Tagged > Mood sadness problems feelings restart |
5 Posts • 2787 Views Talk Talk |
Maybe the question to ask yourself is why is it so important for you to maintain a friendship with the people you break up with. If the relationship is no longer viable then perhaps completly moving o... |
SocietyALL the world's problems in one single word:
26 Posts • 7987 Views Philosophy Forum |
on the contrary, all the world criminal law is based on the concept of others rights abuse so on self reduction and sometimes exclusion of subjects rights, exactly as u proved it by claiming that all... |
School uniforms
47 Posts • 26640 Views Talk Talk |
Oh, I know that 'street clothes' will still be needed, but that's irrelevant when positive results can occur with wearing uniforms.
When my daughter was six, she came home from schoo... |
plz read this i really need help
7 Posts • 2175 Views Talk Talk |
I think perhaps you need to give a liitle more information about your situation, for example, why aren't you in school? Did you have problems there? Is your dad around or is your mum on her own a... |
hi my names chopped liver
17 Posts • 5433 Views Talk Talk |
Okay I need some moral support/advice as a male should I be the one to initiate physically if im interested in someone, I just cant I feel like to much of a bastard.
O but wait it gets better so I... |
My life as I know it... or do I know it??
14 Posts • 4217 Views Talk Talk |
No strong feelings for me. There is no way. When he found out that I was with another, he did nothing to win me back at all. Shure... I got the usual, gift for Valentines, and my Birthday, but still h... |
GovernmentCould Bush Be Right? (part 1)
16 Posts • 6331 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
the people have been exposed to that.
from michael moore, to al franken, to the interent.
all of which cite proof of our govt. involvement.
from training the terrorist that crashed our planes, on a... |
16 Posts • 6947 Views Talk Talk |
I cheated on my boyfriend after about 3 years of a relationship. We were having serious issues and I was unhappy with my life in general. I kept all my feelings inside. I moved for him and about a mon... |
SocietyEnd the war on drugs now!!!!!!
7 Posts • 3911 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I remember my mother's father coming to stay with us.
He was from one of those dry counties in Alabama, I am reminded how as I walked into the kitchen, he was going into the refrigerator. He had... |
6 Posts • 3463 Views Psychology Forum |
I was pretty depressed from about 18-20 and I still get days where I just don't feel happy. Everybody has ups and downs. But one of the things that really helped me was keeping a journal and writ... |
Free Will
60 Posts • 15135 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe we do have free will.
I believe that our minds make us think logically and that would lead to cause and effect, and that is not freedom.
I do believe in a soul, and like you guys, it has... |
PedophiliaChild Predators
46 Posts • 18696 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
"If enough of them are caught, and taken away from society on a permanent basis, the 'sexually disgusting and deviance' will end."
Well that depends. If the ultimate cause of bein... |
IslamMuslim women who cover their hair
27 Posts • 76982 Views Religion Forum |
Maybe it is better to understand a Muslim woman before being judgmental about why she wears the head dress and what she thinks, Muslim woman are indeed woman, so as shocking as it may seem they have f... |
81 Posts • 21652 Views Religion Forum |
I've always noticed integral problems in most church's represenations of biblical figures.
Specifically in Adam and Eve, who are shown in nearly every representation, having navels. If Adam... |
Can I Think of Me?
1 Posts • 2280 Views Philosophy Forum |
Can I Think of Me?
In his book 'The Birth of Meaning' Ernest Becker informs me that Kant informed the world two centuries ago that an infant 'becomes conscious of himself first as 'me', and then on... |
Music that gives you goosebumps
6 Posts • 2860 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I remember hearing Bob Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man" play in my friend's dorm room one evening and getting really caught in it and wondering about the guy that made it and what he m... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17381 Views Religion Forum |
Actually, No I wasn't but reviewing what understandings and opinions given might be worth the effort.
Not being Catholic, I was taught that infant baptism is not necessary. Children are innocent... |
Relationships & LoveAdvice would be nice
19 Posts • 4862 Views Psychology Forum |
It seems to me like there are two focal points here. The first being your concerns about the amount of time available to spend together and the second being that he does not follow through on what he... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132003 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm a VHEMT Volunteer – any bonafide Cynic would be since bonafide Cynics
don't Breed 'evil' (Mankind= EVIL).
'Please' don't confuse me with those who are Pseudo-Cynics, or a Pollyan... |
GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30264 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
My last post was an answer to the original post. Looking at the dates, I see that is old news. So posting up to date with everyone else here.
I think the best government is our current government,... |
What is ' Existence ' ?
8 Posts • 3428 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would also like to make a statement about the section titled EMOTIONS! It is a bit contradictory to me that you think all science (scientists), view emotions as problems!!! You also go into stating... |
Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6752 Views Talk Talk |
You let young kids as in 1-9 yrs old see porn, killing movies and other things. And people wonder why alot of people have lots of problems
no offense but that's a load. my parents didn't... |
Gender PsychologyAre Break-Ups Worse For Guys Than Girls?
26 Posts • 9865 Views Psychology Forum |
It doesn't remove the emotion but it certainly improves the situation. For example two men best friends since Pre School each are about 25. One of them was recently dumped by their girlfriend, wh... |
Relationships & LoveIn love with two Men
10 Posts • 28013 Views Psychology Forum |
Kiss my ass, if you don't want the truth don't ask for it. Your reaction is typical of one caught in selfish action, I'm quite familiar with it, I've seen it and done it myself.... |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19624 Views Religion Forum |
Reality is the brain's interpretation of electronic signals. Fantasy is also the brain's interpretation of electronic signals.
Tell it to the judge.
And no, that is a person's... |