Tagged > Protests around the world |
16 Posts • 15602 Views Religion Forum |
CTURTLE-- Please don't try and break down to me that the ONE God you speak of is being called by all the different religions. I know about the Tower of Babel.
Furthermore, praying to Mohammed... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55433 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sorry bout that I'm really baked right now and have n... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24724 Views Religion Forum |
This thread was started for those who interested with my article!
Nobody joins you but you join my culture!
Another example of backwards thinking... the article must have been started TO GET PE... |
33 Posts • 10050 Views Philosophy Forum |
Magic, I tend to agree with your cynicism regarding therapy and the following of spiritual gurus.
Also with your statement that in general neither meditation nor therapy are of any use. This is becau... |
In The NewsCanada to win olympic Gold?
1 Posts • 2128 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As a citizen of greater Vancouver I am getting excited about the 2010 Olympics. Of course the biggest discussion is hockey and whether the Canadian Team is going to win gold. I think it could be easil... |
PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10954 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
(Part One.)
Imagine you were out in the middle of nowhere. No way to contact the world and you were not reading this, but knowing this.
And it was telling you that you only had mome... |
Reality & MetaphysicsCan inanimate objects carry expressive meaning?
6 Posts • 7859 Views Philosophy Forum |
Rugged individualism might be an appropriate expression for all the creatures in the world, with one exception. Humans have, in the last few hundred years, moved from being rugged individuals to our p... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70936 Views Psychology Forum |
The difference between people with bad body odor and those who are overweight is that one can change his problem while another can not. Some people naturally just don't smell as well as others, b... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36649 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I think in thez circumstances we shud adopt the policy of ''I ll c it b4 I believe it''
The one problem I have with this is that most people aren't actively seeking a... |
Ethics & MoralityAnti-morality: a new, justifiable theory to live b
15 Posts • 6013 Views Philosophy Forum |
i like the post Midi.
i have never come across an explanation of the faults i find with "us" that's been so clearly put.
lol chris rock put it best in Dogma... it's better to... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167883 Views Psychology Forum |
Absolutely. Today more than ever I have really been cracking down on my acceptance issues. As much as I did'nt want to admit it when I was a child I did need role models to help me figure this wo... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13577 Views Religion Forum |
Or is as long as man loves the Lie more than the Truth such shall continue?
The lie is in the thinking we have today, under the GUISE of free thinking.
IF religion was false, then we would not h... |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
since i was five years old i have wanted to be a soldier. army special forces most likely (if and when the policy on women in armed services changes). i am only in high school, so i cant join yet. i r... |
Physics & CosmologyReality in the melting pot
11 Posts • 10570 Views Science & Technology Forum |
This is an interesting refutation of the multiverse concept.
Paul Davies.
According to 'multiverse' theorists, life as we know it could be nothing but a Matrix-style simulation
Five... |
GovernmentObama/Bush are World's Biggest Terrorists!
16 Posts • 6411 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well if you read his post then you'd know that he said blacks are still being oppressed today in America.
That simply isn't true. If your counter arguement is that there are rednecks out... |
Ethics & MoralityMale Racism and its Parallels to Male Homosexuality
10 Posts • 3714 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm 100% Sephardic Jew.... my family came to America 45 years ago by way of England for 19 years from JAMAICA....
where there is a 300 year old Jewish Synagogue...
I appear as a black male... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51784 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
WOW! I have a strong opinion on this one. First of all, I am not a prude, by any stretch of the imagination. I agree that, from a man's perspective, there is an ideal dream floating out there abo... |
ChristianityA New Church
30 Posts • 8820 Views Religion Forum |
The Torment of Unrequited Love
A second source of Christ's suffering in Gethsemane was His own privileged knowledge. Jesus knew how useless His self-sacrifice would be for the many individuals who... |
SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13120 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Govenrment is what is known as a neccesary evil. I believe someone said earlier that just because we had no govenrment, they wouldnt start running around killing people, but the point is that is, that... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49744 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I'm standing in the center, drowning in a sea of voices.
Can't quite find my way out, can't see the way through the white flames, which make up the walls surrounding me.
I'm lo... |
Interesting Facts & Statistics
0 Posts • 854 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Related to Angel Falls:
Jean-Marc Boivin was a well accomplished French adventurer with extra passion for extreme sports. His list of achievements is way too long to list, but he did some serious b... |
Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15676 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
This will be my last post for the night, because as you can see I am on my way to getting published...:D I want to comment on the idea that teaching discrimination within a church does not hurt any ot... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44055 Views Philosophy Forum |
My Concern
Who reads this.And those who read this how will it help .
There are what seems a infinite array of concerns that vi for my attention they are all important all relivent to my life in... |
SocietyGlobal warming
10 Posts • 3635 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Can we bury this hoax and save the country from crippling taxes based on fraud? Thanks Mr. Gore first you made the internet then you made global warming. You have a bigger carbon footprint than a smal... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33939 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
So, on the mews the other night I was listening as they reminded me that (if I remember correctly) that afghanistan has been the world leader in exporting opium/heroine for some time now, but that now... |