Tagged > Online masters degree |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42254 Views Philosophy Forum |
OK DT... here's something that might illustrate that the ideas I am conveying are there because of experiences I have had and things I have seen.
Have you ever noticed that babies, especially... |
ElectionsObama is not fit!
20 Posts • 6465 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Iron the point is understanding the worse of two evils.
This is not an insult to you, I understand your point, and I say bullshit. This has gone on too long and needs to stop, put a candidate up t... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64026 Views Religion Forum |
HA HA HA..... It is pretty funny when it happens though!
DumbTeen wrote:
"True, we are different. But it seems (at least to me) that parts of us are so animal like to think we are different i... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34654 Views Psychology Forum |
1. I think he clearly stated in his first post that he was in a cycle, he said it has been happenning all his life, I don't see how or why you are missunderstanding this.
2. From his initial pos... |
Life & DeathHow does one begin a disinterested intellectual life?
1 Posts • 2569 Views Philosophy Forum |
How does one begin a disinterested intellectual life?
While reading a book about the civil war between North and South Vietnam and the American involvement in that war on my back porch in Dallas in... |
Alternative BeliefsWhy do we exist?
20 Posts • 8617 Views Religion Forum |
Existence..Why question it? Is that not the answer within the question.. Non existence would not ask itself "why do i not existence" hence existence would equate to questioning/pondering suc... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60666 Views Philosophy Forum |
Existence..Why question it? Is that not the answer within the question.. Non existence would not ask itself "why do i not existence" hence existence would equate to questioning/pondering suc... |
ScriptsThe New Social Realism
1 Posts • 3772 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The New Social Realism
An interview with Wolf Larsen
(for Albrecht Durer – yes I interviewed myself – yippee!)
Question: So what's up with this new writing style Wolf?
Wolf Larsen: Pa... |
Famous PhilosophersNeo-Socraticism
2 Posts • 2883 Views Philosophy Forum |
The following will disclose a view on what it is the job of philosophy to do. Instantly, a problem intercedes. “What gall!†you cry. “How outré! â€' to assert the unity of phil... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15502 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dude your the fucking moron that WENT INTO THE MILITARY, please shut the fuck up, SHUT THE FUCK UP
Breeding doesn't solve Mental illness, look up epigenetics, I don't have anyfucking idol... |
Gender PsychologyIncursions in to girl space
22 Posts • 6579 Views Psychology Forum |
Recently a friend of a friend announced that for her birthday party it was her intention to have an all girl aromatherapy party. I asked my friend why and her answer was the usual unsatisfactory, ... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43970 Views Religion Forum |
"Still waiting for examples of Christian persecution in the States."
Again, for the third time, I said I personally do not believe Xians are being persecuted. But many do: here's a g... |
About You / IntroductionsSomething Missing
5 Posts • 3138 Views Talk Talk |
I think on this again tonight, but there is much less restlessness and burn. I am once again lacking in exercise, wish I didn't have that extra variable clouding my judgment.
I got a new idea.... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5993 Views Philosophy Forum |
Iron do you know what over development is. You know those video's on the T.V. talking about Little Einstein what ever and what not. Well some people did some research and found that these video... |
1 Posts • 3603 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
from The Exclamation Point!
(a 70,000 word long run-on sentence)
By Wolf Larsen
...the drums crashed and echoed through the concrete and glass valleys of Manhattan – drums crashing down building... |
Mental Metamorphesas- A Cacoon Of Revalation
7 Posts • 2872 Views Philosophy Forum |
~ Pupa Ria ~
I can geniuinely appreciate the finesse' with which you integrated your point of view with what has stood out to you concerning the issue at hand...
Experiences have also taug... |
64 Posts • 19299 Views Philosophy Forum |
At the emergence of the theroy of evolution there was a clamor of scientists, (paleontologists) anxious to submit "evidence" supporting the theory.
Much of this "evidence" has... |
You know you're a gamer if...
39 Posts • 17497 Views Jokes & Games |
You know you are a gamer if...
While crossing a road, you tilt your head down and prepare to fire into the kerb stone to rocket jump over a parked car
A new office block/shopping centre is opene... |
ChristianityWhat makes people so angry about the Christian faith?
23 Posts • 18572 Views Religion Forum |
Although not directly associated with your question Petesmith, my following words are important to consider as not only focussing on Christians, but the morass of irrational doctrines. Belief in a god... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5993 Views Philosophy Forum |
I know in the world of logical thought telling kids all they want to know and making them hard at a young age is a great idea.
I'm not talking about hardenning kids, I'm talking about not... |
30 Posts • 16463 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
330. London bombing is a justification for coming US attack (7/27/05)
In "extortion war on people", inside group activated several bombing attacks disguised as "terror attack" t... |
PoetryFour favourit poems
1 Posts • 3539 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I have scribbled a bit with poetry myself off and on, but don't worry I won't inflict that stuff upon you ;) Instead here are four very beautiful, and famous, poems I've always loved.... |
About You / Introductionsnumb-pissed off-angry-depressed
12 Posts • 6535 Views Talk Talk |
i havent been online to talk to you guys in a while sorry about that, but then again its my fault. of course
havent called my friends within the last 2 weeks, my fault.
my friends dad gets mad at hi... |
SocietyPositive Discrimination and the plight of the White Male Majority (Needlessly Long First Post)
1 Posts • 8894 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ok, so, the British Parliament is currently voting on the new "Equality Bill". This bill concentrates the sweet juicy essence of all sorts of odd bits of anti-discrimination legislation, and... |
BiologyScientists Turn Dead Cells Into Live Tissue
1 Posts • 2486 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Antony Barnett and Robin McKie / London Observer | September 24 2006
Scientists working at a British laboratory have achieved one of the most controversial breakthroughs ever made in the field of s... |