Saturn has over 62 known moons. Saturn's moons range in size from very small moons, referred to as 'moonlets' which are less than a kilometer in diameter, to it's largest moon Titan, which is the second largest moon in our solar system.
NASA's Cassini sector is devoted to the exploring the Saturn system and their spacecraft Cassiniâ€'Huygens is at the forefront of their explorations. Cassiniâ€'Huygens was launched in 1997 and reached Saturn's proximity in 2004. The Cassini website has more details about the mission and contained of information about Saturn and it's moons: This thread is for compiling images and bits of information and facts about Saturn's many moons.
Below is an artist's conceptualization of the Cassini spacecraft with Saturn behind it.
(Picture Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)