Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8916 Views Science & Technology Forum |
But where does anti-matter and dark matter fit in to all this?
I'm asking cturtle because you obviously have some interest and knowledge in all this particle physics stuff. |
Society & Sociologyyour own country
4 Posts • 2615 Views Psychology Forum |
I would like to rule a virtual reality. Like a star trek holodeck or matrix. That way I can rule the environment and laws of physics as well. |
15 Posts • 3823 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The anthrax letters
There is something that hasn't come up in a long time - no one took credit for them, isn't that strange? The terrorists have always taken credit for everything they ha... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27194 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Nice link, isought . . . the soap bubbles and a spinning top are favorites for Physics (math) theory but then i do like to relate to particle systems.
Not to offend, Just my desire to keep it as sim... |
Relativity:The miracle of movement
24 Posts • 6213 Views Philosophy Forum |
Both philosophy and science do have benefits.
philosophy is to understand our spiritual existence, it's an exercice of the mind, the more we think of all questions that we could not answer , t... |
AstronomySuns Boiling, and Black Holes Freezing…
23 Posts • 6701 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I think Einstein's theory is so famous because it just sparked a interest on this subject. However I guess this subject can't be debated conclusively anyway because it's precisely that.... |
Capable of doing anything?
6 Posts • 3498 Views Philosophy Forum |
ahh yes, But of course there is a catch..
All you need is an infinite amount of time and theoretically, you are capable of doing anything [rough quote from physics teacher] do you agree with this t... |
Time and Absolute Zero
52 Posts • 13612 Views Philosophy Forum |
Google it. Trust me, you don't even need to buy text books these days, everything you need to know about physics is on the net these days, and you can get a sample of EVERY theory, not just the c... |
Science vs ReligionEvolution vs. Creationism...Thoughts?
8 Posts • 3799 Views Religion Forum |
I think they need to stop portraying opinion as fact and just humbly admit that KNOW ONE KNOWS!
I think that they should stop trying to lie to the children about the origins of man and just teach phy... |
Life & Deathare u ready to step outside the box? part I
7 Posts • 3491 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sure, if the civiliztion would have discovered a complete unified theory that is so far the ultimate goal of physics.Once we discover it, we would discover all 'whys', emotions would just se... |
Physics & CosmologyUniverse with no rules
9 Posts • 3401 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"All the laws of physics, ultimately, can be derived from understanding things in terms of waves."
Not so much, but it is an interesting attempt at oversimplification.
check out
understan... |
2 Posts • 2454 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The physicist Richard Feymman famously questioned the credibility of the social sciences, suggesting that they deal with phenomena too complex for the theories they fashion. Is this true? Surely not.... |
Physics & CosmologyWhere does the material from black holes go?
17 Posts • 9026 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I have read all the answers/questions/theories posted here... Can anyone supply a little more depth or fact to their posts? Has anyone studied this from an astronomical observation angle? How about a... |
SocietyI'm afraid of Americans.
0 Posts • 1290 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We don't go to school here. We go to day care.
My physics honors teacher teaches the class like this..
"Ok kids. We're gonna start the day off with some practice problems and I wa... |
Physics & CosmologyPhysics help
4 Posts • 3144 Views Science & Technology Forum |
A pall is thrown upward at 20 m/s.
i need distance vs. time
velocity vs. time
and acccleration vs. time
all of these after 1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec, 4 sec, and 5 sec.
all i know is that gravit... |
ChemistryClean Energy Source
18 Posts • 8817 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Further reading on this subject has led me to believe that Black Light Power is basically a fraud. What they claim challenges the known laws of physics, and appears to be a scam to sucker in investors... |
Physics & Cosmologycould CERN really end all life as we know it?
4 Posts • 3137 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Sort of but no.
Colliders are simply a tool for scientific advancement, no different than other machines designed to test fundamentals of the universe. Will the knowledge gained from the colliders... |
Riddles & PuzzlesSolve this paradox
35 Posts • 14695 Views Philosophy Forum |
ya take your bowling ball out into the yard & holding it over the grass you let it fall. It accelerates toward the soft earth, a positive value. When it strikes the ground it stops its motion, a n... |
Chaos theory
70 Posts • 17076 Views Philosophy Forum |
It is a theory in the making, so I can't elaborate too much at the moment. You may think it is crazy, but I think it is a bit of thinking outside the box, outside the linear time realm.
Apart fr... |
FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16797 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Theory: I submit that you are simply wrong. Knowing that you would not believe me, I have included some links to some very reputable web sites for your consideration:
http://hubbl esite.org/hubble_d... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27194 Views Science & Technology Forum |
i found that link momrnts before i posted it, looked up 11 dimensional shizznat as a result of a program over dimensions on the sciense channel. although i haven't heard any talk over sciense and... |
27 Posts • 10727 Views Religion Forum |
Was physics different when Noah built the ark? I mean, seriously... how did he get all the animals from all over the world... and the dinosaurs, etc. on that boat? How did he get penguins to the Middl... |
8 Posts • 4566 Views Science & Technology Forum |
For 35 years I had to work under the yoke of the 'laws of physics' and specifically the second law of thermodynamics.
I now see that the second law is merely an alibi for the 'first&... |
Would You Tell?
21 Posts • 6562 Views Philosophy Forum |
if you knew the meaning of life, you wouldnt need anything period. your exsistence would become so vastly superior(for lack of a better word) to humans that describing it to them would be an impossabi... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhole is more than the sum of its parts?
14 Posts • 3932 Views Philosophy Forum |
everything may not actually be black and white... but for the benefit to my point...
everything is black and white and answerable.
read up on quantum physics |