkin in
Must be for real cause now I can feel
and I didn't mind
it's not my kind
not my time to wonder why
everything's gone white
and ever... |
19 Posts • 6688 Views Philosophy Forum |
the molecules of water may be "real" in that they interact with things and create things with different properties than other substances, but as far as them being unitary, that is an illusio... |
SocietyAtlas Shrugged a Cynical Review
28 Posts • 9375 Views Philosophy Forum |
@ little john, I want to destroy peoples points of view because then they can put them back together, as long as they aren't pig headed. My enemies? I have none we are all connected we are all on... |
BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11979 Views Talk Talk |
I've skim read this book. Dan Brown seems to have the ability of keeping you in suspense. And I sensed this. I was more keen to try and get behind the story to the fecats though.... |
@tax cuts
22 Posts • 5539 Views Talk Talk |
Why do people think the wealthy should be taxed more, how do they not understand that when you tax a business man he will just pay his workers less to make up for the additional taxes which will only... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33467 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"That is true shares in the central bank are quite profitable."
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but there is no true profit is there?
x = paper capitol (the Canadian monetary system... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38019 Views Psychology Forum |
1st Decius, I understand where you are going with the whole fictional daughter scenario. Furthermore, I don't think that every father wants his daughter to wear a Alaskan snow suit. Any father th... |
20 Posts • 6364 Views Talk Talk |
In the military you do.
Its sad. There were people in the military who could not survive in the civilian world. Unfortunately, to save money, the military got rid of them. Then they may have lived... |