Destruction of Life
8 Posts • 3265 Views Talk Talk |
Well, seeing as how the stem cells are harvested at 2 weeks, the small beginnings of a brain are visible, but it's size/computing power - therefore chance of consciousness - is equivalent to that... |
Vietnamization didn't work!
4 Posts • 4260 Views Talk Talk |
I don't think it will work. There will always be resentment when a super power tries to control and reform a nation; especially when this nation is of a different ideology. We can easily see how... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
We were'nt created to understand. I bacame a Christian htree or four years ago after starteing to go to church with a friend. When you look at the Bible and the Earth, It is just all too perfest.... |
Habits & BehaviorShort Men
59 Posts • 31618 Views Psychology Forum |
the point i wanted to make is that the men with the short men syndrome actually get what they want
and a lot of them are bithes too because they wanna prove the whole world that they don't have... |
God in ReligionGod?
88 Posts • 20538 Views Religion Forum |
But the world around us isnt, so how can something evil and imperfect come from a perfect creator. How can he make a mistake if he is perfect?
There is no mistake, God has handed power of this wor... |
22 Posts • 11353 Views Philosophy Forum |
Just to clarify and reiterate. Your point about old connections doesn't change the fact that they have ruled from behind the scenes. One of the points of a new world order is open rulership.
Peo... |
Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9614 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Its a terrifying thing to go through rough times alone. I prefer to do it that way though. Even though I like to go through it alone there is something calming about writing it all down. There is a re... |
Arming & Aiding Nutjobs & Dictators
11 Posts • 6307 Views Talk Talk |
Why are we allowed to give guns, bombs, WMD's, money, intelligence, sanctuary from war crimes, etc. to all these, well, war criminals?
Oh look, a war is starting between two crazy people or ju... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40602 Views Religion Forum |
Do you think such a society could even exist? It will not exist because people cannot keep God from being known.
Which "god"? Keep in mind that religion is a creation of mankind, not any... |
Reality & MetaphysicsTwo Universes? Huh? & One Particle Theory…
9 Posts • 4489 Views Philosophy Forum |
So a geometric progression is internally bound with 2 raised to the Nth power == # of cells while an arithematic progression is externally bound & therefore N = the # of cells? {After all your har... |
all powerfull
22 Posts • 5635 Views Philosophy Forum |
it is extremly self explanatory and extremly simple. no all powerful does not mean one must use all powers, but it does mean that they have the capability of doing it as such, are capable of doing the... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42429 Views Religion Forum |
if Faith isn't arbitrary I don't know what is.
Natural disasters are caused by God. Or at least, God has the power to stop them but chooses not to.
"I'm sorry - this thread i... |
124 Posts • 33727 Views Talk Talk |
i had to move this weekend started fri morning by the time i got to my furniture it started rainning, ever move in the dark in the rain the place i moved to has a kitchen,the floor looks like a stoned... |
War & TerrorismNuclear threat
2 Posts • 2286 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You're absolutely right, Jim. If we continue to tolerate the criminal actions of Iran and North Korea, we will inevitably pay the greatest price, that is, the complete and utter devestation of th... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43989 Views Religion Forum |
' Why fight to remove religion from our government, when religion isnt even the source of our unjust laws?'
What religion that has been introduced, all references being added post-founding, is a fo... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23909 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Putting aside 'holy wars' all wars are made in the intent of progress. Holy wars are just stupid anyway, cuz they're really just fighting over the same idea. LoL
Melon it is a weird combination but... |
GodWhy Question God's Existence
45 Posts • 12506 Views Philosophy Forum |
Christianity is much more than most people realise, it is not about rules and traditions but rather about having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and we do this with the power of the Holy... |
PerceptionI Find Myself Here
20 Posts • 7369 Views Psychology Forum |
More power to you in your pusuit of knowledge. Just try not to become haughty as you educate yourself. Hate to sound cliche, but keep humble in the thought that "the more you know, the more you k... |
Life & DeathScariest Thing About DEATH
72 Posts • 20496 Views Philosophy Forum |
Renewal is a far cry from death, whether or not you believe in a higher power or eternal force, the basic fact of life is that even after your dead and gone your molecules and energy go back into the... |
IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 16007 Views Religion Forum |
What I am saying is that people with lower capabilities perhaps can't go deeply enough, but they can still understand the basics. Thats why the Quran focuses more on aspects that the majority can... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33990 Views Religion Forum |
a little off the topic but..
decius do you believe there is a god?
you know that he gave us freewill.... so we wouldnt be his puppets
that confuses us.. why would he let us choose agianst hi... |
Relationships & LoveThe Loss Of Loved Ones
2 Posts • 1823 Views Psychology Forum |
Has anyone here experienced this problem?
Yeah, its what makes you Human!
And don't assume everyone has this quality - they don't. They may once have had it (before they sold there soul... |
songs of praise and worship and those that inspire
63 Posts • 12767 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Psalm 150
Praise the Lord.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sou... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11227 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Just a little update on the mention of psychic tips in that court case before I respond. The investigators that searched the area the body was found weeks before it was found were actually private inv... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16877 Views Psychology Forum |
Human nature is human nature. Power does strange things to many people and women are not exempt from temptation because they are women. Women are neither more nor less likely to resist temptation than... |