Big Bang or A Stretch of His Imagination
4 Posts • 2447 Views Talk Talk |
Big bang? Or just a stretch of His imagination?
The science of quantum physics, studies the properties and behavior, of different forms of light. Then they proceed to label and categories, what the... |
SocietySocial Engineering
15 Posts • 3588 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
To further address your concerns and elaborate on that which indeed helps simplify this complexity that does exist.
There are basic concepts that are imperative to the foundation of any education s... |
Astrology, Myth Or Magic?
6 Posts • 2753 Views Talk Talk |
To the people the magician practices magic, but for the magician it is science. I may start a thread on the concept of magic so as not to pull away from the subject of astrology.
Have you ever heard... |
35 Posts • 14276 Views Philosophy Forum |
In response to Decius
D -" Well, I believe in a very logical sense of fate: If everything is cause and effect, then everything is pre-determined because the future is an effect of our present,... |
Back to there is no negative one...
2 Posts • 1797 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yeah, I've covered this topic before... But I thought I'd have another go at it...
The premise I'm suggesting is that there is no negative one, and hence no negative anything!
The... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62759 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Why "NOT" to Fight for 9/11 Truth
Bill Douglas / Op Ed News | September 19 2006
Why "NOT" to Fight for 9/11 Truth
"Propaganda is not meant to fool the int... |
SocietyUnlocking Human Potential
11 Posts • 6662 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
So ya, I've had nothing but continous corroborations of my experience from other sources.
I thought I was restricted to trying to get to the Monroe Institute in Virginia for actual training on... |
Ethics & MoralityDoes meaning come before awareness?
5 Posts • 2941 Views Philosophy Forum |
First assumption (meaning is resolved through reason).
I think awareness is the essence that drives us into meaning.
Awareness is one of the most incomprehensible words in language (in m... |
Quiz for Generation X
4 Posts • 2681 Views Talk Talk |
Cool I am in generation X does that make me cool. I thought of X - men when I opened this thread. Cool Im an x person.
Quiz (The Mind)
Current mood: hyper
1. Are you in control of your thoug... |
Famous PhilosophersNeo-Socraticism
2 Posts • 2886 Views Philosophy Forum |
The following will disclose a view on what it is the job of philosophy to do. Instantly, a problem intercedes. “What gall!†you cry. “How outré! â€' to assert the unity of phil... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42429 Views Religion Forum |
First of all, am not good in your language because am not American, I can speak English but maybe not deep as your words. What am saying is pls. don't judge me by my grammars.
I found my self in th... |
16 Posts • 15604 Views Religion Forum |
Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
I really didnt want to continue on this website forum stuff (long story on why),... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11227 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Do you think my approach here is an attempt to blow off psychic phenomena?
No, but I do sense the general resistance that most people have. I still have it to a degree as well.
On the point of r... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
I am trying to see where you (Ironwood) is coming from with your understanding of quantum physics, infinity and all that, but I don't know enough about it to understand what you are talking about... |
Mental Metamorphesas- A Cacoon Of Revalation
7 Posts • 2875 Views Philosophy Forum |
~ Pupa Ria ~
I can geniuinely appreciate the finesse' with which you integrated your point of view with what has stood out to you concerning the issue at hand...
Experiences have also taug... |
Riddles & PuzzlesProblem, Puzzle, and Paradox: What's Missing?
2 Posts • 3810 Views Philosophy Forum |
Problem, Puzzle, and Paradox: What's Missing?
Within the category 'problem' there are at least two subcategories: 'puzzle' and 'paradox'.
Quickie from wiki:
A problem is an obstacle which make... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62759 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: Response: Don't believe the official 'conspiracy' theory
We have to ask who stood to gain the most from the appalling events of 9/11
Tim Sparke
London Guardian
Tuesday,... |
GodMy theory(s)
8 Posts • 4611 Views Philosophy Forum |
But it has everything to do with my theory. They are forcefed to believe otherwise. Thus with this false-belief they are no longer capable only because of said law. Doesn't mean the opposite cant... |
DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21298 Views Psychology Forum |
ok i understand now, thank you! i didnt realize that it required such detail as to how your hand vibrates when your scribing the code. im going to get to work on one right away. you said you used a bi... |
Dawn's Greeting
9 Posts • 3725 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Before you read chapter five i just want to say that even though this is a completed manuscript and I may post it all on as it currently is, it is still a work in progress and I am currently re-writin... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62759 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Experts Claim Official 9/11 Story is a Hoax
Mon Jan 30, 11:37 AM ET
(PRWEB) - Duluth, MN (PRWEB) January 30, 2006 -- A group of distinguished experts and scholars, including Robert M. Bowman, Ja... |
Are we on a 'Ship of Fools'?
3 Posts • 2398 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are we on a 'Ship of Fools'?
From Katherine Anne Porter's novel, Ship of Fools, which was a big prizewinning best-seller in 1962, the producer and director Stanley Kramer produced a powerful a... |
Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19570 Views Religion Forum |
Okcitykid your within a religious neutrality so its rather odd why you remain confused. The only explination I have is perhaps your slightly naive about evolution. Just to fill you in, DNA originated... |
The dilemma of Choice
9 Posts • 3004 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok, I'm now lost between posts.
Now in this one i denied the existence of something beyond logic in "living" creatures, in the other based on certain observations i managed to deduct... |
Physics & CosmologyBlack Hole Factory?
1 Posts • 2309 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Despite Rumors, Black Hole Factory Will Not Destroy Earth
Charles Q. Choi / Live Science | September 20 2006
Scientists could generate a black hole as often as every second when the world's... |