Tagged > Online masters degree |
17 Posts • 7572 Views Talk Talk |
Since I dont own a credit card or have a high speed internet connection even if I wanted to watch porn I couldn't. But it is always there. It seems that everyplace you go on the internet it will... |
Are you a rules skeptic?
1 Posts • 2222 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are you a rules skeptic?
Justice Scalia is an ardent defender of the virtue of legal rules. He says such rules reduce dramatically any uncertainty and indicate a level of justice by providing 'a cl... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13759 Views Religion Forum |
First I wrote so little and to me it seemed you pulled it out of context and misunderstood everything I wrote. Right or wrong its what I felt. I feel you read a little too much into it and... |
SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4417 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I won't be contributing to the war of graphs again, this has been done. What we've found here at this site is that contradictory statistics can be found from equally federal and or credible... |
124 Posts • 33705 Views Talk Talk |
This is going to be long. Summary: I work for a non-profit organization and my boss is a cretin.
My boss is an effin retard. I don't call people retards, but I hate him as a boss. How in the... |
My Humps
3 Posts • 2796 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I think I did a bit both.
I cried at the original, because of the way it emphasises that in order for a man to spend "time and money" on a woman- she must have the best pieces of meat by... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64026 Views Religion Forum |
Why do evolutionists think that just because there are similarities between the human species and animal species, that we must be decended in some way? Couldn't all these actions just be necessar... |
0 Posts • 5643 Views Philosophy Forum |
just for you
"a stupid people"
i'm sure you'll say that it was some kind of way of drawing attention to your point
not a mistake! oh no...
of course you a... |
Physics & CosmologyBlack Hole Factory?
1 Posts • 2304 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Despite Rumors, Black Hole Factory Will Not Destroy Earth
Charles Q. Choi / Live Science | September 20 2006
Scientists could generate a black hole as often as every second when the world's... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64026 Views Religion Forum |
let us not ommit or exclude, marginalize and or supress anything in our dialectic
"...and in the image of god made He them both, male and female and called THEIR name adam"
emphasis... |
15 Posts • 4687 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
SSBN Marylyn Monroe
"Contact, sir. Russian sub, Mike class refit, identifying itself as Ice Fox."
Captain Arthur Peary crossed to the sonar station. "I don't recognise her. Ask... |
Physics & CosmologyParadox?
18 Posts • 8854 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Absolute 0
Webster's New World Dictionary of Science
Copyright © 1998 Macmillan
absolute zero Lowest temperature theoretically possible, zero kelvin (0° K), equivalent to –273.15° C or –459.... |
God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12978 Views Religion Forum |
xloobyloox -
I sure am glad we've contained this to privately seen emails...
kind of
Again, my first comment was not to embarass or JUST contradict you... it was to further and "... |
Stoned in love, but not with you.
10 Posts • 3071 Views Talk Talk |
I'm faced with a difficult decision; something of a crossroads... and I don't think there is anyone in my life that is equipped to advise me on it.
I pose it then, to this virtual abyss.... |
GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7955 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bravo on that post DT, but I'm afraid McTex will deem you some sort of conspiracy theorist, or he will agree and say he doesn't care because we need to support certain dictators and terroris... |
War & TerrorismThe Zarqawi Invitation
4 Posts • 2811 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Zarqawi behaves more an American than an Islamic in the document government show you.
It's a typical disinformation, another psyop.
Quote, "Most Main Stream Zarkawi Stories Are Fabric... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90715 Views Psychology Forum |
111. How they plant.
In late December 2000, in bank statement I found a check (amount 5000) paid by my wife to her company. I asked her what was it for. My wife said she had bought a house in her... |
ChristianityRevelation X111 by Ephraim
3 Posts • 2772 Views Religion Forum |
To anyone searching for a logical answer to Bible Prophecy, this letter is for You.
I would like to make a couple things very clear before I begin. These are interpretations from a Christian persp... |
Are we all 'dittoheads' to some ideology?
3 Posts • 2728 Views Philosophy Forum |
Are we all 'dittoheads' to some ideology?
Wikipedia informs me that 'dittoheads' are 'faithful listeners to The Rush Limbaugh Show. Limbaugh explains that these adoring fans are not necessarily tho... |
GovernmentPolitics of Love
5 Posts • 3839 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Politics of Love
Competition in government and the economics of wealth and prosperity
Notes on our Golden Era, Global Brotherhood-Unity-Peace-Unders tanding AND Absolute Individual Freedom!
Wor... |
GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7955 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Boy you love to write a lot...lol
>>When they see countless tyrants being aided by
>>>westerners who do little more than secure an area for
>>>their own interests, which... |
AstronomyMartian saltwater announcement
10 Posts • 5175 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I dont know why, but my instincts tell me that theres a huge secret about our past hidden behind the vail of prehistory that will reveal fanstastic revelations about our past and where we came from. A... |
Playstation 3 VS Wii
0 Posts • 1085 Views Talk Talk |
sorry i couldn't post this yesterday
Chris D, i couldn't agree with you more. took the words right out of my mouth
Whats some of you favorite games Decius?
Super smash bro's wa... |
SpiritualityDevil Possession
2 Posts • 3782 Views Religion Forum |
before i write anything i just wanted to see if people really do believe in the powers of evil and devil possession.
This direct assault covers what the Bible refers to as "demon possession,&quo... |
EconomyPetro dollar and Iran war
24 Posts • 10017 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
599. Cut power supply and activate a terror attack (4/15/09)
Not only internet would have been attacked, telephone service would have been lost, power supply would have been cut too. Watch the date... |