I didn't mess up 1000 times, the lightbulb just had 1001 steps. - Thomas Edison
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Tagged > Mood sadness problems feelings restart
THREAD War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22659 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I am unaware of any facts you have given me, I am well aware of your opinion. This is my opinion - Some people do a good job at whatever they do and others do a half *as job at whatever they do. I...
THREAD Pride for a Day
2 Posts • 2902 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Sitting in an empty apartment contemplating life's everything, Cherishing realization and awareness and all the joy they bring, But now sidetracked by the fact I'm looking from biased eyes...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24965 Views
Religion Forum
The Christian notion that if you don't know/take god/jesus as your savior you burn in hell. a lot of people, especially Christians themselves have this almost humorous misconception that peopl...
THREAD GovernmentSecurity Council members deny meeting Kerry
13 Posts • 3586 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Dear god man, are you a politician, you still didn't answer my question, why did you say Kerry was evil? Stop, answer the question Hey stop, did you answer it yet? "You dims seem t...
17 Posts • 7570 Views
Talk Talk
To be completely honest on this topic, I do not enjoy porn as in the kind of people having dirty mindless loveless sex, that stuff makes me laugh/weirds me out, but I do enjoy "porn" in the...
THREAD DepressionDepression
6 Posts • 3463 Views
Psychology Forum
When I get upset about something, no matter what it is, I get upset about everything. It's like every negative thought is a snowball rolling down a mountain. If I'm upset about losing a Star...
THREAD Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34712 Views
Talk Talk
In my opinion no, rap nor any other medium provokes violence, if the music tells people to go out and shoot people there is room for examination. I tend to feel that passionate music or media can s...
THREAD SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11622 Views
Religion Forum
He made an assumption and attempted to use that assumption as validity. This entire time I have tried to get him to discuss this and he has refused. Im not being an ass hole by telling someone how...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat defines life
63 Posts • 18433 Views
Philosophy Forum
the concious system is never completely in sync with one another. It is shared and common amongst all, thus making it seem universal, but it is never identical, because there is perceptual difference&...
5 Posts • 3162 Views
Talk Talk
Okay I had the scariest night of my life I have only had 3 hours sleep so bear with me.. My best friend (hes like my heterosexual soul mate) has had problems with his girlfriend lately; he loves her...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132003 Views
Philosophy Forum
FACT: Global overpopulation is the ROOT cause of Global distress (economic, environmental, disease, war,........). No. You're confusing FACT with OPINION. Ignorance is the ROOT cause of globa...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9205 Views
Psychology Forum
To hope that your kindness and small steps will be received in an ultimately positive way. "Addictions, fixes, short term gain > idealism, work, long-term gain" You seem to ignore t...
THREAD DrugsTry Marijuana - you shouldn't like it.
0 Posts • 2571 Views
Psychology Forum
for some people weed can cause psychosis if they have a predisposition towards psychosis in them or some trauma in their past. Weed also increases serotonin levels which is part of the reason people a...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29256 Views
Religion Forum
I seem to remember something about receiving a prefect body? A body that would not corrupt? By definition then the Christian belief is in a reincarnation, verified by Christ's resurrection?...
THREAD 3 Types Of People
29 Posts • 9941 Views
Philosophy Forum
There are many philosophies regarding things that come in bands of three, in my culture, the concept of three types can describe as such: There are regarded in VEDIC philosophy three different types...
THREAD Writing on the subject of your Authentic Self.
14 Posts • 3850 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Me and my roomate at college are very different. He's kind of a jock (works out and plays sports and all that) and seems to like everything that's loud. As for me, I'm skinny and really...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhat is religion?
40 Posts • 10569 Views
Religion Forum
religion, for me, is a resource, like science is, to help guide. It should be treated, like science, with caution and be comapred to other (historical) sources and ones own feelings and intuition. It...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainEmotions vs Logic
30 Posts • 15114 Views
Psychology Forum
Hedgehog, this is for you whenever you may get around to discussing this with me. Apparently we can have intent without emotion. When I asked the person who proposed this, to explain this logica...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33956 Views
Religion Forum
If God existed why would it have to hide behind stupid 'signs' and miracles, its about fucking time it stepped down from its throne in the sky and took responsibilty for the mess its ego cre...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73065 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Can you explain a social dynamic (idealistically) where the environment caters to a child being able to make that consensual decision and it providing that child a free well thought out decision?...
THREAD DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141018 Views
Psychology Forum
I've read all the posts and the comments I feel are mostly very contructive. Going From the first post, I can honestly say I have felt exactlly the same as you since I was 12 years old and now...
THREAD CC Voice Recorder & Cynamp
11 Posts • 7678 Views
Captain Cynic Guides
The scope and possibilities of voice posting is broad - its a new fresh way of interacting online that comes with many stimulating benefits: - Fun fun fun! Everyone has a sense of humor and every...
THREAD SocietyThe Source of Idiocy of the Average American
0 Posts • 414 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
lol and yeah decius it scares the hell out of me that all these people literally vote on our elected leaders based on an American Idol Standard of voting where popularity and sell-ability reign suprem...
THREAD Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34712 Views
Talk Talk
I never called anyone a greedy whore. I wish you weren't so offended so as to see these things. I said they were after power and money, just like everybody else. I don't know them pers...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsTruth, reality and the meling pot
13 Posts • 2982 Views
Philosophy Forum
I don't know what reality is. However, I think I'm starting to understand truth. I believe truth is something to be acquired, or a void to be filled, between the descriptors of what is &#...
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