 37yrs • M
How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? |
 65yrs • M
Albert Einstein explaining quantum mechanics to a group of reporters after he won the Noble Prize in physics - \" When one sits with a beautiful girl for two hours, it seems like a minute. But, when one sits on a hot stove for a minute, it seems like |
Is Anything Possible?
13 Posts • 4205 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that for us to be able to clarify the stiuation a definaiton needs to make place. It is that we has "humans" on planet "earth", are liveing in a different reality. Subject... |
Physics & CosmologyPhysics help
4 Posts • 3143 Views Science & Technology Forum |
ahh physics what a rediculous class. Remember when the ball reaches the top it's velocity is 0. vi=20m/s vf=0 a=9.8m/s squared. So now you have three things and can use the formulas given to calc... |
 45yrs • M
Clarity is key |
Reality & MetaphysicsIs every thing on earth universal?
4 Posts • 2990 Views Philosophy Forum |
If we were to one day disover alien life forms, outside of our galaxy they have a planet in hich they are technelogicly advanced in there own sense. Would the way there world work be the same as ours... |
Appreciation for Human Error
2 Posts • 2272 Views Philosophy Forum |
I had a conversation yesterday with a girl that I sit next to in physics. We were talking about the actually implications of physics in the field of architecture. We concluded that really there was no... |
God in ReligionProving God Existence
30 Posts • 7095 Views Religion Forum |
I agree with the observer being necesary for something to exist..... I believe that this is why we exist. we are the observer. I dont believe in a creator thats seperate because I dont believe in a be... |
PhotographyTelescopes for Astrophotography
2 Posts • 6418 Views Art Forum |
For may years I have been wanting to do astrophotography. I think next year sometime I will get started with it. I am even contemplating making my own telescope, but atm I pretty much know nothing abo... |
Physics & CosmologyBlack Holes
25 Posts • 9586 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Ya, what ever they are, perhaps a sun of such density pressure that its surface emittions are in the upper regions of th e-m spectrum? Would probably have to exist nearer to cenral core (gravimetric c... |
8 Posts • 4566 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Do you know of Dan A Davidson?
Thsi is a quote from his page on a site called keelynet.com
As an confirmed aetheric scientist who has attempted to approach orthodox physicists, I apprecia... |
Un-caring me.
11 Posts • 3473 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't really see it as a bad thing just an honest thing. Most people that care just pity the other person and leave it at that. They usually don't do anything about it. They love reading a... |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91149 Views Philosophy Forum |
Tho i agree with you input i feel you contradict yourself when trying to explain why "OBEs" are floored.
You put forward you argument of souls not having boundaries when it comes to... |
Physics & CosmologyReality in the melting pot
11 Posts • 10575 Views Science & Technology Forum |
In regards to multiverses, I like the concept. Multiverses have been hypothesized in physics and philosophy. However I just wonder, why stop there? The last objection to the existing multiverse theori... |
Physics & CosmologyUniverse with no rules
9 Posts • 3401 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I am not talking about currently accepted particle physics. I am talking about my conceptualizations of the basis of reality.
It is my theoretical opinion, sorry if I confused anyone into thinking... |
AstronomyExcerp: History of Astronomy
3 Posts • 3103 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Good read, Jim. I enjoyed it. It pretty much summed up how people perceived the cosmos since they've been perceiving it. I'd like to hear more on your theories of light. That is one of the q... |
Physics & CosmologyTheory of Relativiy
16 Posts • 7327 Views Science & Technology Forum |
University Physics Pg. 251
Chapter 14
Relativistic Mechanics
14-1 Invariance of Physical Laws
In previous chapters, we have stressed the importance of inertial frame of reference.
Newton's La... |
Life & DeathIf your a clone do you have a soul?
41 Posts • 19348 Views Philosophy Forum |
Glad to see the thread resurrected.
This is my first post, anywhere, ever.
I have given much thought to how souls work. Do they exist? Is my soul me? Can I have multiple souls?
My background is... |
What is the hardest degree course?
3 Posts • 4020 Views Talk Talk |
I'll tell you its vetinary science.
Physics is done by people who like physics. Law is for masochists who take delight in learning because they cannot think beyond materialism. English is wish... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160031 Views Talk Talk |
I love Physics. |
Crayon Physics Deluxe
3 Posts • 2063 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
the Dink above me
0 Posts • 2718 Views Talk Talk |
cynic's a dink cause he's in physics |
Physics & CosmologyUniverse with no rules
9 Posts • 3401 Views Science & Technology Forum |
For example, using whatever physics source you like...
why is the speed of light always the same relatively? |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12221 Views Religion Forum |
I didn't realize before that I was insulting anyone, that was not my intention. I did certainly take some of the comments as an insult to people who have faith as a whole.
Facing reality can... |
Physics & CosmologyQuantum Physics Double Slit Experiment
50 Posts • 17010 Views Science & Technology Forum |