Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36255 Views Religion Forum |
Is it a desire to defend it or to understand it? 1:1 God created heaven & earth. End of story or opening line?
1:2 says the earth is a void, a deep above which God hovered? (1:3)Then He created... |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91149 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have thought about this on and off and i have come to the conclusion that death is merely a transformation not an end. There are soo many people that believe death is death n ceise to exist well i c... |
Free Will
60 Posts • 15146 Views Philosophy Forum |
well how do you know you control the mind? theres no physical evidence for it, i mean. the brain acts according to how the environment and genetics programs it to act, like a super advanced computer.... |
Physics & CosmologyQuantum Physics Double Slit Experiment
50 Posts • 17010 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Big bang? Or just a stretch of His imagination?
The science of quantum physics, studies the properties and behavior, of different forms of light. Then they proceed to label and categories, what the... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85893 Views Science & Technology Forum |
5 December 2012
Plasma Jets from Radio Galaxy Hercules A
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, S. Baum & C. O'Dea (RIT), R. Perley and W. Cotton (NRAO/AUI/NSF),
and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/... |
FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16797 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Theory, you asked me to respond:
Theory: “Please expand on you mysterious claims.“ “Your claims are feeble as its all speculation not fact.â€
So, I responded. What am I to... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62757 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
And for nay sayers on K's point, there has been absolutely NO reasonable explanation for the weeks of underground fire and heat. Molten steel which was agreed by all as impossible due to Jet Fuel... |
Physics & CosmologyUltimate Particle
4 Posts • 3518 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Search of the Ultimate Particle
The search for comprehension of the 'Theory' has led many into a maze of misunderstanding & misconceptions;
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Electromagnetic_radiatio... |
9 Posts • 2950 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yay!!!! Physics. Have you studied Quarks before?? You guys link energy to mass. I think it is possible to have massless entities with energy. I think energy is massless and that combining energy you c... |
Life & DeathLife
15 Posts • 4285 Views Philosophy Forum |
I appreciate the thoughtfullness of your statements, it is quite true that I currently (as well as the majority of my life) live the life of the tortured soul if you will, but I assure it isn't a... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64057 Views Religion Forum |
Logic is about consistency. True logic is having as few inconsistencies as possible. The current theory of Physics is that matter is neither nor destoried but rather changed in form? Or rather, mass i... |
TechnologyAdvances in cold fusion
14 Posts • 13308 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I've been reading about cold fusion lately, and for those interested here's what I found. Apparently contrary to popular scientific belief, there may be a way of combining ordinary water wit... |
About You / IntroductionsProblem with knowledge.
3 Posts • 7266 Views Talk Talk |
I have very little interest in other peoples personal lives, some exceptions exist and that as well I have learned well.
The problem is I can not find something, any kind of knowledge that interest... |
25 Posts • 9283 Views Philosophy Forum |
Why do we try?
Why do we love?
Why do we live?
Sometimes I wonder why do we do what we do. I mean in everyday life. Why do we love? Is it really better to love and l... |
God in ReligionProving God Existence
30 Posts • 7096 Views Religion Forum |
I just read the scientific evidence of the existence of god..interesting. I feel like it is just proving how the things written in religious doctrine could be true.
"Science and Religion today... |
War & TerrorismBYU Physics Professor Steven E. Jones interviewed by Alex Jones
1 Posts • 2231 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
To summarize some important points of the interview, Steven Jones has done some independant scientific research on the collapse of the WTC buildings and is coming up with a different theory and probab... |
God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14685 Views Religion Forum |
I believe it makes more sense that all matter is made up of conciousness/energy that has always existed, the big bang was only the begining of one thought process inside the mind of the power/concious... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160038 Views Talk Talk |
A few random facts;
I LOVE physics.
My friends think I am a nerd, but they are too.
I punched a friend on the face by accident the other day.
I broke the prodjector thingy... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33989 Views Religion Forum |
Time is relative to the observer. It varies. It is not constant. Its not like a arrow that you shoot and measure. The order of mathematics that assumes from your position on this earth according to th... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39617 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of these postings.
The great thing about being in this universe is that we have awareness of our existence. That we are able to question that existence, If there... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39617 Views Philosophy Forum |
I fear this was mentioned somewhere throughout this topic. I have not read all posts. This topic has gone way out of topic, but this post is on topic.
Thinking about the big bang has always led me... |
How do we describe perfection
49 Posts • 20062 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't pretend that this will be forgiveable...
But is Imperfection the perfection we seek....?
It's consistent... It's predictable in a sense... not that it can be mapped or pre... |
TechnologyAdvances in cold fusion
14 Posts • 13308 Views Science & Technology Forum |
xseyes, I didn't hold on to the source of my findings, but the information I found is readily available on the web. If you do a search in google, you will find articles both for and against cold... |
8 Posts • 21084 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Nevertheless, we haven't answered the original question or should we say questions?
Webster's New World Dictionary of Science
element: substance that can not be spilt chemically into a simple... |
Astrology, Myth Or Magic?
6 Posts • 2753 Views Talk Talk |
i do not have alot of time to write this post so i will be brief. I have studdied mysticism for years and have read alot of books on the many aspects of this subject. I am ashamed to say that the book... |