Often this site is more social than educational ~ I think that may be out of necessity... but check my quote...
subjectivity is good for meditation - (or prayer) - but staying there is stuck on stupid... maybe stop and google the neeto words you come across and Wyote wont have to school you so cooly...
with a lot fewer lines than you used to --- errrr... boing - !
what the hell is all that space talk... can you even fly a plane?
I'm intellectual enough to try and keep it civil... even sophisticated ~ if someone will afford me that compliment again...
I'm Social enough to know how to rib - I recognize the difference between the "Lab" and the "Locker Room"
I think Chained Chicken is the one taking himself too seriously now... this explanation or "apologia" isn't even for you...
Your young, a good looking young man, (not in any way but like a confident dude would say to another)....
there's no way on EARTH that I took a look at what you write, or how you seem in pictures... and assumed that you have some tormented life that never experienced male commeradery... chiding - joking to make a point instead of just going off some deep end of the moral high ground pool...
Chaind Chicken... cluck you...
you're actually the anti-social one who doesn't reckognize humor...
and on the OFF OFF OFF chance that MugenNoKarayami
contacted you for consoling and you've now come to "his" defense...
excuse the hell out of me - less Lab, more Locker room..
enough of both is more balanced than not...
And what was that crack about the length of my post...?
what th' - ?
I space and creatively punctuate my writing so it's LEGIBLE to all easily... it's called consideration...
Consideration , at least I know, is NOT complaining about my posts' length, and then! writting a Novella, with an intro that slams me personally...
My perspective is what he was looking for, wittingly or not... it is made more sharp and edifying by your Post and retort -
Chained Wings...
because I'm not even slightly convinced of my own perfection
read that twice...
with this addendum... which is in now way a retraction of any sort.. it appears I'm not only exposing you to another level of social interaction personally... not through the movies...
you've also afforded me the perfect oppurtunity to make this perfectly clear to the originator of the post...
It barely draws my attention that I have to respond to someone who arbitrarily calls my own posts
Only fit to joust with those with the "IQ of Borat"
Well, you are refined in a way, you've mastered the backhanded compliment that is actually all insult ...
so has my 3 year old daughter.. she even knows how to mock people... really well... I did have to tell her through the tears though...
Cunning is not Intelligent
Although that is the end that most use their intelligence towards..
But if I allowed you to con me... ha' lol!
I'm sure you "mean" well... do mean people mean well..?
That was a good Twilight Zone Episode though...
I was IN the Marine Corps, first Gulf Era, and I happen to think we are a wonderfully advance warlike species... who love to let the blood of enemies into the ground...
balance... and you only get one life... as you
And this site IS for outside and inside the box thinking... not just convincing oneself there is not box... and reframing our lives in false realities, or worse isolating our brilliant thoughts...
when we're not being subjective and taking things personally and assuming others are reacting exactly as we are...
in truth the poster of this thread could have a third and unknown reaction, cultural based or otherwise...
or none... and that would leave our opinions with little tie to anything but their validity on their own basis... no space alien whooey..
only profit in that, is entertainment.. Lucas Arts Level... that's acceptable... lol!
AHHHhhhhhh.... the many contradictions of life and the living
Personally, I don't hold the hope we will last long enough to see a day we can make AI machines.
Humans need to begin to change on the inside before they can change whats around them. In other words, we need to become more evolved as a species before we can have more evolved technology.
Its sad we always look to science as some miraculous savior for all our shortcomings, while all the while we sit back and play...
Do I have a hope for the future? Only if science can save us.
Look, I get it.. it's in the 'TITLE'
"CHAINED WINGS"... flying around and around us in circles , hovering...
ooOOOOOOOoooo ~ mysterious... mmmm
or just convoluted, non-comittal and forked tounged...
not the appealing application of past works I 've seen mr Wings...
Mr. Wings... see, you might think it insulting if I said - that would make a good hotwings spot's name...
but it would...
and you are convoluted.. to the point of near obscurity..
only when you felt you had the floor from we who
just can't evolve before we kill ourselves..? don't feel attacked...
don't feel anything...! it's an
and this was another won..
eat it