SocietyNeil Young's Impeachment Song
3 Posts • 2192 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Let's Impeach the President
Let's impeach the president for lying
And leading our country into war
Abusing all the power that we gave him
And shipping all our money out the door
He's the m... |
1 Posts • 3195 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
by Robert Davidson
I ran along the dark-shored lake as
A magpie in a blue gum sang a mystic melody.
But so afraid was I to unmask my heart
And share with you my lo... |
SocietyA New Discovery
27 Posts • 10058 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Do you really think it was an accident the solar system came into existence; an accident that the sun is just the proper distance from the earth so we don't roast or freeze; an accident that the... |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91135 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Since nature is finite then the Cause must be infinite."
Um, not necessarily. I can create I finite baby, but myself am also finite.
Your 4 choices are limited indeed. How about I revea... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
lol, ok, dylan had a shitty voice, but what i meant by musical talent is he could write a song that made you want to listen to it, despite the lyrics (and the voice). i think if you're a protest... |
Religion & HumanityThe Disease of Religious Fundamentalism
19 Posts • 6742 Views Religion Forum |
Religion is an attempt to communicate with the other world through prayers, fasts, ceremonies, meditation, song, etc. That is spiritual - however it may not be successful. Spirituality is the goal of... |
Who needs friends when you can write bad poetry?
17 Posts • 9072 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I love The Folkadots. They are a great band with only around 4 or 5 songs but they are some of the best 4 or 5 songs ever. Listening to their songs makes my heart swell and fizzle, just as if it were... |
Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17738 Views Philosophy Forum |
if say you find a person one day in a seemingly completely random place, feel as if you have met them before, prior to exchanging a single word; speak to them and find them saying exactly what you are... |
Emotions & Feelingsanger
10 Posts • 3330 Views Psychology Forum |
Last year I was a senior in high school, and i would get mad entirely too easily. At one point i was so mad i needed to let it out and i almost broke my hand punching a metal pole. I wouldn't sug... |
Song LyricsAnimotion - Obsession
1 Posts • 3539 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I love this song.
You are an obsession, I cannot sleep
I am a possession unopened at your feet
There is no balance, no equality
Be still I will not accept defeat
I will have you, y... |
BooksThis Book Will Change Your Life
62 Posts • 17237 Views Talk Talk |
i bought this book the other day and havent stopped laughing since! i will post what it tells you to do each day (365 total) i encourage people to buy it and follow along because some of the posts req... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16274 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
words cant express
what i feel when i feel like
im apart of you
cant forget
all we did
every bit i put you through
made me a happier person
and now i feel like
im finally learning
who you a... |
Music VideosRap Videos
0 Posts • 6173 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
You shouldn't diss a band/rapper just because you don't find their lyrics "mature" enough for your taste. I happen to enjoy songs because skateboarding and chicks, because those ar... |
Gender PsychologyNaivety in men
6 Posts • 4551 Views Psychology Forum |
The lyrics of this song,"Going Under" by "Evanescence" remind me of my naivety when i gave my heart and soul to a man, who jsut abused it. I was a lass with a fairytale romance pla... |
About You / IntroductionsSomething Missing
5 Posts • 3139 Views Talk Talk |
I think on this again tonight, but there is much less restlessness and burn. I am once again lacking in exercise, wish I didn't have that extra variable clouding my judgment.
I got a new idea.... |
Genetic engineering
40 Posts • 18542 Views Science & Technology Forum |
""Picking" your child's "life" is playing GOD.....and our race is by far not responsible enough to play god. There are no exceptions either."
Why is it playing God?... |
I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7730 Views Talk Talk |
And because no one knows for sure we can never be justified in letting her die, let alone by means of starvation
Lets just say she is not brain dead. For 15 years now she has been trapped in that b... |
Mental IllnessEminem Schizophrenic or Bi-Polar or both
7 Posts • 30067 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm a pretty big Eminem listener. I got Relapse the day it came out, it is really dark. This song is a solid example of just how dark the album is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =v3hJqsgjtII. Howe... |
258 Posts • 67418 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Smile like you mean it
bottle it up
push it on down
tell me a story
and i'll tell you how
pass the cup
feel like a shrink
better i smile
than admit im a freak
failing the test
no... |
5 Posts • 2482 Views Talk Talk |
It is highly dependent on your own learning skills. But here are a few tricks of the trade I have learned from people who really seem to know how to study well:
Write out (copy) your notes, or any... |
Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17738 Views Philosophy Forum |
Oh dear.
I think our souls are all just pieces to a puzzle that's only constant is change - so they keep morphing as you keep morphing, and one day you'll find this soul out of all others t... |
The Killers- All These Things I Have Done
4 Posts • 4873 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Kick ass band. Kick ass song.
When there's nowhere else to run
Is there room for one more son
One more son
If you can hold on
If you can hold on, hold on
I wanna stand up, I wanna let go... |
God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50281 Views Religion Forum |
'God is a Spirit' (John 4:24)
'A spirit hath not flesh and bones" (Luke 24:39)
"No man hath seen God at any time" (John 1:18)
I didnt say God himself was flesh and bones, we a... |
Present soundtracks of your life?
10 Posts • 3856 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in... |
70 Posts • 22669 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
MiA - I don't really think of emo or Yellowcard etc. as punk. I, personally, hate emo and can't see how people listen to it, unless you are a fan of extreme whining competitions or something... |