Tagged > Negative conditioning |
19 Posts • 10747 Views Philosophy Forum |
ooh, the anger
sorry about making you all read these long-ass posts, but i have a lot to say right now.
gay straight pedophile necrophile dendrophile
its all about sexual preference--if recognizing... |
GovernmentAmerica is an imperialistic empire!
24 Posts • 6220 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
They only think it wont. They've already allowed the framework for the whole thing because they wanted an easier way out. No choice is easy but it's possible. 15 years of hardship to free th... |
Rant OnPeople! BAH! Humans suck!
5 Posts • 6245 Views Talk Talk |
I used to feel exactly as you do, that people were a scorge and a disease and basically destroyed everything that came into thier path. I carried a growing bitterness and anger towards people in gener... |
Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13690 Views Philosophy Forum |
Today, the word "nigger" can be debated as being an insult or just a sub-standard title. Odd, it's politically incorrect to refer to someone as being "black", but in rap peopl... |
15 Posts • 4700 Views Psychology Forum |
Really though, this is something I have had a problem with for a long time. The West's obsession with youth and beauty.
I guess because the need to procreate is our second strongest desire aft... |
InventionWhat happened to solar powered cars?
8 Posts • 3827 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Efficient is a major factor or key to alternate energy especially with respect to transportation. General public won't buy into alternate power sources unless they can provide the abilities of ga... |
Emotions & FeelingsI feel emotionless after crying
2 Posts • 4403 Views Psychology Forum |
I suppose I should mention that I'm a 23 year old guy, since it might be relevant. I would imagine that I cry about as much as the next guy; not often enough. For our purposes here I will define... |
Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7983 Views Philosophy Forum |
Cats have souls. Dogs have souls. Humans have souls.
If soul equals human and dogs have souls, then soul equals dog.
Its a mathematical impossibility.
I disagree. I'd say that if every... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
I watched as Pat Buchanan last night was trying to figure out what was so wrong with people trying to keep kids from having sex, how the bible says its bad and isn't that good enough? How it hurt... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27638 Views Religion Forum |
'WHY? Because democracy is based on christianity. DO not believe me? read Thomas Jefferson.'
Democracy is of Greek origins, developed well before the advent of Christianity.
Thomas Jefferson, to... |
SpiritualityWhat do we have the right to want?
15 Posts • 3809 Views Religion Forum |
I'm not sure if my thoughts on this are going to be in tune with the kind of response you are looking for, but I'm going to try anyway because I think I understand the question posed.
wha... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33950 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Government Says Aspartame Is Good For You
AP calls study independent, omits previous human studies showing Aspartame danger
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | April 5 2006
The deadly toxin... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39615 Views Philosophy Forum |
I gotta stop coming here. Y'all get me so caught up I get nothing else done! I'll just address one thing at a time and maybe not all. I may have to stop reading for today because I too must... |
Spiritualitypeople that lose faith
5 Posts • 3228 Views Religion Forum |
A problem I often feel I see is that people bicker over a definition of god and god's intentions or rules.
The biggest religious arguments I'm familiar with are over minutia, like other ar... |
to believe or not to belive
21 Posts • 8305 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, if you think about it enough, at the moment at least, God is just as possible as no god.
Which would you rather have? Are you really that worried about it, or are you just tired of people cl... |
DepressionMy boyfriend is depressed
2 Posts • 8423 Views Psychology Forum |
As someone suffering from depression myself I have some idea how it might feel for you being in a relationship with someone suffering from it.
There are no easy solutions for depression. One of the... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64047 Views Religion Forum |
Just wanted to clarify that I'm not applying scripture to your experiences. I see your experiences as vindictive of what scripture declares.
I share the same concerns for dogmatic... |
Issues with Hate…
8 Posts • 3141 Views Talk Talk |
So, after all that, who do I "hate"
I would say that I hate the people that fit the extremities of the negativity end of the slider. In their time they cause nothing but misery and suffer... |
Emotions & FeelingsGUILT - is it a correct emotion?
9 Posts • 4983 Views Psychology Forum |
I mean if you never feel guilt your probably a sociopath. Would it be good to be a sociopath? It would probably be pretty empty to not feel remorse or to have no morals
Or, if... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21782 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"I think I explained why pretty well. However, we are also loved to a greater degree and by greater numbers than any other nation on the globe. You think so? Who loves you? The jealous Europeans?... |
God in Religionwhich God do i follow?
31 Posts • 10023 Views Religion Forum |
Drugs have a negative effect on people
Drugs have many affects on people, many possitive, which is why one of the largest industries is made of drug companies. Not even to mention the size of illeg... |
Sentience vs. Sapience
7 Posts • 29305 Views Philosophy Forum |
knowledge is basically how to do something
wisdom is basically how to do something right, or not do it ;)
sapience... ooooooo sounds all "collegey"
you labeled the top of your thread... |
ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12639 Views Art Forum |
Last year I entered a teacher's assistant course, in order to try and decide if entering the educational system was the direction that I should be heading in.
I can't deny it any longer,... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107402 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
i can speak openly about my drug use over the past decade on this forum and i will tell you something. many of you are much younger than me and so havent experienced how isolated and confused you can... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34715 Views Talk Talk |
"I just read your post, three times, and I still don't understand exactly what your perceptive is, although I think I might be in agreement with most of it."
Well if you have a speci... |