GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14675 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you ar atheistic down to the bone the answer to this question is simple: God is nothing because it is nothing. I can see an argument for this on the lines of God is a concept by which we measure ou... |
189 Posts • 73083 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
It's only wrong because we say it is... as I stated earlier, I wanted sex from 8, had it at 12, and now, as an older fart, I realise that sex shouldn't be used as a device for pleasure.
I... |
Love Vs Friendship
10 Posts • 8294 Views Talk Talk |
i dont think there is a thread exactly like this one yet. to get everyone on the same page here... the way i see it is that the person i marry and have a family with and all of that should be first an... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64040 Views Religion Forum |
I'm hearing something, I lean towards the probability that in an ultimate sense it is indeed god.
I am quite comfortable with your description of scripture here. The only negatives I feel I t... |
Love Poems and Toilet Paper
1 Posts • 1630 Views Talk Talk |
This isn't really a joke but I couldn't load the general board so this was the next best thing.
Do you think that if all the love poems/songs in the world were printed on toilet paper tha... |
What Video Game Are You Currently Playing
24 Posts • 6921 Views Talk Talk |
Soul Calibur III. It's really fun and even better than Soul Calibur II. It's also the only fighting game series that I'm good at (I pretty mcuh resort to random button-mashing for every... |
Would you listen to music in a language you didn't understand?
2 Posts • 2337 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I remember when i started my quest to hear every song in the world (an endeavor that would turn out to be fruitless), i started listening to stuff i didn't understand, it was really hard to be in... |
Physics & CosmologyIs time infinate
5 Posts • 2520 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Time is supposedly not linear. Linear time according to most quantum and theoretical physics posits that linear time is a human experience in three dimensional space.
This has been further advance... |
DreamsCrazy Dream
7 Posts • 4169 Views Psychology Forum |
wierd, I've had virtually the exact same dream as you, man. I don't study dream thoery or anything, but let me see what I think. When you're sleeping, you're at peace, you're... |
Smell the Gas Fumes
4 Posts • 3038 Views Talk Talk |
That's telling them people are actually willing to pay these ridiculous prices!!! So of course they're going to keep walking all over us. I really think they're going to keep using oil... |
a Little verse I wrote
1 Posts • 2254 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I looked up the T.I. instrumental on you tube and felt like writing
http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=8-LFnDzFJCk
I 039;ve seen you lately infiltratin' my dreams
A vail of reality it's... |
Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22264 Views Psychology Forum |
i'm not that educated in underground music, but i've really been getting into sonic youth lately. i think they're possibly my second or third favorite band. i realize that the distortio... |
Last Concert You Went To
15 Posts • 4232 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Green Day - Sept. 19, 2005
it was the second time seeing them this year. i was pretty far back this time, not in the pit like before. in some ways it was nice cuz i could see the band the whole tim... |
HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16752 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
marraige throughout history has been the joining of man and woman.
And the persecution and repression of homosexuals has been around for some time now too? Is this what validates something?
Marr... |
47 Posts • 14927 Views Philosophy Forum |
To jayne says,.. some sort of caused curiosity instinct makes you think of that (from so many factors such as tempting, cool contrast against a norm, through past expereince knowing consequences stimu... |
atmosphere - say hey there
6 Posts • 2183 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Yea "fuck you lucy" is such a good song..
Do I sound mad? Well I guess I'm a little pissed
Every action has a point, five points make a fist
You close 'em, you swing 'e... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11363 Views Talk Talk |
The impression I get from mindfields is
She appreciates beautiful short stories and art that reflect her ambitions in life. Keeping up with daily news, she is always aware of international events and... |
BiologyMeditation altars brain structure
18 Posts • 7017 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Decius- mutation is only one of the 5 agents of evolutionary change. The other agents are genetic drift, gene flow, non- random mating and natural selection. In this case of meditation, mutations are... |
PoetrySecret poems
21 Posts • 14509 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Alone atop a naked hill
I stare at the lush world below.
With naught but rock under my feet
I see a field of wildflowers.
And as my throat is parched and dry
I gaze at flowing streams.
With t... |
What does buying the stairway to heaven mean?
11 Posts • 46929 Views Talk Talk |
Like OKciy, I would give my interpetationof the meaning, although Izzy comment does give one pause to think 'what are the lyrics to the song?
Previous (long ago) statements questioning Christian... |
8 Posts • 4374 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I thank you for these kind words, and in the old "sonnets" place i have made another one:
The law of a poem, syllables of 10
I did not know there were laws on your dreams
Worked for Sha... |
Oxy Moron
7 Posts • 2535 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This is a song I wrote for my band. Critique?
Gone to war,
as glory fades
stray... |
Gender PsychologyNew Songs
17 Posts • 6651 Views Psychology Forum |
i sort of agree with you etheral, but then you get a group like status quo, who just had a laugh and did what they wanted, and they are still going now 40+ years later.
as for the sexual content, the... |
God in ReligionIf God exisit...why there is so much evil in the world?
24 Posts • 7554 Views Religion Forum |
I like that. And I'm sure that the whole idea of God stresses that we must strive to keep the aspects of "the good side" of God dominant in our consciousness so that our "vision&qu... |
what is music?
6 Posts • 3850 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are you ready to smile and feel connected?
Example: a chorus of people singing the same song at large venue or in an small group is the proof of harmony heals the soul and sets free the spirit.... |