God in ReligionMe, myself and God
11 Posts • 3605 Views Religion Forum |
I am trying to understand; or to be mopre precise; comprehend the scientific knowledge we have and tie this is with how we operate as humans; and as far as is plausible and rational; what... |
StoriesChronicles from the Gutter.
22 Posts • 8622 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Till my heart stops beating, I'll sing a closure song to each and single bum.
You are caught in a wave taking you into a voracious hurricane deep within the blue.
You never pay attention to what th... |
Flogging Molly- Drunken Lullabies
3 Posts • 2275 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
What's left of the flag...an odd break-up song, but it's what I've got.
His eyes they closed and his last breath spoke
He had seen all to be seen
A life once full, now an empty v... |
Creative MusingsFar from above, just separate like any reservations held in fear
10 Posts • 3455 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Just a few random thoughts on your original post...
Let the madness show. The true bliss is hiding underneath. And the madness is best dissolved in the presence of another. The trick is for the oth... |
Unchained Melodies
24 Posts • 6374 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Unkle. Rabbit in your headlights.
You may recognize Toms Yorkes voice as the singer.
http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=noExWvmqaec
Thi s song and video to me is a metaphor for those who walk a di... |
God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14679 Views Religion Forum |
Ok, I would like some form of repeating to cease here, what information do you have that makes you think life so unlikely under random circustance? You keep referring to lacking materials, and conditi... |
Random QuestionsFlatulence when is it OK?
16 Posts • 21496 Views Talk Talk |
Hmmmm when is it o.k.?? I think farts are funnier than SHIT. :D BUT.....we need to have that type of "relationship" first if you know what i'm saying.
Here are some of my thoughts of... |
I'm Stuck In a Rut, and I Can't Move On...
23 Posts • 8234 Views Talk Talk |
I remember when I was young, the skies were blue, the wind was relaxing and the air was filled with the smell of excitement and promise. I was top of my game. I could do anything I wanted to, when I w... |
6 Posts • 6847 Views Jokes & Games |
* I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.
* Gardening Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable... |
The light bulb is on finally
5 Posts • 2568 Views Talk Talk |
How will American react to the current depression and total collapse of the middle class. 9 trillion dollar debt, bankrupt, and tried of following the same outdated model, America is finally changing... |
StoriesFinish The Story
11 Posts • 3671 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
But nothing came from her mouth and feeling helpless she turned and ran through a side door of the ruined building in an attempt to hide, to get away.
It was quiet inside. And dark. Somewhat surpri... |
Surgeon General's Warning
1 Posts • 3194 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This is a song in a series of protest songs I will hopefully be getting off the ground very soon.
"The Surgeon General's Warning"
Now this is how we will be heard
Raise your fist... |
uplifting adventures
10 Posts • 5125 Views Talk Talk |
I know this may be touchy to some, but I have been wondering...
have you ever experimented with hallucinogenic drugs- and experienced something uplifting that seemed to of changed your way of life?... |
Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25121 Views Religion Forum |
so some of you do not believe in God, some of you do not believe in free will, and some of you do not believe in a life after death.
I am wondering what values there are now. To me, I hav... |
2 Posts • 3393 Views Religion Forum |
hey, i got this from KJ-52 (wonderful Christian rapper) its more like a poem, but i wanted people to see this and not a lot of people like poems so i decied to put in religion. here we go:
Do you r... |
1 Posts • 2261 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The dim darkness-the diffused light-dimness of one merging into the other-
imparting more length to the long trees that are standing like stretched out
shadows wearing stars in their hair- silence i... |
5 Posts • 3506 Views Talk Talk |
Love lyric sites....
Rebellion by the Arcade Fire
Sleeping is giving in,
no matter what the time is.
Sleeping is giving in,
so lift those heavy eyelids.
People say that you'll die
fa... |
ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12473 Views Religion Forum |
Well, analytical, long, very long, but an interesting read. I always thought it is good to hear other people's opinions.
'Pagans.... many gods. How many times have these gods ever did anything mira... |
PoetryLast of the good memorys and smiles of summer
5 Posts • 2776 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
And these are tales from the open road, oh the sights I have seen. I'd send you a postcard but chances are that you've seen better.
Crossed out another shooting star. another night on my c... |
5 Posts • 3506 Views Talk Talk |
I just realized we need a thread for music... or at least i dont see one... sigh*
Ive currently been getting into moloko... i love her. Here style is Funk/pop/triphop style. Download The only ones... |
My opinion... by me.
3 Posts • 3117 Views Talk Talk |
Well, i'm finding it hard to have a conversation about my views with my friends because they have a tendency to reject everything i say and say i'm stupid... so heres my genral opinion on th... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42412 Views Religion Forum |
*sigh* Stella, you might want to even review your whole case:
"wat do u mean by i mock people"~Stella
Ok, so, lets pull up a few random quotes from you.
"I respect everybody... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32927 Views Philosophy Forum |
"but none of their mistreatments was ordered by Bush - it was done by morally imperfect soldiers."
This is not something we can know, for a few reasons, one, how soldiers are trained affe... |
Science vs ReligionReligion AND Science/ Relgion OR Science
6 Posts • 3354 Views Religion Forum |
In the end no matter what happens in science religion just has to say god made it. Case closed. For them if that's their belief. We can't see the whole picture ourselves yet to "know&qu... |
Panic At The Disco- Build God, Then We'll Talk
1 Posts • 1869 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Not a good video, funny, but not good.
The song is just so badass. This has got to me in my top 15 songs.
It's these substandard motels on the (lalalalala) corner of 4th and Freemont Street... |