Life & DeathDescribe Your Death
16 Posts • 5754 Views Philosophy Forum |
Not so bizzarre to me...
I will go preferrably long after I have watched the last of my enemies seedlings die horribly...
and when my enemies have watched their children perish through torture... |
Do you deserve respect?
73 Posts • 15359 Views Philosophy Forum |
But will you call someone evil, etherealmeekle, if someone desires to kill a dictator?
Depends on the dictator. A dictator need not be a bad person, and if he or she is then killing them is not... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15509 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I understand your points. That said, only a few thousand pounds of earth material have been removed from the planet, into space. So everything is still here. I am convinced that the earth will continu... |
13 Posts • 4454 Views Talk Talk |
I have a good PC
it is an IBM (internet Broadcast Mudulator) aptiva (Active Porn Transmision Interception Video Allocator)- it works well it has
166mhz of pure power!
it has a gargantuan payload o... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
probabilities and numbers mean nothing in this. If God exists, then it is because it is the way the universe works and it is the only circumstance possible. One. When he is there, there is no debate,... |
Life & DeathLife for people in their 20's
19 Posts • 6186 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think the idea of wanting to be like god, depends entirley on why you want to be. i had forgotten that Satans crime was that of wanting to be God. but religion tells us to seek truth and understandi... |
New World Order: Illuminati
6 Posts • 4315 Views Talk Talk |
Oh, and about that letter. If you have ever heard a description of how people are approached to join the CIA or some secret societies, it was exactly like that.
Pages of flattery, do you feel speci... |
How far will you go for love?
22 Posts • 5696 Views Talk Talk |
Well, mudd, you have to keep in mind and accept that this is not going to be an over night process. This isn't going to be something that's simple and easy to do either. You have to go throu... |
Society & SociologyFear and Action
2 Posts • 2255 Views Psychology Forum |
A very interesting post
There is no reason to fear law enforcers in a democratic civilised society If you are innocent of any past or present crimes .
Which is why you where so relaxed but annoye... |
populations in ecosystems
17 Posts • 6064 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would like to point out a hole in your theory if I may, the human animal does not populate all that much of the earth's surface, we tend to be a pack animal, and cluster in large groups. As oil pric... |
About You / IntroductionsWhat's In Your Name?
92 Posts • 27098 Views Talk Talk |
My name is my standard username.
It comes from a two childhood book series. One is the Immortals by Tamora Pierce, in her universe black opals are the most powerful magic stone and can hold untold a... |
The Diamond Empire
1 Posts • 1631 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This is a great example of a situation where people can be awakened to realities that shatter myths, romantic notions, and flat out lies and deceptions so huge and pervasive they not only encompasses... |
The Main importance of the earth.
1 Posts • 1922 Views Religion Forum |
Tell. Tell us the story of the earth as you were indoctrinated. Tell us that The God in your head, straight out of the Bible, the Torah, and the Quran.
About the flat earth- and how you were picke... |
GovernmentCould Bush Be Right? (part 1)
16 Posts • 6337 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Stop terrorism? Since any attempts to "stop" it, it has only increased, as with the war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on illiteracy.
And the biggest point to be made about terrori... |
Life & Deathwhat defines life
63 Posts • 18447 Views Philosophy Forum |
God created all there is ...and all there is to be...his power is beyond any human comprehension...cause the HUGE difference between us and God is....we hav brains and limits.....God created the brain... |
SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13127 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
What if there are disagreements in the laws or values? The as windupnostril pointed out, people would either divide themselves or appoint a person in power, which defeats the purpose. It's only h... |
SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13127 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yeah, I think that's the reason that anarchy really could never last long....you would always have someone or some group taking power. Also, I don't believe you're talking about true an... |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12728 Views Religion Forum |
For Patrish:
http://okcitykid.b ravejournal.com/entry/11417
Though some will thank the U.S. that Saddam is behind bars, one must remember that arrangements were already being made before the war... |
Economy'Bail out' or 'rescue'
7 Posts • 2560 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Increase taxes greatly for 4 years. We are Americans, if you do not support Americans with higher taxes to fix these issues, give all the money you made while in the US and get out. You are not a patr... |
27 Posts • 17668 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Sex and love should go together, but don't most of the time. For some sex is power. If you emotionally or physically over power the other person and have sex with them you might feel a sense of a... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views Philosophy Forum |
In reference to the Just war requirements-
Right authority: Only duly constituted public authorities may use deadly force or wage war
Just cause: Force may be used only to correct a grave public ev... |
6 Posts • 2759 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
America's foreign policy is being written by many Jewish Zionists. As well as self proclaimed, and I say bullshit to that claim, Evangelical Christians.
Any religious fundamentalist in power c... |
TV Show ReviewsT.V
35 Posts • 14164 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I'm obsessed with One Tree Hill too, it has a strange power that makes me stop when I'm jumping through the channels, and I have this same feeling when I see Teletubies, I hate th... |
ConspiracyHillary Clinton Co-Conspirator
1 Posts • 2442 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Most arguments can be made from either direction so the difference is the difference...
I always believed Steven Hawkins was a haox simply becasue he was said to have first begun to communicate th... |
SpiritualityWhat if.....
36 Posts • 10462 Views Religion Forum |
"These ideas of a powerless all powerful god are what undermine your argument." ...since... "God can make it clear to us, no devil of god's creation can overpower the information o... |