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Tagged > Random song
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55439 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well wraith, thats what you implied with your boulder example. anyway, how is the future set in stone..? I can understand the past, but although future is almost certain..its not set in stone. f...
THREAD Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10681 Views
Religion Forum
^^^the only reason that jesus died on the cross was for the significance of the end of offering physical sacrifices to the almighty. The end of sacrificing birds and lambs on altars, and blood sacrifi...
THREAD Gnarls Barkley Crazy
2 Posts • 2481 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Gnarls Barkley Crazy Theremin Jam Excerpt: This video is an experiment to see how rapidly the theremin can be injected into the world's collective consciousness. It's amazing that not eve...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42259 Views
Philosophy Forum
" There are a great many things in this world that differentiate me from you, including our physical bodies and characteristics." Sorry I wasn't clear, those things are irrelevant to w...
THREAD How has coming here affected you?
17 Posts • 4996 Views
Talk Talk
I have been here for a really long fucking time. Well actually since the beginning of the whole UGN. I have seen alot of threads and seen a lot of people come and go. From what I have learned i...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24426 Views
Religion Forum
Good, I can use logic. Before, and on a different thread, you refused to accept first principles, which are the core of all logic. Now, how exactly does that make logic one of your beliefs? Please exp...
3 Posts • 3167 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I wrote a song called Save The Planet. Michael Jackson shoud record it. It would help to redeem him. We can improve global management and usher in world peace. Listen:// ic/ SAV...
THREAD God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50281 Views
Religion Forum
Okay, this may sound pretty lame, but I can't help but mention it. I've been trying to understand the logic behind the initial post of this thread and the more I read it, I think the seco...
THREAD DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21292 Views
Psychology Forum
Okay, if you don't know already I've been tracking a Mind Portal for about a year and a half now. It's helped me a lot. Before I really got into it I was depressed and confused and apat...
17 Posts • 7574 Views
Talk Talk
Porn = Proof of Repressed Nature, How many different faces do you see when you search porn? millions upon millions, all want money, or fame, or both or neither. Female sexual freedom amplified....
THREAD PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7204 Views
Psychology Forum
In a way I was going for that. Success being the key to over-coming my insecurities due to not wanting to be steered from the path I have set as my goal. Things like the fear you describe, those ha...
THREAD evolutýon????
83 Posts • 20543 Views
Philosophy Forum
yes, all cells contain DNA that can carry out cell division and/or replication. Ethereal: request about origin may improve your understandingof his intent by giving a different perception. I had noted...
THREAD GodNeutral Religion
8 Posts • 9525 Views
Philosophy Forum
what have i stumbled into?...... i can't beleive i found this site. i looked up " neutral religion " in google and this is what i got. agnosticism...... last time someone called me a...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyComparison: Universe>Cell
5 Posts • 3186 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Yes thanks for the good clip dawn! I actually saw 30 seconds of it and decided to watch the entire movie instead, as well as a few other interesting imax vids that were there. And also thanks for...
THREAD LawEvolution vs Creationism
19 Posts • 6412 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"What I'm talking about it something like an engine. If there are 5 different pieces, and every individual piece has no real use on its own, but together they provide an irreplaceable functi...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57888 Views
Religion Forum
An alternate explanation for evolution has to do with quantum mechanics (modern physics). In quantum physics, particles have more than one property at any given time, as if several variations of the p...
THREAD Motion City Soundtrack- When Youre Around
1 Posts • 1769 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
I like this song. I felt this way a few days ago. Pretty much word for word.. Midwest love affair I bend when I am bored, Late-night-liquor-blue will lead me to the floor. Can we fake it? Ca...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64040 Views
Religion Forum
On Darwin's statements : the preclude to Darwin's book clearly states he may be wrong. In fact, he is wrong in many places (I believe he asserted neanderthals were our ancestors). However, t...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42141 Views
Religion Forum
i know it's not about church but about religion.... but if i were religious i don't think i'd ever go to church because i'd know that GOD doesn't really want me to do that, al...
THREAD DreamsWhat do you dream about?
29 Posts • 10708 Views
Psychology Forum
My dreams usually focus around my previous day, or the possibilities of what will happen tommorow, though sometimes I find myself pulled into one of three scenarios that I've come to either fear...
THREAD DrugsDo you smoke?
47 Posts • 16749 Views
Psychology Forum
Yes I do. :( I am TOTALLY trying to cut it down to nothing though... and (patting myself on the back, I am doing a DAMN good job!) I started in the summer of seventh grade. A boyfriend named Ru...
THREAD Song LyricsMad World
22 Posts • 9559 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Leaving Song Walked away, heard them say "Poison hearts will never change," walk away again. Turned away in disgrace, felt the chill upon my face cooling from within. Hard to notic...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60668 Views
Philosophy Forum
Depends on who you are these days, if your religious then the point of life is for it to end now or on root to the appocalypse. It's easy to find religous nuts on youtube go on and on about how n...
THREAD EconomyWhy not tax the Rich?
52 Posts • 23560 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Who has the right to state that anyone has reached a point where "society" deems them rich enough and attempt to limit their expansion based on this? That is a lack of freedom."...
THREAD A Real 30 Year Old Virgin
19 Posts • 7810 Views
Talk Talk
I don't see that its so strange. Yes certainly some one to lazy to support him self might be considered pathetic but there are other reasons one might live with ones parents. For starters what ab...
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