Tagged > Processed images |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85859 Views Science & Technology Forum |
8 March 2013
Looking Through Abell 68
Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage/ESA-Hubble Collaboration - Acknowledgment: Nick Rose
Want to use a cluster of galaxies as a telescope? It's easier t... |
Desperation, by Stephen King ***SPOILER***
4 Posts • 7789 Views Talk Talk |
What about the characters themselves? Was there anything in particular you liked or disliked about the characters?
Also, one of the key differences between King's other books and "Despera... |
24 Posts • 6599 Views Talk Talk |
So now there is a tape indicating that a marine may be guilty of killing a wounded unarmed man, and I'm now later listening to Pat Buchanan ask if we shouldn't be censoring such images, but... |
SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13191 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This will make you angry, it might even make you cry. When you watch it DO NOT BLAME THE SOLDIERS, BLAME BUSH, HE'S THE ONE WHO DID THIS.
How are you? Here is a short video clip that w... |
258 Posts • 67401 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
If I wasn't so distracted and appalled by the constant grammatical and spelling errors I might be able to appreciate this writing. You need to seriously consider editing each and every one of the... |
Wearing your seatbelt
32 Posts • 12379 Views Talk Talk |
It's a picture of 2 elder Iraqi women holding dismantled AK74's (they look like pistols in the picture). I can't remember where I got the picture, but it appealed to me at the time. It... |
0 Posts • Views
I read somewhere that the source of all comedy is tragedy. It's morose but it's true.
Images of those manic laughter fits people sometimes get into at a time of great loss come into my he... |
All Your base are belong to us
0 Posts • 4805 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
The quote "all your base are belong to us" is from an old game Japan called "Zero Wing." The first part you see in the flash is the intro to the game. It is followed (in the game)... |
Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9609 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
"Why is it that im constantly being bombareded with these damn images from the TV, of drugs and sex, and i think ive missed out."
So true!
"Deferred gratification my fuckin ass..... |
Dressed in You
1 Posts • 2656 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Dressed in the darkness of the moment,
my mind slips in to something more comfortable,
an invisible world expressed in my dreams
illuminates the existence of an alternate reality,
where images of... |
9 Posts • 3956 Views Talk Talk |
Mini cooper new
Mini Cooper Classic
the classic is even in the right colour, british racing green.
which type do you drive? |
258 Posts • 67401 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i felt like most of your metaphors or similes are pretty self explanitory( sorry i forget which one is which)
assumption is corruption
not a cousin but a brother
directly corrolated
to the fact y... |
SocietyNewsweek's latest cover, by geographical region
3 Posts • 2110 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
International Cover story
Excerpt: The Rise of Jihadistan
Five years after the Afghan invasion, the Taliban are fighting back hard, carving out a sanctuary where they-and Al Qaeda's leaders-c... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132005 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey, wait a minute, where's my discourse about punctuation? :)
'KGB' you're a man of Honor (you didn't edit your information of April 23, 2009) and you have a sense of humor. Kudos.... |
To have children or not to have children..that is
16 Posts • 7372 Views Philosophy Forum |
Wow. I love kids to death and I want to have as many as my body and my financial situation will allow.
I think that the best thing that anyone can do for society is to bring more smart, talented, am... |
Arts on UGN! Submit your works!
75 Posts • 19669 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Well folks it is time for a UGN art gallery- I hope any interested party will submit images of any artworks they have made at any time. Any medium any subject! (well i am thinking nudity may cause an... |
How you surf Cynic??
15 Posts • 3433 Views Talk Talk |
Generally, I look at the newest posts in General Discussion, but if I am in a particular mood, I will look in one of the specific areas. My favorites are "Jokes / Stuff / Ads", "Theorie... |
AnimalsRescued Cats
6 Posts • 6093 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I'll admit, I have a special place in my heart for cats, probably because of the cats that I have bonded with in my life, and because I don't fully understand why these creatures garner such... |
The Dual Processors and Permutative Thought
2 Posts • 2108 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you consider how most disk drives work, basically one reading processor, the disk that is being read applies the programs within in a 'linear fashion'.
If you had two reading processors, you could... |
God this sounds really dumb!
4 Posts • 3002 Views Talk Talk |
Hey cute, welcome back!!!
You're stuff on the left are the buttons to use to make your font bold, italic, underlined and so on and so forth.
Example...click on bold and you get this , quote... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49736 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
We count on those that never fall to help us rise.
Connected by greed we feed on one another in order to live.
We alter the facts to fit our life style,
It has to work for us.
Enthralled in th... |
What is a Basic-Level Category?
1 Posts • 2370 Views Philosophy Forum |
What is a Basic-Level Category?
Consider the category hierarchies: {furniture--chair-rocker} and {vehicle--car-sedan}. The middle categories--chair and car--have been discovered to be 'basic'-they... |
Nature & GeographyPlastic Beverage Bottles Used Every 5 Minutes
3 Posts • 4030 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The following images are photographic art created by Photographer/artist Chris Jordan to illustrate how many plastic beverage bottles are used in USA every five minutes. This was created back in 2007.... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85859 Views Science & Technology Forum |
15 March 2013
CME, Comet and Planet Earth
Image Credit: NRL / SECCHI / STEREO / NASA
Processing - Karl Battams (NRL and @SungrazerComets)
After appearing in a popular photo opportunity with a y... |
Common FAQ's
21 Posts • 35102 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
You user center is your personal CC control panel - used for receiving and sending private messages, editing your account settings, uploading images to your photo album, storing your favorite threads,... |