Tagged > Processed images |
Discovering True Happines
9 Posts • 9898 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I hate that in a world we live in a person is smart but peole are stupid!"
Indeed, well put.
But blaming the people isn't the answer, while waking them up is.
We need to blam... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainSeen Through One's Actions and Confirmation...
1 Posts • 1956 Views Psychology Forum |
Basically we see others and ourselves through what we have done or what we are doing.
This means that our memories would work on the concept that we remember things based on their action.
Contrary... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64034 Views Religion Forum |
Anonymous, chat room -- I am not sure I get your point?
In the OLD Testament it speaks of a hand writing on the wall.
The inferred is the 'hand of GOD' but I rather doubt that spirit has a... |
SpiritualityWhat if.....
36 Posts • 10456 Views Religion Forum |
hey i saw someone talk about the devil and god not being responsible for what happens, because it is obviously the actions of poeple that manifest these things we see.
that's what, at least fr... |
StoriesChronicles from the Gutter.
22 Posts • 8621 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Does my story matter? why do i want to become a bedtime story anyway?
I want to live in a world of images and impressions where woods are litten at night by insects of the afterworld, out of this rea... |
The Gerson Therapy
6 Posts • 2786 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
There is really nothing supernatural about it.
The concept is quite simple, based on two main principles.
Deficiency and toxicity.
Our processed food is toxic with its additives, preservative... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42256 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I have never hunted but I have found someone I needed to find in a crowd, found my car keys and other lost items, and, most recently, found a lost dog this way."
And isn't it possible... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34070 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The Pentagon's Secret Stash
Why we'll never see the second round of Abu Ghraib photos
Matt Welch
The images, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Congress, depict "acts... |
Relativity:The miracle of movement
24 Posts • 6209 Views Philosophy Forum |
Everything in existence is made up of vibrations, just because we are unable to perceive radio waves/television waves does not mean they are not floating around us.
The more dense the vibrations the... |
Writing Advicecoming of the sun,who can expain it????
1 Posts • 4193 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
hi all
can any of you help to explain this poetry
Coming of the Sun
by james berry
The sun came out in England today-
Faces cracked wanting to smile.
Overcoats were guests overstayed
Nakedne... |
ElectionsWhat is Kerry trying to hide this time?
20 Posts • 5701 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Object Under Bush Jacket Identified: 'It's a Spine'
(2004-10-11) -- A forensic scientist studying photographic evidence has identified an object which caused a bump on the back of a... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85868 Views Science & Technology Forum |
20 January 2013
The Antikythera Mechanism
Credit & License: Wikipedia
What is it? It was found at the bottom of the sea aboard an ancient Greek ship. Its seeming complexity has prompted deca... |
Christianityis being too lazy to read the bible a sin?
10 Posts • 5200 Views Religion Forum |
ok so if i believe that Jesus Christ died and rose again (again still all i think of jesusu is that name kind of howhe looks and the story (Jesus Christ died and rose again.. etc).. so from gaining th... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39731 Views Science & Technology Forum |
My theory of deja vĂș has several levels to it and to me irrefutable evidence for time travel and against extra-terrestial contact.
In the Bible, Ezekial has contact with 'beings' that ha... |
ArtworkScissors & Glue
36 Posts • 11066 Views Art Forum |
"I was wondering how you go about them? Is it a moment of creativity that hits, and you just sit down and go for it, and whatever comes out comes out? Or is it an idea that you plan out in your h... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainPhysical Imagination?
2 Posts • 5251 Views Psychology Forum |
I have been thinking about my thoughts lately, and the way in which my imagination displays memories and self created images. How dose the ''inner eye'' display that ima... |
Coincidence is dead
17 Posts • 6195 Views Philosophy Forum |
Wow i just read this then i go on to read something by Decius just like it.. I will re-post it
(which could be one of the coincidental things that happened to me, or maybe i was meant to read them bo... |
What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6589 Views Philosophy Forum |
Bantam, you should read posts more carefully. Though you're certainly smart for 15.
You'll see that beyond my colourful sceptisism :) there is only suggestions to find an answer t... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16244 Views Religion Forum |
Religion was THE 'civilizing' factor and precursor to government. It is present in its myriad forms in all cultures. We are nothing if not consistant. Each religion was formed based on the n... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85868 Views Science & Technology Forum |
23 February 2013
Chelyabinsk Meteor Flash
Image Credit & Copyright: Marat Ahmetvaleev
A meteoroid fell to Earth on February 15, streaking some 20 to 30 kilometers above the city of Chelyabin... |
Life & Deathwhy is death so scary for ppl
48 Posts • 23779 Views Philosophy Forum |
Death is an unknown dimension. No sight, no smell, no feeling, no hearing, no taste, and scariest of all, no thoughts. Everything is completely over, complete nothingness. That is not a comforting tho... |
AstronomyThe Moons of Saturn
3 Posts • 3996 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Saturn has over 62 known moons. Saturn's moons range in size from very small moons, referred to as 'moonlets' which are less than a kilometer in diameter, to it's largest moon Tita... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85868 Views Science & Technology Forum |
28 November 2012
Jupiter and Io
Image Credit & Copyright: Alessandro Bianconi
On December 3 (UT), Jupiter, the solar system's largest planet, will be at opposition, opposite the Sun in... |
Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9610 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I have realised that I hold the culture of my people in ways i didnt even know. I adjust my actions because of the effect it will have on the immediate people around me, and now ive realised that the... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85868 Views Science & Technology Forum |
11 February 2013
N11: Star Clouds of the LMC
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, J. Lake (Pomfret School
Massive stars, abrasive winds, mountains of dust, and energetic light sculpt one of the largest and... |